Tentative Jan \'02 Chennai CP Interviews

aishsri, could you please walk us through the process of using yahoo group.

I tried to post/see a message few times. I am unsuccesful in using the yahoo group. Thank You.
Guys, Once again. Just use e-mail to enquire Interview dates. You will get replies in a day or two.

No Title

I sent an email last night and the reply was check back with us on Friday. Not sure why they choose not to reveal the interview dates to some callers?

I am just wondering, what the guys who received the dates asked the receptionist on the other side? Just curious if we are not asking the right questions?
Tentative JAN \'02 chennai Inteviews

I sent an email yesterday afternoon. I got a reply today asking me to check back on friday.

Mealwhile I called yesterday night at 10:05 PM. and found my interview is on Jan 16, they said, they already mailed my Pkt4 to my Indian Address.

I called at 8:25 Indian time. They said call after 5 Minutes. I called again at 8:35 AM.

Best time to reach chennai is Between 8:30 - 9:00 AM.

Thanx TL
Same reply

Even I got a reply for my email to check on friday. Not sure what it means. Since friday is 14th Dec, they might update the website.
Same case here.

I called yesterday and they said call after two days. I had sent an email too and they replied saying "Check with us on Friday". Guys, I hope we get Jan interview.
Transcript of my phone conversation with Chennai US Consulate

Me - Hello, I am calling to find out about my Immigrant Visa Consular Processing Interview. My case number is MDR200177XXXX. Can you give me interview date please.

Her - (Checks on the computer and verifies my name)

Me - That\'s right .... that\'s me

Her - Sir, although the January interview dates have been scheduled, they have not been confirmed yet. Please call us back after two days.

Me - But, some friends of mine have already confirmed their interview dates.

Her - Sir, they will also have to call back after 2 days to confirm. Please tell them to call back to confirm.

I get frustrated, yet politely thank her and hang up.

She was giving me a bunch of BS !!!

As someone rightly pointed out, I think they are being flooded with phone calls. I think they will update their website by the end of this week.
Interview Date


Did you get your interview date by calling Chennai consulate? In that case, be watchful. I called them Monday Morning IST and they gave me an interview date in fourth week of January and I called them again the next day ie Tuesday morning IST and they told me that there is a slight change and they asked me again to call them on Friday. I almost bought my tickets to India.

Interview Date


Did you get your interview date by calling Chennai consulate? In that case, be watchful. I called them Monday Morning IST and they gave me an interview date in fourth week of January and I called them again the next day ie Tuesday morning IST and they told me that there is a slight change and they asked me again to call them on Friday. I almost bought my tickets to India.

Different replies in email and tel.

As everyone else , I got a reply for my email asking me to check back on friday. But when I called last night(9 A.M IST) , the lady was quite polite and immediately gave my interview date. She said it would be on Jan 31st.
Anyway, I think we should wait till they post it on the web.
Superman could you please give your travel agent numbers

Superman , I am from michigan and got 24th Jan interview date and planning to travel on 17th or 18th Jan. One of your messages you said, blocked the ticket for 17th. Please guide me.
Interview on Jan 22nd. But, e-mail response says check after Friday.

I called at around 8:35 AM Chennai local time and came to know that my interview is on 22nd Jan. She also told me that my pk4 was sent to local address on Dec 10th. Today I got a response to my e-mail saying, check after Friday. I think I am all set for Jan 22nd.
Hang in their guys, you will all get Jan interview.
Hi different, My 1/17 fight did not get conformed.

Now, I am planning to change my date to 1/21 on BA - $1470. conformed and direct ticket. Here are the agencies in MI:
1. Jaya 248 358-9100
2. Krisbi 248 569 8668
3. Travel Network 800 634-8747.
  I broght tickets from all 3 and all are good.
I am in the same boat as most others who called yesterday

email - check on friday.
phone - need to verify your date (???). Please call after a couple of days.

So frustrating........ add to that the confusion at work, at family side, no travel plans confirmed, I going mad @#$%^&*... Well, I guess I\'ll go get drunk for a couple of days and try on friday as suggested.
No Title

   My parents are in Madras, so I won\'t be staying at a hotel, but sure, we can help each other in organizing other things.
yahoo group

Hi Superman,

Once you have a yahoo id , you just enter it to join the group and then use the post option to post the msg. I am not sure why you not able to post. May be there was some problem at that time.Try it again.

Let us have a roll call

I request everybody who has mailed their PKT 3 on or before 11/5 and have not got a confirmed date from chennai to post a message with their details. This will give us an idea of how big is this problem.
My logic is Chennai is taking around a week to 10 days to enter the PKT 3 info and it take 3-4 days for PKT 3 to reach chennai and put together if you courier PKT 3 by 11/5 the entry date will be at worse about 11/20. Any thing beyond 11/20 has no chance of getting Jan interview.
Mine, I sent it on 10/16 and it reached by 10/20 and it seems to have been entered by 10/31.