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Should we hurry to immigrate earlier than 6 month of visa expiration date?


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We've got immigration visa and around $8k for three (48yo woman who doesn't speaks English, 18yo girl who speaks, 5yo girl), and now we consider about for which period we have to buy air tickets - month later or 4 months later (for 1-1.5 months earlier before visa expiration, in December for example).

On the one hand while we in Moscow, we can plan thoroughtly our immigration all this time of waiting, and maybe even will earn more money. But on the other hand, we can't guaratee that we will earn most easier for us was always - a spending.

Should we hurry up with buying tickets on airplane foward for few months today, or maybe it is better to me to wait few weeks and look at air prices much thoroughtly?
Should we hurry up with buying tickets on airplane foward for few months today, or maybe it is better to me to wait few weeks and look at air prices much thoroughtly?
If you believe the ticket price could be higher in 4 months, purchase it now. The question of flying date is absolutely independent from the question of ticket price.
This is really about your plans. Considering we don't know you, your family, or your plans, it is really hard to help you out.

However, I would say that if the 48 year old has a job, buy your tickets 4 months in advance, save up $$, cut back on your expenses. At the same time the 48 year old could start learning basic English because she will NEED it in US.
I doubt a non English speaking 48 yr old person will get a job easily....then you need a place to stay and $ 8 K is not bringing you far with getting a place, a car to get to work, ins., and not having any record in the USA. That means that most places will require first, last and security deposit...

With the economy the way it is and Americans having a hard time to find a job....good luck that is all i have left.
my advice to you is to cancel your green card asap ..its gonna be a hell to find a job in your age with the family trying to survive on 8K its gonna be even worse...nothing good is gonna come out of it :(
forget about it
Ticket prices tend to go down after the start of September ( the beginning of the traditional US school year ) and then go back up at the end of November through the rest of the year as people take holidays. They will go back down a week or so into next year. Pick a cheaper time.
However, I would say that if the 48 year old has a job, buy your tickets 4 months in advance, save up $$, cut back on your expenses. At the same time the 48 year old could start learning basic English because she will NEED it in US.
I don't really sure that my mom will be able to earn in Moscow, though currently in best case our situation allows us to earn $1,000-$2,000 per month reciprocally maximum.

a car to get to work, ins., and not having any record in the USA. That means that most places will require first, last and security deposit...
How much exactly it gonna cost, counting that 1BR apartment in salt lake is usually $600-$700 per month ($600*3=$1800?)

my advice to you is to cancel your green card asap ..its gonna be a hell to find a job in your age with the family trying to survive on 8K its gonna be even worse...nothing good is gonna come out of it
forget about it
No way! You're wrong!
I suppose that my Mom will not be able to afford car at all, so we even not consider it at all, even if she will save enough money for car, I don't think that it is that cruicial (of course if she always will be able to use public buses)
With the economy the way it is and Americans having a hard time to find a job....good luck that is all i have left.

Is there jobs deficit even in low-paying jobs industry? I mean if you will try hard to find jobs where you have to work hard, won't person will be able to earn at least $1,000 per month?
earlfox, do you have family in the US ? Does she have a job arranged yet or some in demand skills? Does your mom speak spanish? I now this might not be what you want to hear but reconsider immigrating. Without either English or Spanish she will find it extremely difficult to get a job in this economic environment, especially at the age of 48, and unexpected medical emergencies can quickly wipe out all of your savings.
Seriously, how does someone who is 48 with no English or Spanish and virtually no assets get granted an immigrant visa with 2 dependends??? For my own case I was asked to show assets as well as current and previous work history and explain what industry I planned to work in, on top of already showing education qualifications, before the visa was granted. Obviously, different standards between different embassies
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