September - Visa Revalidation Tracking


Did you call this number for DC 202-663-1225 with option 1 & 0.

Some officers are kind enough to give the DC recd date. Others don't give information anymore as it seems they were instructed in a meeting recently not to divulge any info.

Maybe you could try again next week and hopfully a kind officer will provide you the DC date. Good luck.
Thanks olops, well the officer told me that it will take 12 weeks to process such case, would that be from the SL date or the DC date ? Please advice
The 12 weeks is supposed to be from the DC date. But in many cases folks receive their passport in approx 3 months from the SL recd date which again equals 12 weeks.
DC Date

I checked with DC office, my passport reached them on Sept. 26th, and she told me it would take 12 weeks from there on. The call was a breeze, it took less than 2 mins to find this out.

kr2002 if you can edit your previous post and add this information for me in the list.


In the August tracker your SL Date: 23-Aug and DC Date: 29-Sep
In the Sep tracker your SL Date: 25-Aug and DC Date: 22-Sep

Which one has the correct dates for tracking purposes ?
Wow, it is getting fast. My passport reached DC in 10 days ! I was told to wait about 12 weeks.

Name-------------------SL Date----------------DC Date
kr2002-----------------25th Aug------------------22nd Sep
spb99------------------2nd Sept-----------------27th Sept
finesir------------------3rd Sept-------------------?
PremChopra------------3rd Sept-------------------?
Halver------------------3rd Sept-------------------?
wam------------------- 4th Sept-------------------?
ramu2003--------------5th Sept-------------------?
ahalem-----------------5th Sept-------------------?
ramji99---------------- 6th Sept-------------------?
Pankaj Garg------------6th Sept-------------------24th Sept
olops-------------------8th Sept-------------------?
jnathan----------------10th Sept -----------------28th Sept
young16---------------10th Sept-------------------?
dev72------------------11th Sept -----------------?
ahkhan-----------------11th Sept-----------------?
sai_ani-----------------16th Sept-----------------?
mahham---------------23rd Sept-----------------?
ashi5------------------23rd Sept-----------------?
jlittle-------------------23rd Sept-----------------?
prasad_vv-------------24th Sept-----------------?
mirium99---------------24th Sept-----------------?
smarthi----------------25th Sept------------------?
azzuri------------------30th Sept------------------10th Oct
From July Tracker Thread, the Last approval is

SL 29th July
DC 25th Aug

its moving to Augest as i can see
Name------------------SL Date------------------DC Date
m_omaha ----------- 11 Sept -------------- 27 Sept

I called DC Visa office and they told me that It would take around 12 weeks (Dec last week) to get my passport back.

Plz add this in the list. Thanks!!
Update list

also one of Augest 6th cases got approved, its getting closer

Name-------------------SL Date----------------DC Date
kr2002-----------------25th Aug----------------22nd Sep
spb99------------------2nd Sept----------------27th Sept
vnra300----------------2nd Sept-----------------27th Sept
finesir------------------3rd Sept----------------?
PremChopra------------3rd Sept-----------------?
Halver-----------------3rd Sept----------------?
wam------------------ 4th Sept-----------------?
ramu2003--------------5th Sept------------------?
ahalem----------------5th Sept-------------------?
DOLkemaaki------------5th Sept-------------------16th Sept
ramji99---------------- 6th Sept-------------------?
Pankaj Garg------------6th Sept-------------------24th Sept
olops-------------------8th Sept-------------------?
jnathan----------------10th Sept -----------------28th Sept
young16---------------10th Sept-------------------?
m_omaha ------------- 11 Sept ------------------ 27 Sept
dev72------------------11th Sept -----------------?
ahkhan-----------------11th Sept-----------------?
sai_ani-----------------16th Sept-----------------?
mahham---------------23rd Sept-----------------?
ashi5------------------23rd Sept-----------------?
jlittle-------------------23rd Sept-----------------?
prasad_vv-------------24th Sept-----------------?
mirium99---------------24th Sept-----------------?
smarthi----------------25th Sept------------------?
azzuri------------------30th Sept------------------10th Oct
September 2nd SL Date

September 2nd SL Date

Is there any possiblity of getting visa stamped

1. Regular revalidation
2. Upon recall around 10-11 weeks

I need to travel on Nov 30 and not sure when to recall the revalidation application

I have read many august / september posts
To vanikadur


There is a very remote possibility that you will get the visa stamped, it's hard to predict but seeing the trends for last two months, it is highly unlikely.

As far as withdrawing the application, sooner the better. If you could postpone by 10 days chances are that you might(yes, might) get your passport back.
Sept Tracking

I've talk to a visa office lady today, she said for sept 1st week application senders, it will take around january 2004 to approve the revalidtion application......Sigh???????...
Re: Sept Tracking

Requesting info..
Did anybody in this thread applied for H1 and H4 revalidation with the original I-797 of H4??? and got it stamped for both for H1 and H4
I have my I-797 for just me .. I did't applied for my wife H4 extension Becasue she is not here right now .. But she will be landing any time .. My old visa is going to expire on jan04. My wife will be coming on dec1 st week..
1)Can i apply with out her I-797 for her revalidation??
2) or i should and must have her I-797 also for her revalidation

needed this thread expertise!!!!!

That does not make any sense , how it will take them 2 month to reach SEPT first week , spieclly they process Augest 10th now.

does anybody think we can get the validation by Dec , since the month of Nov has 4 days of vacation times , also Dec is the month of holidays
Going by what we have seen so far, I am expecting mine and since you are 3 days away the validation by 2nd week of december.

Because yesterday I have seen one guy from DC date of Sept. 2 got approved, so we are on track for the above mentioned timeline.
From the "August revalidation" thread, looks like a guy with 2nd Sept as DC date has his visa revalidated.

That's good news...