Suggestion to all

Silly Man

Volunteer moderator
Ok it's pretty clear that INS won't shake it's leg without a kick.

I suggest all of us write our greivances to AILA at Those people are lawyers, and seriously, if they see enough dollars, they will make anything move.

I have already done my part by writing to them already. But we need to bring light to the fact that INS is really screwing up 485 apps for no fault of ours. I think if AILA got a reason to rag them, they will do so. We just need to give them a reason that is good enough, and a strength that is united enough.

Whoever they need to sue or whatever, damn, just do it before it's too late.
Silly Man

One more request, please post your message on TSC, NSC and VSC message boards as well.
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I don't see a reason why somebody would do something for us unless he sees some $$$ or any other kind of profit. Anyway, we could do it...
button, very right. But if enough of us write, lawyers at times would love to take a high profile case for their popularity. Y'know .. just like why rajiv khanna posts those announcements on top of this board.

And if it's money they want, damn if each one of us contributed $100 to our future, we'd knock them over big time.
Great idea Silly Man, here is my email I sent to aila.....

I'm sure you are aware of the information going around both formally from elected officials, INS officials and and informally about the "freeze" on 485 processing. In spite of contradictary communications coming from INS, this appears to be the situation.

I am one such person that has now been waiting for 1 year for my approval. While I understand the heightened security concerns this nation has, I find it unacceptable the lack of communication from the government department responsible for these approvals, namely the INS.

As your organization is a structured, recogonized body with influence and direct contact with decision makers of the INS, and while I'm sure you are already doing this, I am asking you to make a formal request for a statement from INS. Specifically this request should 1) have INS acknowledge there is a freeze, 2) for the exact reasons of the freeze, 3) any changes or new procedures to be implemented and what exactly are they and what influence they will have on approval timeframes, 4) the date when approvals will be resumed and 5) what INS will do to clear the backlog of some 2-3 months of inactivity.

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated by the thousands of your clients who do not have a unified voice/lobby with this organization that is impervious to the constituency they purportedly serve.


Let us keep this thread at the top. Silly Man, can you do this since you are the thread initiator.

Also, let each one of us email AILA and then post a message on this thread confirming that he mailed AILA.
Silly Man....can you add your thread to the other service centers and to all the 140 threads as well.....let them know what they are facing too
Please, let me know if I could be of any help.
I agree with sillyman.
"try cost nothing."
May be we may get something moving.
Just sent my mail. Man, INS sucks!!!!
Completed 390 days from my Notice date and 420 days from receipt date.
Very positive step forward

I am glad everyone is doing this. We need to start pinging AILA and the INS. That is the only way they know that we exist.

This homeland security bullshit is another smoke and mirrors game by the current administration. As if the terrorists won't adapt to the new laws. The only difference these stupid regulations make is to make life hell for the legal immigrants.

Right after 9/11 the airport security became so tight and so intrusive, people stopped flying. Because of which the economy was badly hit. They had to scale back the security from being excessive to the current level, where security is ensured but not at the cost of the driving away the very people it is supposed to protect.

I do hope pressurising AILA helps. With all our voices banded together making loud enough a racket till they have to stop this procrastinating slow speed of processing and start giving us our due.

Thanks for starting this SillyMan.