Tentative Jan \'02 Chennai CP Interviews

Called on 12/10/01 @ 10.30 pm EST . Lady replied immediately with interview date on hearing my case

GoodLuck, Tanani
CP is good option, but all this confusion

keeps us on our nerves. Hopefully by tomorrow evening there will be more clarity. I had called Sunday Night at around 12 midnight EST and the lady had right-away given my interview date.
Chennai US Consulate Closed on Dec 17th

I hope Chennai US Consulate releases CP interview schedule for Jan \'02 on 12/14/01. If not, we\'ll have to wiat until 12/18/01 as 12/17 (Monday) is a holiday.
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I guess when we reach a point of no control over things, hope is the only thing that keeps us going. No wonder my screen name is gc_hopeful. Good luck to both of us!
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When did you send your P3 to Chennai and when was it entered into their system?

Which city in India are you from? Just asking because you are one of the first to receive the P4 at home address.

Thank you.
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Thanks for the prompt response. Quick question:

Which city in India are you from? Just asking because you are one of the first to receive the P4 at home address.

Thank you.
Going Crazy

Chennai received my P3 on 10/29 and was put in the system on 11/5..When I called two days ago I was told 29th Jan. 8:00AM as interview date, I am EB2 category and this date kinda did not make sense, since most of the EB2 are around 17-26th....When called next day to confirm answer was call back on Friday...

I got e-mail response from consulate today for my earlier request as

"Pls check with us in January."

I am worried!!!
Reply from chennai- No information - What does that mean ??

My packet was delivered accrdng to FedEx on Dec 10. I e-mailed requesting the same confirmation on Dec11th. I recieved reply today with one line "No information" - What does that mean ?? Any idea when should i sent the next e-mail.

Wait for another week or so

Typically consulate enters any case after one week or so. It is better to wait for one week and then send them a mail. It is not just with your case, it is with everyone.
GC_Michigan, Don\'t worry man. You will get Jan. Interview.

Basing on the replies we have been receiving after Tuesday, It is very likely that Consulate is trying re-arrange the dates a little bit to accomodate every body whose cases received and entered by Nov.20th. I don\'t think most of our Interview dates will change. But there is no doubt in my mind that we all will get Jan. Interview. I think they are planning to conform and put the dates on web site by Friday. Just hang on for one more day guys. We can conform/receive our dates by tomorrow. The one who got dates are worried whether they are correct or not. The ones who did not get dates at all are worried to get the dates. Do not speculate any thing. let\'s hope for good. Good Luck to all of us.
Hi, GC-Michigan, Do you know Sita Ram @ Key Plastics ?. I think you are from Bangalore. Talk to you.
Dandelion, sg18 is correct. It may take upto 1 wk. To be sure just fax a copy so that you won\'t loo


I know sita, he told me about you (all good things)!! thanks for your input..I hope I will get Jan interview..I already bought my tickets...
My p3 was entered on Nov 5th too

I called them Tuesday morning Chennai time and they said check after 2 days. Also to me email they replied (Tuesday IST) Check with us on Friday. Hopefully we will get to know something tonight.
GC_Michigan, are you planning to call them tonight or send them email?