Tampa Timeline?

maryvams said:
Congratualtions....your long journey is over...enjoy..

Naw... I wouldn't say it's over, until I have the Naturalization certificate and certificate of name change in my hands.
Congratulations on passing your interview and receiving your oath date, hwpd!

stpg, I also sent my application "certified" and received the same "could not deliver" message the first time I checked the USPS website. Then my letter was delivered the following morning at 5 a.m.! Perhaps only certain people sign for mail or something. But it definitely wasn't a problem.
Thanks maryvams and caillie

Today when we checked on the USPS website. They said it had been delivered. Thanks a lot for clarifying our doubts, maryvams and caillie. Am glad I got into this forum. :) We've just entered into this process and its nice to know people who have gone through the same.
Interview Letter Received - Tampa

I just received my interview letter.

Letter Received - 06/17/2006
Interview Date - 08/23/2006
(Please check my previous posts for all related dates if interested).

What should I take/prepare for my interview?

I also checked the oath schedules at the Tampa Convention Center. The next possible date after my interview is 08/31/2006. Can I elect to go on this date? OR is it at the discretion of the interview officer?

Also, What is the quickest/fastest route to get my US passport after oath. I need to make a trip outside the country around that time frame.

Thanks for all your help.
Interview Letter Received - Tampa


I just received my interview letter.

Letter Received - 06/17/2006
Interview Date - 08/23/2006

What should I take/prepare for my interview?

Can I elect to go on a specific scheduled oath date? OR is it at the discretion of the interview officer?
What to bring

v1v1v1 said:
What should I take/prepare for my interview?

Can I elect to go on a specific scheduled oath date? OR is it at the discretion of the interview officer?
There's a thread with all the information about what you should take, on this forum: http://www.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=197782

I think you'll be sent a letter with the interview date.

Good luck! My interview is this Thursday.
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Congratulations v1v1v1.....

I think from what I heard from the previous posts is usually for people with 1-15 dates get to go by the same month oath date. People with the second half get to go for the Oath on the next month's Oath ceremony. I believe atleast at the Tampa DO they send the Oath letter date by mail and it usually takes 1 week for you to receive the same. No harm in asking though. If you are lucky and a valid reason you might even get it.....

Good Luck.
Hi everybody,
I would like to share with you my tampa timeline:

n400 application was sent on September 14, 2005
notification recieved from November 18, 2005
FP - March 02, 2006
Interview was on June 6, 2006 (went well and application was recommended for approval)
I have no idea how they work there. I know that some people who had interviews after June 6 had already received they letters.
My wife passed

My wife passed her naturalization test today. My turn is tomorrow.

She said the hardest part was that a security guard at the front door asked her to wait in a back building... the whole thing was unclear to her.

Finally she got called and asked 6 civics questions chosen at random by a computer, plus read a sentence, write a sentence and they went over the application. Her appointment was for 9:50 and she called me and told me she was done before 10:30.

I hope mine goes as nicely.
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My wife and I have both passed our tests, and gotten all our questions right. The questions are randomly selected from a file in groups of 10. I was told that the questioner must ask at least 6. (More if you make mistakes, I think, until you have enough of them right.)

I had to read a sentence in English, and write a sentence. The one I had to read was coicidentally my first question too. The sentence I had to write was “The beach is full of white sand.”.

He also went through my application and checked that everything was still the same and even asked if I would bear arms against Canada if necessary.

Here are the questions we got:

My wife’s questions:
1. How many senators are there?
2. Who helped the pilgrims?
3. What is the voting age?
4. What is the supreme law of the land?
5. Name one freedom guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?
6. What is Congress composed of?
My questions:
1. What is the head of a state government called?
2. What is the capital of Florida?
3. What is the name of the national anthem?
4. What was the last state to join the union?
5. What is the date of Independence Day?
6. What were the names of the 13 original states?

Good luck to all of you, too.
Congratulations Laripu and Mrs. Laripu! Also thanks for sharing the details. Hopefully you'll both manage to slip in the 6/29 oath ceremony. :)
This was confusing

When you arrive, a security guard opens the door and gets your appointment paper. Then he tells you to wait in the trailer at the left of the building. Sometimes they're not clear about that. The guard confused my wife. (Since she told me about it, I knew where to go, but also I had a clearer security guard.) The trailer looks like it ought to belong to the construction workers around the building, but it's really an air-conditioned waiting room, with a bathroom. (Nervous bladders, anyone?)

Once you're in the trailer, you wait until they call your name and you go back to the same door you started at, where they do security scan. Then they send you to wait in another room until you're called in for questions.

By the way, my wife's questioner was a woman, kind of stern, a little grumpy. Mine was a man, friendly and smiling.

I hope that ends up helping someone.
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Caillie said:
Congratulations Laripu and Mrs. Laripu! Also thanks for sharing the details. Hopefully you'll both manage to slip in the 6/29 oath ceremony. :)
We hope so too, but it seems unlikely. Probably she'll slip in on the 29th, having done her test one day earlier, and I'll have to wait until July 24th. That's not a problem, except that I'll have to endure being mercilessly teased by her for a month, like: "Nyah, nyah, I'm a citizen and you're not!"

It was ok for the one day's difference in the test... but for a month? :rolleyes:

(BTW, does anyone know what the deal is with the retrogression in the State Department's priority date for 1st priority family sponsered immigration? That's kind of off-topic, but it's what we plan to do once we're citizens.)
Tampa oath ceremony

Hi everybody,

I was wondering how do they schedule oath ceremony.
My interview was on June 6 in Tampa, officer congratulated me and said to wait for the final letter with instructions for the oath ceremony within 2 weeks. BUT I am still waiting.
I have heard about name check, and now the question occured...if they are going to do name check, do they say "Congradulations!!" or they notify you that dicision can not be made because of name check?
After interview when they accept your application and check your file, do they go over it again before scheduling the oath? Or they check everything while they are interviweing you and it is final?
It would be great if somebody can explain me what's happenning after the interview...and can be 'name check' after "Congratulations!"
Thank you :eek:
nsk512 said:
I was wondering how do they schedule oath ceremony.
This link: http: //www.tampagov.net/appl_calendars/default.asp?type_setting=CON&Display_Type=month_data
shows that the BCIS has reserved the convention center on June 29, July 24, Aug. 31, and Sept. 28. Someone on this forum (I think) said that if you have your test at the beginning of the month you should have your oath at the end, but if you have your interview last half of the month, your oath will be the following month.

As always, your mileage may vary, especially since paperwork and bureaucracies never work efficiently 100% of the time. I know one ex-British co-worker who waited many months between his interview and notification for his oath ceremony. He even wrote a senator to complain. (I doubt it helped.)
Passed and .... Pissed.

Me and my wife both passed the test today on our interview. She was approved and I got "Background check pending". Boom!!! Entire procedure was exactly like Laripu explained. The only weird thing that happened was when officer changed my country of birth from Russia to USSR and told me that I look like 22 years old while I'm 36. Looks like FBI didn't like the fact that I don't have any traffic violation tickets. :rolleyes:
hwpd said:
Congrats! Hopefully you will clear background check soon!

Yeah! After 120 days I file law suit and then will see :)
I have pretty common Slavic names, I'm male and have different country of birth and citizenship ( Russia vs. Ukraine ). After reading sticky thread about background check I understood that lawsuit is the only way to go otherwise it will last forever in backlog. Naturalization supposed to be HAPPY OCCASION! :confused:
First, congratulations on passing the test!
z350 said:
Yeah! After 120 days I file law suit and then will see :)
I hope, for you and also for me, that it won't take anywhere near that long. I hope we're both sworn in on July 24th.
z350 said:
Naturalization supposed to be HAPPY OCCASION! :confused:
You don't yet have a reason to be unhappy! Maybe it will all work out as it should. Actually you should be happy that you're 36 and look 22. I'm 49, and I don't look a day older than 48 and a half. :eek: GOOD LUCK (to all of us!)
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