Too many disappointments

Now all of sudden everybody is intrested in word "Sex" and "Getting Laid"..

Consufion is better than Dippresion. Solve it. Try both

everybody who replied to my post forgot whats RD is being processed, Is INS Processing Aug,Sep, Oct, Nov or Dec 01????????????

I think most people like my Option # 4.

Good Luck
Reply to:Gcwait0902

question: What is the difference between "getting laid" and "sex"?
I am so confused....

Ans: "getting_laid='ND'
" sex" ='RD'

Great answer.. viraus

I can give one more diff.

SEX --> its a Function always return a value.
Getting Laid --> it like Procedure
Hey G_love

Don't you think that the Value depends on the Functioning-- I mean the Function ???

Take it easy man,
Have A Lovely Long weekend.
viraus wrote
Don't you think that the Value depends on the Functioning-- I mean the Function ???

Take it easy man,
Have A Lovely Long weekend.

Its all functioning nothing else.
But I call it a procedure,

take it easy man..
you too have a Long Long weekend !!!!!

good Luck
Keep reading some good books...that may help you...Books like Think n grow Rich, Magic of thinking big...Spend few minutes everyday...alone in a silent place..let you mind get some good thoughts n give solution for what u r looking...


Let me guess the value SEX function returns.


"getting laid" being a procedure refreshed (or cleared) from memory?


You Got that Right gcwait0902 !!!

What took you so long ...
Please explain to JULY16 also He seems to look Confuse.

Have a Nice Long weekend.

Good Luck

What took me so long? Well, I am at work and have to work sometimes...

You have a nice week-end too!
Re: gcwait0902

Originally posted by Green_love
You Got that Right gcwait0902 !!!

What took you so long ...
Please explain to JULY16 also He seems to look Confuse.

Have a Nice Long weekend.

Good Luck


you took back what you originally said
and now I am confused???

where did you get that Idea????

;) :p :D