Too many disappointments


(1) You have a computer, which make you among top 20% in the world.
(2) You can access internet, which make you among top 10% in the world.
(3) You still have extra money to spend on a sports club, you don't need the bonus and promotion.
(4) You still have friends to play games with, you don't need boyfriend or sister.
(5) You don't have a greencard, but you are still adored by so many guys on this board, in case you don't know it.
Anita Gupta

Anita (and others):
Always remember that what you have matters more than what you don't have. Since you live in NYC, just take a walk around Manhattan and I am sure you will come across people in worse conditions than you. Thank your lucky stars for all that you have and for not making your life any more difficult than it is.
Another thing that might help you is to serve those that are in need. It gives me the calming effect of being helpful to someone even in my most troubled times. There are several organizations and clubs that are out to help the needy. If you need any pointers, let me know.
Finally, some of the problems you mentioned in a thread elsewhere on this forum could be quite easily overcome by your own actions and efforts.
aaronb: The group hug was a great idea.

WheresMahGreen: I sponsor 2 children for the last 5 years (1 in Phillipines, other in Thailand), have a monthly payment in perpetuity of $50 to my college as it spent a lot of money on me, frequently send checks to Make a Wish foundation and the free Eye surgery clinic in India. Bailed my brother out from bankruptcy, paid for my mother's trips to Australia and India, financially suported my family for 2 years, gave $1,000 to Red Cross for WTC disaster. I guess its easy for me to write a check instead of giving of myself and my time. I think about mentoring a kid but I don't want to subject some poor unsuspecting kid to me ;)

CP_AOS: Thanks for the stats and sweet words

ar888: That brought a smile, thank you

July16: Other people's misery doesn't make me thankful, just more depressed :(

pssmith: I guess we're all like the Chumbawumba song - I get knocked down...

Kakatiya_King: ditto

Nothing a nice glass of wine cannot cure
When going gets tough,
Only the tough gets going ..

Hope for the best, prep for the worst

Fight back to win ..sooner or latter..success is ours ..

Even in dictionary, Success follows Hardship

Cheer up!!

You are defeated only when you thing so ..
Here's more quotes:

Life is like a finger, pointing to the Moon. If you look at the finger... you will miss all the heavenly glory." Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee tells his pupil

"Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year." Unknown

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi

"The best things in life are not things." Author unknown

"Don't chase your dreams, catch them." Unknown
Hi Anita:

Lot of times after thinking about GC I get depressed too!
(After 2 jobs, applying for GC for the second time etc etc).
But think about it: what else can go wrong?
One day it will be tough the next dasy it will look like
"well, we can do anything".

Cheer up! I am hoping we are not very far from our GC!
Thanks Habibi - that was funny. You're quite OK you know. I was actually quite pleasantly surprised by your response to islamicgc. :p
Quite OK ???? Kamaal ki cheez hoon. Dhamaal ki cheez hoon.

You'll get your GC soon.
Habibi: No matter what they say, I think you're allright :p

You made me laugh quite hard at the last quote. So much better than me sitting here drinking alone and listening to Gypsy Kings downloaded from kazaa :cool:

Thanks buddy.

My best friend's coming over to take me out, thank goodness for all my friends (includes everyone in this community)

Your charitable contributions and helping your family sound pretty impressive. Like you've rightly pointed out, it is easier to write a check than to actually spend time doing some of the things you've mentioned. When I actually indulge actively in the service, it gives me the happiness of actually seeing a kid's eyes filled with glee when I take him/her to the zoo, or a homeless person's gratefulness when I pour a cup of hot soup into his/her bowl on a cold winter's day. Try it sometime.
And, my favorite pesonal quote:
I pray for the power to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't and the incapacity to tell the difference -- Calvin ;)

Originally posted by Anita Gupta
Here's more quotes:

Life is like a finger, pointing to the Moon. If you look at the finger... you will miss all the heavenly glory." Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee tells his pupil

"Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year." Unknown

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi

"The best things in life are not things." Author unknown

"Don't chase your dreams, catch them." Unknown
habibi = habib???

I thought the notorious habib is a different person than habibi (whom I thought was just impersonating habib for kicks)

Originally posted by habibi
Quite OK ???? Kamaal ki cheez hoon. Dhamaal ki cheez hoon.

You'll get your GC soon.

It is said that when you are driven to a hopless situation, don't loose your patience. Things are bound to change. Tomorrow will be yours.

Life is Short Make it Meaningful

Have you observed dew drops that hang down from flowers and leaves on a cold Morning??
It will be inconsequent for some; it will refreshing for many who do not see the dew drops a just plain water but as a Necklace of pearl adorning the Beauty of the Flowers.
It looks like water to those who are drowned in their own world of selfishness, but others see this serene sight with their "inner eye"
drowning themselves in the beauty.
It is this Consciousness that separates Good from the bad; The harmony of the dew drops, the flowers and the Leaves, stamp a lovely memory in our minds, oblivious to the fact that they themselves will evaporate and wither in a short time; they Give us Joy during their short existence in this Confused world.
Once We learn to appreciate and understand this inner articulation of nature We can learn to Love Life. This is called 'Atma" in Sanskrit.
These are beautifully explained by Rabindranath Tagore in many of his Poems and essays.

See life as a Road which leads us to our Destination; and as such is part of our Goal. It is already the beginning of our attainment, and by journeying over it , We can only gain that which in itself offers to us.
Don't see the Road as dividing you from the objects of desire; if you do, then, you will count every step of your journey, considering it as something attained by force in the face of obstruction. Each step you thus take, will be an unbearable burden.

Anita, What you are doing for those kids is adding Points to your 'Moksha' Report card.
Think of those poor kids, imajine their Joy when your help reaches them each time, visualize their Innocent Faces and their Open Smiles, this, I am sure will disintegerate your Depression.
There is no Greater Joy than in Sharing, Giving, Helping and sacrificing. You are doing this , take pride in these Nobel Actions.

Well as for Music, what Can i say: It is Divine.
As Will Shakespeare said:

" If Music Be the Food Of Love, Play On;
Give me the excess of it Surfeiting, so the effect may sicken and die...."

Cheer Up, the Kids Look up to you.. , Need You; There are Millions of such Kids Hoping for Millions of Anitas. You are playing you part.
Your Life has meaning..

hey anita, cheer up..

Everyone have their own world of problems..I do not have the slightest job satisfaction here 'cos probably i landed up in a job on the financial side of the software field which is why i think I have a job even today. After studying at NCST, Mumbai ( i do not know if people over here are aware of this institution) i do not feel that I am in the right kind of job here..I feel the jobs back home give more satisfaction than here..But, weighing all the other matters, I just digested the fact and live here..waiting for the GC. But, even now, i will not regret if i have to go back, 'cos i still think that the job I will get in India will be far better and more demanding than here. Anybody feel the same ?
I do not know whether I have cheered you up or made more depressed. I guess your boyfriend must have cheered you up ;)
Hey Paragh,

I did my PGDST from NCST, started in 1994 and completed it in 1997 (I think). Do I know you? Are you Parag Nagvenkar by any chance.


Can you shmucks be a bit more mushy. Here is a a chick suffering from attention deficit disorder and you guys are writing essays and quotes that could bore anyone to death let alone put them to sleep.
So keep is simple guys, no one needs a brother here.
I am a passive participant in this forum. But today I could not resist it anymore. I was going hysterical with all the encouragement, quotes, philosophy for Anita. You married guys really know how to care.. Dont you????

Keep pouring the emails but flavor it with some champa-chameli curry powder just as how you are doing.

Anita: Did you ever live in Dallas?
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As Joey Tribbiani of friends say the only time men feign consideration is when they want to get laid - But since something of that order is not possible here I can only laugh at this "inspirational" speeches and poems and some even went to the extent of listing songs. She is not in some sort of maniac depression guys.

So whats next - Song and Dance sequence for the
"Ms PityMe Please" by the GC Troupe?

Stay :cool: