Those with RD -- On or Before 15 th Sep -- Not yet approved


My RD : 09/06/01. - EAC-02 032 XXXXX.

I spoke to my laywer yesterday, he says there is no certain criteria on the dates the officers work upon. They receive bunch of applications, that are given to the officers. These officers then start working on the applications. who ever is faster completes more forms than the others.

So, it all depends on the officer who has you case. This does not include the wait time till a case is given to a officer.

Spoke to IIO

I spoke to the IIO today at about 9:50am PST. She was very friendly and said that my case was under review. I asked what that meant and she replied that it means that my case has been assigned to an officer and I should expect a reply in couple of weeks.

I also asked about audit and she said yes they are under audit expect it to be over by coming Monday.

ND: 11/10
EB3 - CA
Not approved

RD 9/5
ND 11/14
FP 12/10/01
My lawyer has spoken with the IIO and said that I should expect something on the case by the end of Oct. Wonder why the early Sept filers are stuck ????
Does anyone know what's happening ?
Approved!!!!!!! RD- 09/06, ND- 11/07

:D Approved on 10/07 for both my wife and myself.

Awesssssssssoome! GOD is great!
And, so is this website and all my fellow GC-mates!

While Patience is the name of the game, our buddies
in this site have demonstrated that sharing is caring!
This site has been a great help in tough times and

I wish and pray that those who are waiting will hear
the magic words soon!

Our EACs are 02-032-*****

Next for stamping..