selective service registration

check it out guys.....

the guy whom i was referring to above just told me... he called the sss number, they sent him a letter saying whatever-he is not registered- and he sent this letter to cis in texas. he got approved.....
he also told me about a similar case of failure to register of another gentleman, and that it came up during his citizenship application. with the same letter from selecitve service he got naturalized. i have not seen this letter, so I don't know exactly what it says.....
wantmygcnow said:
Thankful is right. Every person who is NOT on a visa is required to register. That includes all the illegals. If you know about the 245(i) law, where illegals were given the opportunity to apply for legal permanent resident if they could through some means(if possible) by paying some fine...Many of them applied but were denied because they as illegals didn't register for selective service.

That law came out in april of 2001 and i was ready to apply for my I-485 and I saw all these latinos going nuts in my lawyers office...But at that time my lawyer told many that they wont be approved since they apply for selective service.

Maybe I got lucky but I got a letter in mail that I need to register for selective service because I remember researching it and said waht the hell....

When I applied for the Postal position they asked for my selective service record..and I got that from the service...It has a lot of meaning..

It's not every Person.You need to be a MALE between 18 and 26.If you're a female,this requirement doesn't apply .If you're a male over 26,you're no longer eligible for registration and this what helps lot of immigrants get naturalized without being asked for this requirement cause lot of us arrive in US older.A friend of mine got a denial letter from a selective service because he already reached 27 the time he was registrating.

RD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005
cadel said:
It's not every Person.You need to be a MALE between 18 and 26.If you're a female,this requirement doesn't apply .If you're a male over 26,you're no longer eligible for registration and this what helps lot of immigrants get naturalized without being asked for this requirement cause lot of us arrive in US older.A friend of mine got a denial letter from a selective service because he already reached 27 the time he was registrating.

RD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005

Yes tahts what i meant..females dont matter.
what options i have now..?

fellas...this is honest mistake i did.
i really didn't know i was supposed to apply for am over 26.
what steps i can take to avoid problems at the time of naturalization..?
i will appreciate your help........
Paramvir1 said:
fellas...this is honest mistake i did.
i really didn't know i was supposed to apply for am over 26.
what steps i can take to avoid problems at the time of naturalization..?
i will appreciate your help........

Man,you don't have to worry about this.It's not a big deal.I advice you to go to post office. Pick up a Form,fill it out and send it to selective service system.You will get a denial letter stating that you're over 26 and you can't get registered.You will keep that letter.At naturalization time,send that letter along with your application and write a statement explaining to uscis that you were barred from being registered cause you were over 26 at the time and you were not informed about being registered when you were under 26.You will be understood.This is the only way to make things work.You will get your citizenship with no problem.
Good luck.

RD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005
cadel said:
Man,you don't have to worry about this.It's not a big deal.I advice you to go to post office. Pick up a Form,fill it out and send it to selective service system.You will get a denial letter stating that you're over 26 and you can't get registered.You will keep that letter.At naturalization time,send that letter along with your application and write a statement explaining to uscis that you were barred from being registered cause you were over 26 at the time and you were not informed about being registered when you were under 26.You will be understood.This is the only way to make things work.You will get your citizenship with no problem.
Good luck.

RD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005

Sound advice! The systems in this country penalize you for knowingly doing something wrong. If you did not know about it, there is enough leverage. The laws are not barbaric in this country. I am not saying this to ease fears of denial of citizenship cuz I know people who have gotten thiers while they not registered. So I am not too worried about it.
Lazerthegreat said:
Sound advice! The systems in this country penalize you for knowingly doing something wrong. If you did not know about it, there is enough leverage. The laws are not barbaric in this country. I am not saying this to ease fears of denial of citizenship cuz I know people who have gotten thiers while they not registered. So I am not too worried about it.

I think the thing is that usually you see stories in newspaper or anything like "PR deported after not paying his taxes" or something stpuid like that...YOu see these stories all over...but it doesnt mean EVERYONE willl face the same consequences....Cadel is what he says..and dont worry what happens later...Lets first get your GC buddy!
thankful said:
But for an amnesty or something like that failure to register is disqualifying. See the 1986 amnesty law.
It is really hard to miss the SSS requirement. Young men in this country are presumed to know this requirement. They check this when you apply for government jobs and most types of benefits, like DL in most states.

I do know 69 years old man ..he got his green card by 1986 amnesty law.
he told me his story too many time and how he get the green card.
in the first hand ,all he did that time is only HIV test+fingerprint(no selective service-no t.b. test)...
he get the temporary green card the same day..after 6 months he receive u.s.prmenant resident.
in the second hand,our man have funy experience :he have deportation order when he apply for the green card.!!!
so read 1986 amnesty law much time you need and give me explaination about this true story.
our old man have deportation order because before the amnesty he got married and he apply for marriage green card and for same reason the immigration officer found his marriage suspicous.but believe it or not our man was married for good.. matter fact in present time he live with his wife and he have 2 daugthers .
he plan to apply for citzenship and social security benefits ..but he think is too late for citizenship

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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wantmygcnow said:
I think the thing is that usually you see stories in newspaper or anything like "PR deported after not paying his taxes" or something stpuid like that...YOu see these stories all over...but it doesnt mean EVERYONE willl face the same consequences....Cadel is what he says..and dont worry what happens later...Lets first get your GC buddy!

yeah lets get over this GC challenge first, then focus energies towards other problems... :eek:
annaraka said:
check it out guys.....

the guy whom i was referring to above just told me... he called the sss number, they sent him a letter saying whatever-he is not registered- and he sent this letter to cis in texas. he got approved.....
he also told me about a similar case of failure to register of another gentleman, and that it came up during his citizenship application. with the same letter from selecitve service he got naturalized. i have not seen this letter, so I don't know exactly what it says.....

I got letter from SSS stated that I required to register but I didn't. The fact that I didn't registered for SSS may cut me from selective benefits such as Financial Aid, Federal job but at the same time says that SSS doesn't make any desicion about those benefits. It's absolutely up to agency which is in charge of granting benefit to approve or deny your application. For example, college decides on Financial Aid to student not registered with SSS.

I talk to IO about this issue. He told me if immigrant didn't have malicious intend not to registered with SSS that shouldn't be a problem. Funny part is how we going to prove it.
accountant said:
I got letter from SSS stated that I required to register but I didn't. The fact that I didn't registered for SSS may cut me from selective benefits such as Financial Aid, Federal job but at the same time says that SSS doesn't make any desicion about those benefits. It's absolutely up to agency which is in charge of granting benefit to approve or deny your application. For example, college decides on Financial Aid to student not registered with SSS.

I talk to IO about this issue. He told me if immigrant didn't have malicious intend not to registered with SSS that shouldn't be a problem. Funny part is how we going to prove it.

It is up to the examiner to decide if your failure to register was willful. You are more or less at his or her mercy. You may get lucky or you may run into someone who just does not buy your igornance theory. The fact of the matter is that every year hundreds if not thousands of citizenship applications are denied due to this.
thankful said:
The fact of the matter is that every year hundreds if not thousands of citizenship applications are denied due to this.

how do you say that thankful? do you have any links/evidence to prove that X number of applications denied due to this reason alone?
so cadel..basically you recommend to apply for ssr anyways no matter am over you guys think this is better idea or getting the status letter from filling a form that they provided in their website..?
in another thread,it clear say if one is over 31 on the day of fillin application may not be denied naturalization based on he did'n regiester with SS.that mean it should be no problem for ppl like me...goin to be 31 soon.. :)
Paramvir1 said:
so cadel..basically you recommend to apply for ssr anyways no matter am over you guys think this is better idea or getting the status letter from filling a form that they provided in their website..?
in another thread,it clear say if one is over 31 on the day of fillin application may not be denied naturalization based on he did'n regiester with SS.that mean it should be no problem for ppl like me...goin to be 31 soon.. :)
you free man paramvir not worry too much abut selective service.
just try to register and keep the denial letter...and when you time caming go ahead apply for citizenship.
accountant said:
I didn't register for Selective Service when I was required by law. Is that may create a problem with AOS? Anyone has request for selective service registration (males 18-26 years old) from CIS?

do it on line that is easiest step. as i remember it was stated as if it is my responsiblty to register . U can always blame post office :) and do it.tell them u filled application and u didnt get any respond .so they are gonna realize postman lost it .It is small piece of paper which can be lost easily.and u dont pay any money to send they won't be able to ask u prove .
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Selective service ,, help please

Selective service ,, help please


I came to US when i was exactly 24 years old male , ( as an F-1 visa) student. In march 2000 I married a US citizen and in may 2000 i applied with INS to become PR when i was 25 years and 6 month old . Almost a year later i was called up for an interview ,, so i was granted a conditional PR, and finaly i did recived my GR in 2004. I am 31 years old and decided to go back to school , i applied for Aid. red flag in selective service ,, now until now i did not know if i had to register with selective service or not.

Did i even had to register back then ?
I also served in army for two years in a diffrent country.
I have also had applied for reserve army a few weeks right before september 11 2001 but for some other reasons they never called me.
The key question is if you maintained valid nonimmigrant status before your 26th birthday. So what was your status at the time? Had your student visa lapseds by then?

hoss said:
Selective service ,, help please


I came to US when i was exactly 24 years old male , ( as an F-1 visa) student. In march 2000 I married a US citizen and in may 2000 i applied with INS to become PR when i was 25 years and 6 month old . Almost a year later i was called up for an interview ,, so i was granted a conditional PR, and finaly i did recived my GR in 2004. I am 31 years old and decided to go back to school , i applied for Aid. red flag in selective service ,, now until now i did not know if i had to register with selective service or not.

Did i even had to register back then ?
I also served in army for two years in a diffrent country.
I have also had applied for reserve army a few weeks right before september 11 2001 but for some other reasons they never called me.
Status Information Letter

Same thing happened to me when applying for fin. aid and I had to request a status information letter from the SSS. So the rule is you have to register when you are between 18 and 25 years old(males).

I explained on the form that I was on a F1 visa when I came here at age 23 so I was not required to register. At age 26 I applied for asylum and was denied by the asylum officer. But I was 26 so I was not required to register. Finally got approved by IJ when I was 27. So basically, 23 to 26 I was on visa so I was not required to register.

I then got a letter in the mail from the SSS explaining that I was not required to register and I made copies for future questions that may come up on other applications. :rolleyes:

Status Information Letter site: