Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

We (my wife and I) are applying for naturalization at end of May. Two quick questions:
1) I understand there is divided opinion regarding disclosure of traffic tickets; but I wanted to check if any car accidents need to be disclosed under the question. My wife was in a minor car accident 3 years ago; there was investigation of the accident and eventually she was found at fault (I know because our insurance premium went up).

2) Do we need to send two separate parcels to the lockbox for our applications or can we send one parcel with both applications included?

Kindly advise

thanks for help in advance

1. If she was cited, detained, or arrested, then you need to disclose it.
2. No.
1. Since the fine is well over $500, although it is 8 years ago, in another state, I think I should disclose this in N-400. I'm not sure if it will show up on any system inquiry now. But It was done long time ago, and I have the proof for paymnet...will it be held against me, one way or the other? Is there any suggestion?

2. Other than the above mentioned one traffic ticket, I dont have anything parking, no other speeding or red-light or anything... I now have a wife, who is also eligible to file with me now and a kid who is US citizen... What should I do now? Should we need to hire an attorney to file N-400 for both my wife and I? or can we do this ourself? I dont even know how much it costs to go through attorneys...I live in Dallas area now.


1. Yes, you should disclose it and bring copies of the the paperwork that shows how the case was resolved. It shouldn't be a problem. Whether "it will show up on any system inquiry now" is irrelevant.

2. If you have a straightforward case, and it sounds like you and your wife both do, I don't think you need an attorney to process your two N-400s. My wife and I did all the paperwork by ourselves and it was not a problem. We became citizens a couple of months ago, within ~90 days of filing with VSC (the lockbox address wasn't in effect then).
Should I disclose on the application about the warning that I got from the officer for my car headlights are not turned on during the night.
Should I disclose on the application about the warning that I got from the officer for my car headlights are not turned on during the night.

Seriously?! Come on dude... :)

There is stuff to worry about and then there's stuff to really worry about and this counts as neither...
I did not mention the traffic tickets in my application -- the IO specifically asked me during my interview if I had traffic tickets and I said "Yes" and she asked me if I paid the fines and I responded psoitive -- my application was approved and she gave me a oathe letter for friday.
Specific Traffic Infraction and Citizenship

Can someone please suggest if following traffic infraction will cause any problem with citizenship eligibility. I will be eligible to apply for citizenship next year. Traffic Infractions:

1) Failure to exchange information at the scene (16025(A))
2) Unsafe backing (22106)

Can someone please suggest if following traffic infraction will cause any problem with citizenship eligibility. I will be eligible to apply for citizenship next year. Traffic Infractions:

1) Failure to exchange information at the scene (16025(A))
2) Unsafe backing (22106)


Depends on your N-400 and what other things you may have on it that judge your character. If this is the only thing that might be under question (no breaks in residency, no weird extetnded trips, no other criminal issues etc) then as long as it's documented with proof it was taken care of you should be ok.

But really it's going to depend on the strength of your N-400 where enough little issues can become one issue for a denial etc...
Can someone please suggest if following traffic infraction will cause any problem with citizenship eligibility. I will be eligible to apply for citizenship next year. Traffic Infractions:

1) Failure to exchange information at the scene (16025(A))
2) Unsafe backing (22106)

Unless you haven't paid the fines (and are asked about this by IO at interview), this type of minor traffic citation shouldn't be an issue.
Unless you haven't paid the fines (and are asked about this by IO at interview), this type of minor traffic citation shouldn't be an issue.
If you weren't arrested, dont even bother. This is straight from the horse's mouth. My own IO told me they werent interested in traffic cases unless a felony is involved. I was arrested 3 times for suspended license and he didnt even asked me about them.
There have been example from posters in the past who reported that their IO asked if a fine for a minor traffic offense has already been paid. Although the majority of IOs aren't concerned about minor traffic tickets, it's also important to know that there are some IOs out there that may ask.
If you weren't arrested, dont even bother. This is straight from the horse's mouth. My own IO told me they werent interested in traffic cases unless a felony is involved. I was arrested 3 times for suspended license and he didnt even asked me about them.

Did you say "YES" on your N400 application for citations, arrests etc.? If so, I am really surprised that the IO did not ask you about it.
I already voted on the poll.

I mentioned "NO" under citation. I couldnt find the right button, but here is my experience.

I did not mention them on the N-400. The IO asked me about them . I said I have few speeding tickets and drivers records with me but IO didnt ask those documents.

Hope this helps.
Ticket after interview and before Oath

Did some one experience a situation like this? If yes, how was it handled?

I received a ticket a week after interview and amount was less than $100.00. My case is approved; however I haven't taken the oath yet!!

Did some one experience a situation like this? If yes, how was it handled?

I received a ticket a week after interview and amount was less than $100.00. My case is approved; however I haven't taken the oath yet!!


One of the questions on the back of the oath letter specifically asks if you've received any citations, including traffic tickets, since the interview. If you've already paid the ticket and/or pleaded the case in a traffic court, bring proof of payment/court disposition to the oath ceremony. This is not a serious issue. You'll be allowed to take the oath as long as the ticket is no longer pending.

There have been a few cases where applicants have had outstanding traffic tickets at the time of oath and were still allowed to naturalize. At my oath ceremony, the IO specifically instructed everyone that she was only concerned with arrests and that traffic tickets shouldn't be disclosed.
Applying citizenship with Speed contest mismeanor

i have been convicted with speed contest on 9/06/2008 from an accident i got because the police suspected that i was driving to fast to cause the accident.
i been charged with 8 hours video program,1500 fine, and 2 years probation(stay away from the driver i hit,can't get any other traffic violations, dun remember i will post details soon), i haven't paid the fines and go the the video yet since it is due till 9/2/2009.
i can apply my citizenship in July this year, will i most likely got denied?
i think i should go the programs and pay the fines before i apply the citizenship but the 2 years probation still exists do i have to apply my citizenship after 9/2010?i am in California.
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You'll have to declare the incident on naturalization application. Expect to produce proof of payment during the interview. They might deny your case if you apply before you have completed probation.