This is our chance-action needed

Senator Boxer 's reply

Feb 18, 2005

Dear Mr.:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the REAL ID Act of 2005,
H.R. 418 (Sensenbrenner). I appreciate this opportunity to respond to
your comments.
The REAL ID Act would establish and rapidly implement federal
regulations for state driver's license and ID security standards,
consolidate terrorism-related grounds for inadmissibility and
deportation, and expedite construction of the San Diego border fence,
which has been delayed due to environmental concerns. This legislation
was passed by the House on February 10, 2005 and has since been
received in the Senate.
I am committed to combating terrorism and strengthening our
borders. In the last Congress, I introduced legislation to increase
criminal penalties for anyone who produces, transfers, possesses, or
uses a fake ID in connection with terrorism. I also introduced the
SAFE Border Act, which would strengthen security and reduce congestion
at the California-Mexico border. Both bills were referred to the
Senate Judiciary Committee.
I will continue to be vigilant when it comes to making this
nation more secure. Please be assured, should H.R. 418 come before the
full Senate for a vote, I will keep your views in mind.
Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me. Please do
not hesitate to contact me in the future about matters that are of
importance to you.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
This is kind like a pre-writen response.
So Boxer's on our side right?

one-of-u said:
Feb 18, 2005

Dear Mr.:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the REAL ID Act of 2005,
H.R. 418 (Sensenbrenner). I appreciate this opportunity to respond to
your comments.
The REAL ID Act would establish and rapidly implement federal
regulations for state driver's license and ID security standards,
consolidate terrorism-related grounds for inadmissibility and
deportation, and expedite construction of the San Diego border fence,
which has been delayed due to environmental concerns. This legislation
was passed by the House on February 10, 2005 and has since been
received in the Senate.
I am committed to combating terrorism and strengthening our
borders. In the last Congress, I introduced legislation to increase
criminal penalties for anyone who produces, transfers, possesses, or
uses a fake ID in connection with terrorism. I also introduced the
SAFE Border Act, which would strengthen security and reduce congestion
at the California-Mexico border. Both bills were referred to the
Senate Judiciary Committee.
I will continue to be vigilant when it comes to making this
nation more secure. Please be assured, should H.R. 418 come before the
full Senate for a vote, I will keep your views in mind.
Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me. Please do
not hesitate to contact me in the future about matters that are of
importance to you.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
kelvin2088 said:
This is kind like a pre-writen response.
So Boxer's on our side right?

I got the same response and I think is a good thing that shows they got many letters/faxes/emails..... I don't like the way she puts it "should it come for a full vote"....
samoel said:
I got the same response and I think is a good thing that shows they got many letters/faxes/emails..... I don't like the way she puts it "should it come for a full vote"....

She is one of the most liberal members of the Senate. Fully anticipate a negative note from her.
hampton8844 said:
She is one of the most liberal members of the Senate. Fully anticipate a negative note from her.
Of course .... but is funny she doesn't have the guts to tell she's against it but you have to read thru the lines to figure it out....
I'm a fresh asylee and do understand the importance of getting heard by folks in DC. I have just e-mailed my 2 senators.
one-of-u said:
Feb 18, 2005

Dear Mr.:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the REAL ID Act of 2005,
H.R. 418 (Sensenbrenner). I appreciate this opportunity to respond to
your comments.
The REAL ID Act would establish and rapidly implement federal
regulations for state driver's license and ID security standards,
consolidate terrorism-related grounds for inadmissibility and
deportation, and expedite construction of the San Diego border fence,
which has been delayed due to environmental concerns. This legislation
was passed by the House on February 10, 2005 and has since been
received in the Senate.
I am committed to combating terrorism and strengthening our
borders. In the last Congress, I introduced legislation to increase
criminal penalties for anyone who produces, transfers, possesses, or
uses a fake ID in connection with terrorism. I also introduced the
SAFE Border Act, which would strengthen security and reduce congestion
at the California-Mexico border. Both bills were referred to the
Senate Judiciary Committee.
I will continue to be vigilant when it comes to making this
nation more secure. Please be assured, should H.R. 418 come before the
full Senate for a vote, I will keep your views in mind.
Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me. Please do
not hesitate to contact me in the future about matters that are of
importance to you.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

Did you specify in your letter the plight of asylees and the necessisty of lifting the cap ? See, if you ask someone to vote for a bill, you have to be specific about your reasons. She may have no idea that people have to wait 15 years for their green cards and if she does, she will make a noise about it!
shamshon said:
Did you specify in your letter the plight of asylees and the necessisty of lifting the cap ? See, if you ask someone to vote for a bill, you have to be specific about your reasons. She may have no idea that people have to wait 15 years for their green cards and if she does, she will make a noise about it!
Yes she does, shamshon I was very specific and so was my lawyer on the letters and got the same lame response...
samoel said:
Yes she does, shamshon I was very specific and so was my lawyer on the letters and got the same lame response...
I agree. It is a lame response but perhaps she may consider the issue now. I still believe that this woman is a great American and has always been pro-immigrant, pro-poor, and pro-minority. She was among 2 senators who supported the black caucus request to hold a debate in Congress about the latest presidential election
shamshon said:
......I still believe that this woman is a great American and has always been pro-immigrant, pro-poor, and pro-minority. She was among 2 senators who supported the black caucus request to hold a debate in Congress about the latest presidential election
:rolleyes: ....let's not go there...
Some of us have sent faxes to ALL senators already. We need new people to send faxes to senators that have not been on their original list. Please join in!!! Your efforts will be paid off.

I am wondering if we should target members of the Committee the bill was transferred to now. Any thoughts?
Response I got

This is the response I got today:

Dear Mr. .......:

Thank you for your letter urging me to support the "REAL ID
Act of 2005" (H.R. 418). I welcome the opportunity to respond.
As you know, Congressman Sensenbrenner introduced H.R. 418
in the House of Representatives earlier this month, and the bill passed the
House of Representatives on February 10th. Generally, I support the
thrust of the bill, which I am in the process of reviewing. I would hope
that there will be hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee and that we
will follow Senate procedure. I may have some changes to recommend
and believe there needs to be a thorough analysis and discussion of its

I believe that the Federal government should have the ability to
issue standards that all state-issued driver's licenses and identification
documents should meet. The issue is how should this be done, phased in
and paid for. And I think that the Senate needs to examine these issues
and help ensure it is not an unfunded mandate on the states.

Finally, I also am a strong supporter of Operation Gatekeeper
and completion of the border fence, which is one of the bill's provisions.

Again, thank you for writing, and please know that I will keep
your comments in mind as the Senate considers this legislation. I hope
you will continue to keep in touch. If you have any further questions
please contact my Washington, D.C. staff at (202) 224-3841.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the
Nation are available at my website You can also
receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at
Got the same one, I guess the template we used, did not emphasize our interest in CAP REMOVAL strong enough. Should we rework the template ?
I redid mine to emphazise the problem facing asylees. Here is my version. Went straight to the point .. Slow process..

Community for Information, Action and Reform
February 10, 2005

RE: Amendment on Asylee Adjustment Cap - H.R. 418 Bill (REAL ID Act)
as the relief for innocent victims of unreasonable I-485 processing delay

Dear Honorable Senator/Congress(wo)man; is a non-profit organization formed by members of legal immigrant community, who intend to voice their concerns about and help contribute towards legal immigration reform in the United States of America.

We want to draw your attention to the excruciatingly slow and random progress of Asylee Adjustment I-485 applications (Green Card applications) at Nebraska Service Center. Our current legislation imposes a numerical cap of 10,000 annually that limits the number of asylees who may become permanent residents, regardless of the number granted asylum each year. As a result, more than 150,000 individuals lawfully granted asylum in the United States are currently waiting to have their applications for lawful permanent residence status processed. While they are waiting, these individuals are forced to remain in a legal limbo for many years. These are tax-paying legal residents of the United States, contributing daily to the economic development of this great country. More expeditious granting of permanent resident status and eligibility for naturalization for asylees would therefore not increase the level of immigration to the United States. It only would hasten the integration into our society of deserving individuals, to whom the U.S. already has extended its protection

The amendment to this Bill will lift the cap on the number of asylees who can adjust to permanent resident status each year. That cap is now so low that an asylee who applies today for a green card can expect to wait at least 15 years to become a legal permanent resident.

We urge Congress to vote for the H.R. 418 Bill and strongly support the elimination of the annual cap on the adjustment of status of asylees (found in Section 209(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act).

We do understand that the proposed Bill also tightens procedures for non-citizen entry into and presence in the United States, facilitates the building of physical barriers where appropriate to protect U.S. borders, and facilitates the strengthening by the States of the standards for the security and integrity of drivers’ licenses.

We do believe that these are all reasonable measures in lieu of National Security improvement strategy. We are aware of the fact that several organizations around the country opposed these provisions. We urge you not to oppose this bill and not to sacrifice a very critical provision to rescind asylee adjustment caps. We believe that there are other measures that could be realized without compromising the whole amendment to ensure the changes do not unintentionally create new barriers to asylum and other forms of immigration to USA. Asylees with pending adjustment application already have been screened through a rigorous process of asylum approval; they deserve to get an adjustment in a reasonable timeline and should not suffer because of proposed tight measures for future asylum applicants/illegal immigrants.

We will be looking forward to favorable action from you to support the H.R. 418 Bill in the Senate. The United States Congress is our only hope of justice in this land of fairness; rest with a representative like you.

Emailed/faxed the modifies letter to both CA senators. Do we have an estimate on when this will go in for voting?
I got an answer today from my senator and he emphasized the cap elimination. Look at:

March 9, 2005

Dear Mr. XXXX:

Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 418, the REAL ID Act. I
appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

H.R. 418, introduced by Representative James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), passed
the House in February. If enacted, the measure would strengthen our asylum
and deportation laws, and make it more difficult for illegal immigrants to
get driver's licenses.

Specifically, the bill establishes new standards for state licenses and
identification cards. Under the bill, licenses could be used for federal
purposes, such as for identification at airports, only if states verified
that applicants are U.S. citizens or are lawfully present in the United
States. In addition, the bill gives immigration judges broader authority
to consider the credibility of people seeking asylum in the United States
and removes the annual cap on the number of aliens granted asylum who can become legal permanent residents. The bill broadens the terrorism-related grounds for blocking entry and for deportation, and allows for the
completion of a fence on the U.S.-Mexico border near San Diego. There is
now a three-mile gap in the fence, which has been delayed because of
environmental concerns.

Rest assured, I have and will continue to support legislation that
reduces illegal immigration and strengthens the security of our border. I
will carefully scrutinize proposals that affect our nation's immigration
policies and will work to enact sensible legislation to ensure that our
immigration laws are enforced and this country is protected against those
who would do us harm. Should the Senate debate this measure, I will keep
your thoughts in mind. Thanks again for contacting me.

With every best wish,


Pat Roberts
