Too many disappointments

hey nslookup

how can you come to the conclusion that all of us are married guys ???just curious..Even Anita can be a guy..who knows..she may be just fooling around. for some pass time..I don't blame her..
Desichora: You made sense in your email up until you quoted Joey. Please no Friends. That show sucks. I am anti-Friends. But not anti-social. If you want to quote, quote from Cheers. Now that was a funny show.

My 2 cents.

roran: Thanks for the plug. She could very well be a guy. My assumptions were based on the replies to her initial thread. Would you have assumed otherwise????
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My policy is never

believe anybody on the internet when it comes to
Marriage status
place to some extent( i was fooled by a guy 6 years back. He claimed he was from CA when he actually was from B'lore)
Do you have anything to add to this list ?
Do you believe that I am a married woman for 8 years with two kids? I see a puzzled look on your face..:confused:
My purpose was accomplished.:D
To Anita or to myself (copied from some site I forgot)

Rage I hold within my soul
at times I cannot control

What's the point of being here?
When being me is what I fear

Everyday it's all the same
trapped again in my own pain

I cry myself to sleep
so many secrets I must keep

No one to reach you...nobody cares
Trapped in the middle of a distant stare

I've prayed that I was free
of this grief that's filling me

Everywhere I turn
every bridge must burn

Take it easy and relax.. Why dont you go to a disco.
If you keep thinking abt something it only multiplies...

Anyways, Who is got no problems? I dont like what I do. My manager sucks too... I feel like quitting too but will not even after GC b'cos I want to kick his ass professionally after getting GC and more diplomatically b'cos he is not that powerful.

You know what I really feel like...

Punching my manager real hard right on his nose...:mad: I would have done it in India...
Can't believe "Anita Gupta's" post has received so many replies and responses.

What's up with this Dukhyaari, ablaa naari !!!
Positive Outlook

Well one thing positive about all this is - Ms Anita's deep depression is bringing out the feminity in all these men - some of them sound as if they are coming out of the closet - not that there is anything wrong with that!

Stay :cool:

She got that many replies, just because most of Indians think "well, maybe she will like me and i get her e-mail, and meet, bla, bla, bla".
Personally I feel really sorry for her - looking for support and help on internet.... but it is a problem for most of us here in usa: very lonely.
Re: Positive Outlook

Originally posted by desichoraNo1
Well one thing positive about all this is - Ms Anita's deep depression is bringing out the feminity in all these men - some of them sound as if they are coming out of the closet - not that there is anything wrong with that!

Stay :cool:


First you quote Joey of Friends, and now Jerry of Jerry Sienfeld, watching too much TV I guess

;) :p :D
confu123: that was a nice poem

desichora, roran, nslookup: Please no negativity, pity or scepticism. Sometimes, people are what they seem to be (except for the ablaa dukhiyaari part). We are here to support each other, not belittle each other.

Well Miss - It is nothing more than a bit of (crude) humor at your expense.

Come on you can handle that much can't you ;) ?

Stay :cool:
Anita Gupta.


few thing from my side.

1. Your BF left you --> anyway these BfFnevers stays for long. Move on you will get someone else.

2. Sister won't talk to you --> it happenes, give some time they will comeback, else they are not yours..

3. feeling dippressed --> get drunk and forget, it helped me lot. you need not have to do this if you don't like it.

4. Last option is not good as per INDIAN CULTURE Standard.
but still I will say it( Please don't do it if you don't like it).
Best medicine for the dipression is sex. this doen't mean getting laid..

good Luck.
What is sex

As per Clinton and Lewinsky oral sex is not sex
now as per Green_love getting laid is not sex

So What is sex??????

any takers:D :D :D :D :D
Haa I like the get laid bit :D
Nothing against you Anita I'm an Indian woman too. Typical of a man to reply "best medicine SEX."
Kool man no sarcasm intended.

Sex mean Getting laid also. I take that back..
what Clinton did was also sex...
any more questions???????????

what I wrote is just an Option its upto each individual if they want to adopt this option or not.
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The Doctor

Thank God GreenLove is not a Doc. If he was I wonder what he would prescribe to solve his patients problems.

Stay :cool: