SFO/San JoseInterview tracker

got approved ....after the interview in SJ today

Hey u all......so i did get approved and got the passport stamped today after the interview,in SJ INS...it was very short and quick..i was in and out of the INS building in 15 mins.....record time....the INS officer(nice asian female),asked for my passport,SS card,Drivers License
,asked me for my EAD, asked my Birthdate,when i came to the US,how long have i been working with the present company,what my salary was,if i have any criminal/drug related
 back ground....and that all.....the officer didnt ask for any original documents except for my current letter of employment.......didnt ask for birth certificate ,my tax returns...or anything...

So i was scared and worried for nothing...i think taking the lawyer helped..coz even before she would ask me for any document...my lawyer would show it to her from his file......

Good luck t o everyone else.......i hope it works out for all of you..and thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences.....

I didnt ask the INS officer reason for calling me for an interview...coz i got done so smooth and fast...i wanted to get out of there ASAP...lest they should change their mind....hahahhaha :)

BTW my appointement was at 12.30pm,in room no.219,desk no 2 in SanJose

Enjoy your new liberty..
I have my interview this tuesday (6/4) at San Jose..hope mine will be as smooth as yours.
Good Luck Prajit......if you get their early..they can take your interview early

I had reached there 1 hr before my appt. they asked me if i wanted to do it early...i didnt coz i was waiting for my Lawyer ...who came at scheduled time...so if u are not taking your Lawyer..go early....reasonably early...not like 3 hrs earlier :) ...kidding...ALL THE BEST ONCE AGAIN///i\'ll check this board on wed. to hear ur good news..
CHICO...u r right....!!!!!THANK GOD..!!!!!!!!!!!!1

one hurdle down in life...time to prioritize the rest of the problems in life... ;)..thanks for ur help/input
Please reply

Is interview notice the same as the transfer notice???

Also,upon transfer did local ins treat your application like it was just submitted and take the processing time local office normally takes for 485 processing- to send you the interview notice
for gokul

yes..transfer notice = interview..interview call depends on how much time the local INS is taking..Sanjose is taking anywhere from 1-2 months..whereas SFO is taking about 8 months to a year....
Got approved after todays interview!!!

I got approved today after the interview at San Jose.. although took us an hour, it was smooth..
Let me give you the details guys..
My interview was scheduled at 10:30 am, assigned to Table 4..We took our lawyer with us..
An american lady officer called us around 10:30..after doing the oath and some signatures, she asked us to show the all kind of IDs (drivers lisence, passport, EAD) and asked us whether we have ever been arrested or convicted, am I still working with my co. etc.
When she opened my file she told that there was not a single supporting document with I140 and asked me to show all my original degree certficate, marriage certificate, birth certificate, current employment letter. I dont have any clue why those staffs were missing as my lawyer told me he submitted every single one. I think this may be the reason of my interview..I am not sure as I didn\'t ask her really. Anyway..she saw the originals and took copies for her file..My wife\'s file had every supporting document, so she didn\'t take copies for her only checked the originals..
There was really not many questions..after verifying all the documents, she tried to log on to INS network to get a approval number for us from Washington DC Central office (I really dont know what kind of number). But as the network was down she sent us to the hall to wait for another 15-20 minutes. After waiting for half an hour she called us back to her cube..took the EAD, cancelled the H1, and stamped our passport..
After waiting for 3 years thats how the journey ended !!!

For last one year I was a regular visitor to this site and visited this thread numerous time after my file got transferred to local INS..
I dont know why but I think I will keep on visiting this great site!!
Thank you guys for all the help and best of luck to all on your GC journey
Interview at SFO

I am going to have interview at SFO, in interview notice there is nothing special about medical exam but since I have already completed one year after medical exam. So still do I need to have the medical examination done since I have heard medical exam is valid for one year only. But my lawyer said no need to do it again.

1. What are the documents do I need to carry apart from whatever is mentioned in interview notice? Though I will be taking whole bunch of docs I have, but any speacial ?
2. My wife will not be able to attend the interview on medical ground at this time she is pregnent, though she is there in US only. Is it going to effect my interview ?
3. Is it OK to reschedule for her?
prajit, congratulations! What do you mean the supporting documents with I-140?

Did she look the W2 forms and pay stubs?
No Title

PD 06/00
RD 03/01
ND 04/01
FP 09/01
case transfer local ins in SFO 12/01
interview date is 11/06/02