Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)


good job with disclosing your ticket. people give wrong advices soemtimes. For some of the folks here reckless driving is given even for passing over the hill in some states and is not a misdemeanor. fyi Vorpal .

So folks who say that reckless driving is a midemeanor are incorrect

I suggest you reread my post.:rolleyes: It clearly states that in SOME STATES, RECKLESS DRIVING IS A MISDEMEANOR. Virginia is one such state. My advice is completely right.
as I got a ticket for $25 (open alcohol container) and I pleaded guilty, I understand I need court deposition...where to get it for NYC? it was very old like year 2000
as I got a ticket for $25 (open alcohol container) and I pleaded guilty, I understand I need court deposition...where to get it for NYC? it was very old like year 2000

Good question! I assume this was a pink Desk Appearance Ticket? Back in 1997, I got a similar ticket for trespassing. It was subsequently dismissed. After sending in my N-400, I went through all possible channels to obtain a court disposition. I went to the court where I had to appear for the ticket, and they had no record of any kind pertaining to it. I even pulled a copy of my criminal record. I ended up not disclosing it.

My suggestion is to go to the courthouse where you originally had to appear and see if they have anything. Since this was a minor offense, they may not have it on their records. However, it doesn't hurt to try.
I would post a link to my other thread, but I'm still new here and can't post links. Anyway here was my experience in Manchester NH today with my traffic citation history:

"She asked about my two $50 traffic citations which were years old. Since I had successfully contested both tickets in court and my record was clean, the court had told me they couldn't produce documentation to that effect. Luckily this forum had prepped me enough, and I had been to the RMV and gotten a statement from them saying I had a clean record."

Isnt a trespass in NY a misdemeanor ? I thought that the Desk ticket in NY =arrest . I thought we are supposed to disclose all arrests at any time i.e. ANY TIME.Granted that the records dont exist , but curious to know why you didnt disclose it ? Wonder how you got away without disclosing a criminal charge.

please dont advise folks not to disclose charges for which records dont exist. As per N-400 app "HAVE you ever means anytime in yoiur life .

I don't even know why I bother replying to you, but here it goes anyway...

Certain types of trespass are misdemeanors. In my case, the trespass wasn't criminal. A desk appearance ticket does NOT equal to an arrest, unless you were arrested, fingerprinted, and released with a DAT. I was not arrested or fingerprinted.

One last thing...please stop trolling the forum. There's a good reason why your posts keep getting deleted.
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for your information . and please read this any tpe of tresspass can go from a violation to felony in NY . I dont say this . this is str8 off a lawyers website .

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I read that nonsense years ago. You just said it yourself: any type of trespass can go from violation to felony.
I am not sure by calling it nonsense following facts can be disputed in your case

1) You were given a desk ticket for trespass a misdemeanor in your case.

2) desk ticket = arrest in New york as per the New york penal code

3) It seems like for whatever reason you chose not to disclose it.

4) USCIS didnt have all the details during your n-400 and they can use this to revoke the natz. An arrest was not disclosed to USCIS in your casse

5) Please stop telling people not to disclose things like these because you were successful. It is different for different jursidictions and DAO mostly can get info like this from local police station

6) Also as per NY tresspass involves some element of burhlary which is a big deal for USCIS

All the best to you Vorpal for a successful Natz even with not disclosing a complicated siutation :)

Are you really that daft?

There was no arrest. I was waiting for a friend outside of school, so I can assure you that there was no burglary - this was a VIOLATION, not a criminal trespass. If there was an arrest, it would have emerged as a result of background check.

By the way, I have never told anyone not to disclose certain things. In my posts, I always say that the choice is up to the individual.

Speaking of complicated situations, have you turned in your green card, I mean passport card, to the DMV yet? :D
Desk tickets are given for misdemanor and not for violations. It seems like you were given a ticket for misdemanor

I personally know people who have received desk appearance tickets for non-criminal traffic violations. I think that you're the one who should check with a lawyer, instead of believeing everything you read on the internet. So how's that card doing? Have you tried driving with it yet?
Can we please stop feeding this troll already?! It is hard to believe that someone with only 10 posts can be so annoying.
Pinto and Vorpal...Could you please stop it...

Pinto Yes he did not mentioned the Desk Ticket on N400 so what.. Everybody has skeletons in own's closet...Including from top president to bottom Citizen.

I believe once you are done with N400 your file is archived and digging starts only when you do heinous crime and they want to deport you
first of all let me apologize to everyone specially to Vorpal and his friends .

The point I have been trying to make on this forum has been :

1) That you cant hide or not disclose any citation however minor as far as USCIS is concerned . It is my view and most folks take this as a persoanl preference issue.

2) As a matter of law , I repeat as a matter of law natz can be revoked at any time if it is found that either during the app or durint the entire stay in US a material fact i.e. citation or anything else was misrepresnted or hidden or not disclosed . This is in the Regulations and there is enough case law.

3) I m not questioning anyone's ethics or morals here. I have my share of skeletons and I dont claim to be a saint. But I will mention this ,my argument with Vorpal , Sarrebal is on technical grounds.

3) Not sure why people take this persoanlly .If I have hurt anyone's feeling then I am sorry and apologize.
Can we please stop feeding this troll already?! It is hard to believe that someone with only 10 posts can be so annoying.

Yes, it is hard to believe. This seems to be because either the poster gets banned, deletes his posts, the board deletes his posts, or he creates a new ID. This poster has been there for at least 2 months, and I have seen over 50 posts of his. [ assuming a he not a she ]. What is funny is that despite getting banned (my assumption), he creates an id with the same first 5 letters. Talk about having a strong ID (not identification but the freudian id).
I recently submitted my N400 and did mention my single traffic violation (failed to stop at red light before right turn, dismissed after taking traffic school).

I am looking for any experiences from applicants in the San Jose DO with traffic violations:
- Mentioned in N400 ?
- Did IO ask about it ?
- Is a court disposition required in the interview (fine < $500, no arrest) ?
(All I have is a online printout from the court's website, and seems like requesting a certified disposition from Santa Clara court is not that easy -> stand in > 100 long line, apply -> wait for 4/6 weeks).

Update on nyc_newbie's case

The denial of nyc_newbie's N-400 on the basis of bad moral character resulting from minor speeding tickets has been overturned. He is now waiting for his OL.

Not at all surprising, if you ask me.
The denial of nyc_newbie's N-400 on the basis of bad moral character resulting from minor speeding tickets has been overturned. He is now waiting for his OL.

Not at all surprising, if you ask me.

And I think that I/O should be fired.
Funny thing, today I get a call on my cell phone from a 800 number.
I pick up and it's an automated voice telling me that it's a collection agency. I was astonished. I don't have any debt and my credit score is in the 800 neighborhood... I talk to an operator, they have my name, address and everything and they tell me I owe $6 (yes SIX dollars) to Nassau County.
I ask for details and they said it's for a parking ticket in 2003 that I paid late.
I told them I never received any notice in the mail and I've been living at the same address for the last 4 years.
Anyways, I was afraid that it was one of those scams trying to get my c/c details, but they did have my old license plate number. I just paid the $6 by credit card.
Then I call Nassau County parking ticket division (30 minutes on hold). Indeed, it was true!
I thought for a second about my interview next week (I did pay though now), but then I was really worried that they put that as a collection record on my credit report.
I checked on equifax and so far no records, but I'd be VERY upset if they put a collection record on it.
I don't think it will even come up in my citizenship interview, but if it does I don't think it will be a problem for $6....
Funny thing, today I get a call on my cell phone from a 800 number.
I pick up and it's an automated voice telling me that it's a collection agency. I was astonished. I don't have any debt and my credit score is in the 800 neighborhood... I talk to an operator, they have my name, address and everything and they tell me I owe $6 (yes SIX dollars) to Nassau County.
I ask for details and they said it's for a parking ticket in 2003 that I paid late.
I told them I never received any notice in the mail and I've been living at the same address for the last 4 years.
Anyways, I was afraid that it was one of those scams trying to get my c/c details, but they did have my old license plate number. I just paid the $6 by credit card.
Then I call Nassau County parking ticket division (30 minutes on hold). Indeed, it was true!
I thought for a second about my interview next week (I did pay though now), but then I was really worried that they put that as a collection record on my credit report.
I checked on equifax and so far no records, but I'd be VERY upset if they put a collection record on it.
I don't think it will even come up in my citizenship interview, but if it does I don't think it will be a problem for $6....

Wow, they sent a collection agency after you for $6? Unbelievable!

On the brighter side of things, an outstanding debt has to be over a certain amount in order for it to appear on your credit report. From what I understand, it has to be over $100, but I'm not sure of the exact amount. As far as USCIS goes, they don't check your credit report. In fact, they couldn't care less about your credit score, as long as you don't owe anything to the IRS.

As far as nyc_newbie's original IO is concerned, she definitely should be fired. In fact, he's strongly considering going after the USCIS to recoup his legal fees. Since his case was wrongfully denied, I think he has a good chance.