Tampa Timeline?

Laripu said:
Today my wife got her oath ceremony invitation for July 24.

Congratulations! I know you were hoping to get in this month, but at least you do have a date now AND she won't beat you to it (I'm assuming you'll receive yours for the same date). ;)

z350, judging from some other threads in the forum, there are people who do get the name check resolved fairly quickly without having to file a suit. Fingers crossed that this is the case for you and that you get your invitation very soon.
Caillie said:
Fingers crossed that this is the case for you and that you get your invitation very soon.

Thanks Caillie! I just was very frustrated yesterday. I'm patient guy and don't care much if it will take a month or a year. I'll be serious about law suit only if it will takes a years. The only problem is my Ukrainian passport expires Fall 2007. To get a new one I need to send old to Washington DC and then travel there to get it. I don't really want to go through it since need to spent some $$$ for tickets. I think passport is required for ceremony and if letter will come while passport is not with me it will be not good. :confused:
I don't know if I can life with expired passport.
Yipeee! Yahooo!

Laripu said:
Today my wife got her oath ceremony invitation for July 24.
That was the 27th. Today, the 28th, I got my invitation to the oath. Same day and time for both of, July 24, 8AM.
Happy Independence Day!

I won't be looking at this forum for a few days, probably until after July 4th, so to every one of us present and future citizens, happy 4th of July! :)

My passport arrived yesterday, along with my uncreased naturalization certificate. It took just over the six weeks promised. (My voter registration card came in about the same time frame.)

It is not an E passport, and I don't know whether that is good or bad, but I should have one of those in a couple of years when I renew my Australian one. I am lucky enough to be from one of the countries which allows dual citizenship.

I then went to the Social Security office to request a new SS card, one that doesn't specify "INS Authorization Only". A warning: it is like being back at the USCIS. I waited 90 minutes for this particular luxury. If you really want this bit of trivia attended to, make an appointment with the office and don't just walk in like I did.

This is probably my last post here, and I'd like to thank everyone for the support in this sometimes headache inducing process.

Just a little about myself, as it is notable that we in this thread are largely just anonymous nicknames. Often we don't know other members' gender, nationality or background.

I am a male Australian who came over here in the tech boom of the 90s on a H1 visa, and have thru various careers here have found myself now doing search engine marketing as well as dabbling in real estate investment. You can find out more about what I do through my web sites. Note that these are designed for marketing purposes not to look good so don't accuse me of being crappy at my job!

It may be considered advertising but I think I have earned it. Good luck to those who are still waiting.


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paulg99 said:
I then went to the Social Security office to request a new SS card, one that doesn't specify "INS Authorization Only".

I replaced my SSN from "work with INS Authorization Only" to regular (clear) after I got a GC.
Became a citizen yesterday! WOOHOOOO !!!! I would now like to use this time to specially thank Jesus Chirst our Lord and Savior for helping me get through the journey as well as all of you folks on the forums for sharing your experiences.
Well I fell into the hole called Name Check....

My wife got approved and is scheduled for the 24th of July Oath Cermony. Myself thrown into the hole called Name Check... :mad: ...Z350 I will send you private IM. Can we network.
Sorry to hear that Maryvams! At least the one positive thing is that they're not cancelling interviews because of pending name checks like some other DOs (as per this forum). That gives you some options. Also, there is a thread in this forum with a link to a government PDF that states they plan on having the name check issue resolved by this fall. Hopefully that is true and you get to move along with your process quickly. Original thread is here

Your wife got the oath date right at the interview, I take it? May I ask at what time she is scheduled?
I have also since interviewed and received my notice for the 24th at 1 p.m. Since Laripu and Mrs. Laripu are scheduled at 8 a.m., it made me wonder whether they'll possibly do two ceremonies or whether people are meant to wait that long?

As for my interview, I had written a lengthy message not long ago, but then the site logged me off and it was lost. To recap, the trailer that I already knew about thanks to Laripu (!) was much larger than I expected. Since I had nothing better to do, I counted the 80 seats. So if anyone is more comfortable bringing someone with them, I can't see that being an issue. I do NOT think that person will be able to join them in the main building though (unless it's requested, of course), since seating there is very limited in there.
Also thanks to Laripu for the restroom information! ;) Since the door was not marked as such, I would have wondered!

The interview itself started early and was very straight forward. My documents were checked, then we went over part of the application. I then had to sign my name twice and print it once. After that, I was asked 6 questions from the USCIS website catalog of civics questions. I can only remember 5 of them though. ;) This was done orally, none of it was in writing. Then I had to write one simple sentence, and that was pretty much it. I received my invitation to the oath 4 days later.

hwpd, congrats for making it through! That was pretty quick, considering you had to wait for the court date.
I hope there are more than one ceremnony

Caillie said:
I have also since interviewed and received my notice for the 24th at 1 p.m. Since Laripu and Mrs. Laripu are scheduled at 8 a.m., it made me wonder whether they'll possibly do two ceremonies or whether people are meant to wait that long?
Congratulations Caillie. I expect that there will be two ceremonies. The immigration people will rpobably take lunch in between.

If they have to take information (such as your invitation notice, whether you left the country, etc) of all the people at 1 PM and then there is only one ceremony for the whole day, after 1PM, then we would be waiting from before 8AM until... what? 2PM or longer? That would be too long for my ancient bones and withering patience.

I'm going to assume more competence on the part of the federal government. :p

I've got a co-worker who will be inducted at 1PM too. Maybe a second co-worker as well, but I'm not sure whether the second one got his notice. That would be pretty cool: three people from the same company on the same day.
Laripu said:
Congratulations Caillie. I expect that there will be two ceremonies.
Thanks Laripu! I re-read some of this thread, and paulg mentioned that they had 2 ceremonies on "his" day (post 93 on page 7). It would definitely not be fun to have to wait that long! And who wants to be sworn in with a bunch of cranky morning people anyway? :D OK, back to being serious, it makes sense to do this. Perhaps I'll be sworn in with Mrs.z350 and apparently with your co-worker. Fingers crossed to the other one that he/she gets the invite, too.
It's finally over!

Whew! I'm glad that's over. After the ceremony, we registered to vote, and this afternoon we're bringing our paperwork in for passports.

The ceremony was kind of lame. No-one sang the anthem (just music), and the lights stayed on for the litlle video presentations so they looked washed out. Someone forgot to turn on the sound for President Bush's speech so we missed the first three sentences.

But it's OVER!! :)

z350 - it was nice meeting you.
Passport and citizenship certificate

I went to the post office to give them my passport application and cheques (no credit cards! :mad: ).

To file for a passport they need to send my citizenship certificate into the State Department. I had it for about 3 hours, and now it's gone again - no green card - no citizenship certificate, and if I need to travel untl I get it back, I'm screwed.

I paid the extra $60 for expedited 2-week service, and I'm glad I did.
z350 said:
Same here! My wife is a US citizen now. :)
I hope she isn't buggin you too much about that!

Sorry we didn't get the chance to have Mrs. Laripu and Mrs. z350 meet each other... things were happening, certificates to grab, green cards to dis-card, etc.

So did I really look so Eastern European that I was that easy to recognize? (My dad was Lithuanian, my mother Polish.)

Good luck with your name check. I hope it goes fast.
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You were sooo Lithuanian! It was easy to recognise you. :D :D
Your face is not of Eastern European (Slavic) type. I should add other tips you gave me and the fact you stand when they call your country of former citizenship ... So I'm not a Sherlock Homes.

Laripu said:
Good luck with your name check. I hope it goes fast.

I don't care much about it anymore. Just don't wonna be crazy about it like some of us here. I will never beg for it.
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