Tentative Jan \'02 Chennai CP Interviews

I am going to wait till Website is updated

I hope this happens tonight or tomorrow...my previous e-mail was responded saying "check back in Jan"...

I hope Chennai gets their act together and announce dates soon!!

Hope and Wait...
Did anyone who had not got interview date till today got it from website....

When I enter my case info it says "Interview not scheduled at this time".
No Title

Guys, Just now i checked my case# in Madras consulate web site using \'Check Appointment\' button. I was expecting Feb interview but i got my interview date as Jan 24, 2002.
P3 sent 11/15/2001
My P3 was entered on 11/27/2001
Checked Chennai website


Just now i checked my case# in Chennai consulate web site using \'Check Appointment\' button and found my interview is on
01/31/2002. I also just received a message from my parents in Chennai that they received the P4.

gcappl/GC-Michigan, space between MDR and number. I just conformed mine as 1/25.

I got the same problem before with space. Do not have space. Good Luck.
Should I put space or not put space.

I have tried with no space and it says no interview scheduled at this time. Cannot get through to their site now.
I can not either.

It is not completely updated. Just wait one more day and the list should be complete. Although it may be the case that Chennai has already scheduled all Jan interviews, It is very clear that the list is not completely updated on their web.

santhu, GC_Michigan

Please post details like P3 entered by consulate so that we can get an idea of what is going on? Also post ur handle on cptracker if you have one.
My P3 was entered by Chennai on 11/05
Where is acehart??????

P3 mailed 10/26
P3 received 10/29
entered 11/5

Received e-mail on 11/8 as

For appt details -pls check with us afterDecember 15th as the appt is likely to be in January.

When called on 12/11, lady took my case number, confirmed name and told me that the interview is scheduled for 1/29/02..

Now, there is no sign of my case number on the website
No date as yet

I think they are trying to accomodate folks who have given date preference. Anyway, I still do not have any info (even on their website with differenet permutaion and combinations of case number). Will call them tonight to confirm. My P3 was received on 10/29 and entered in system on 11/5. Hopefully we all make it in Jan
I checked Chennai\'s website. It showed 18JAN appt (same as conveyed in the phone)

I hope the consulate makes the entire Jan list available as they said by Friday. It will clear up things!
Thanks TL for the snippet!!
I requested a date after 21st Jan

Hope that does not create any problems? Did you also ask for a specific date?
Anyone who has requested specific dates and gotton interview dates?
Conversely anybody not requested a specific dates and still waiting?
I got Jan18th interview.

Hey guys,

According you guys we don\'t need PCC for chennai ..right ?
I lived just in India and US.