selective service registration

Friend of my friend was bared from citizenship for 5 years because he didn't register for selective service. Isn't this crazy? How can you prove that you didn't know about selective service? Seems to me this SSR going to be pain in neck for many asylees including me.

ND 09/02
BIO 09/05
RFI REC BY CIS 10/19/05
jubilee said:
when you apply for your E.A.D. did they ask for selective service registration?
when you apply for the driver license did they ask you for selective service registration?
even when you apply for asylum did they ask you for selective service registration?
I never be immigrant when I apply for asylum you know immigration law is complex and nobady know for fact that he gonna granted asylum!!!
remember the first and only time you get ask for registration is in your asylum approval letter.
in the denial letter selective service adminstration mention that the record don't show that any letter has been send it ...that mean anytime they ask you for registration they will keep record.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It is your responsibility to find out, understand and obey the law. Igorance is no excuse. Every male alien (unless he is on a valid non-immigrant visa) is required to register with the SSS. This includes so called illegal aliens.
accountant said:
Friend of my friend was bared from citizenship for 5 years because he didn't register for selective service. Isn't this crazy? How can you prove that you didn't know about selective service? Seems to me this SSR going to be pain in neck for many asylees including me.

ND 09/02
BIO 09/05
RFI REC BY CIS 10/19/05

This is not crazy at all. You receive the benefit of living here and the least you can do is to put your name forward in case of a national emergency. It is your responsibility to find out what the SSS requirements.
Minsk said:
I just checked my SAR(Student Aid Report) and it says Selective Service Flag: Selective Service Match: "Y" I guess I was registered without knowing that. I swear to God I never did myself.

The FAFSA form asks if you want to be registered. If you check yes the first time you use FAFSA they will register you.

Many DMV offices give you the chance to register when you get your ID.

Even the I-485 form allows you to registser.
GrassRoot said:
If you were asylee when 18-26 age, you were not required for SS. SS is only for PR or citizen.

No. Every undocumented male aliens have to register. In 1986, many many young men were denied amnesty because they did not register.
thankful said:
This is not crazy at all. You receive the benefit of living here and the least you can do is to put your name forward in case of a national emergency. It is your responsibility to find out what the SSS requirements.

why I can't put my name in SSS list in case of emergensy after I reach age of 26? Disables and transexuals are required to register. Why thirty-years-old healthy person can't register? :confused:

Right after I was approved for for asylum, I went to sel services web site, entered my social security #, and clicked on "check status" tab. I got a message that I have been registered for sel serv since 2000.


Should I just chill? What do you think?
thankful said:
No. Every undocumented male aliens have to register. In 1986, many many young men were denied amnesty because they did not register.

well I was asked for proof of SSR when I was applying for financial aid. I don't think they ever ask for this at the time of PR. But can it be a problem while applying for citizenship? I was never aware that you had to do that? otherwise why would'nt have I done that....
Lazerthegreat said:
well I was asked for proof of SSR when I was applying for financial aid. I don't think they ever ask for this at the time of PR. But can it be a problem while applying for citizenship? I was never aware that you had to do that? otherwise why would'nt have I done that....

They will look into this as part of the naturalization process. I do not think they check this when you apply for "normal" adjustment of status. But for an amnesty or something like that failure to register is disqualifying. See the 1986 amnesty law.

It is really hard to miss the SSS requirement. Young men in this country are presumed to know this requirement. They check this when you apply for government jobs and most types of benefits, like DL in most states.
thankful said:
They will look into this as part of the naturalization process. I do not think they check this when you apply for "normal" adjustment of status. But for an amnesty or something like that failure to register is disqualifying. See the 1986 amnesty law.

It is really hard to miss the SSS requirement. Young men in this country are presumed to know this requirement. They check this when you apply for government jobs and most types of benefits, like DL in most states.

Can this create a problem for naturalization?
thankful said:

I don't think so...I have known some people who were supposed to register and did not register and became citizens without questions asked. How can you be so sure. Does citizenship application asks for it?
Lazerthegreat said:
I don't think so...I have known some people who were supposed to register and did not register and became citizens without questions asked. How can you be so sure. Does citizenship application asks for it?

Of yes this is asked on the application form and it is a major issue for the examiners. do not kid youself. this is a big deal--one of the most common reaons for denial of naturalization applications.
Lazerthegreat said:
I don't think so...I have known some people who were supposed to register and did not register and became citizens without questions asked. How can you be so sure. Does citizenship application asks for it?

It's a requirement only if you're a male who lived in US at any time between 18 and 26 in any status except as a lawful nonimmigrant.If you did not register you may have some reasons and you have to explain this in a written statement with your application.See form N-400,Page 9,Part 10-G question
33.If you're a female or a male who came in US at 26 or over,this doesn't apply to you.That's certainly the case for people you know got citizenship without being asked for registration.

RD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005
cadel said:
It's a requirement only if you're a male who lived in US at any time between 18 and 26 in any status except as a lawful nonimmigrant.If you did not register you may have some reasons and you have to explain this in a written statement with your application.See form N-400,Page 9,Part 10-G question
33.If you're a female or a male who came in US at 26 or over,this doesn't apply to you.That's certainly the case for people you know got citizenship without being asked for registration.

RD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005

well here we are talking of illegals registering for this and you are saying lawful non-immigrants...... ?
Yes the citizenship form asks about your SS registration and you have to suppy your SS file number to the USCIS. This is a BIG DEAL if you were required to register and did not do so. Basically men between 18 and 26 are required to register if they are not on nonimmigrant visas.
My firend, whose complete I-485 file was "lost" in transfer from Nebraska to TSC, was asked to reapply for I-485, and they requested his selective service regsitration number for some reason. I have heard of pending I-485s being asked for it. However, he asked me to check his number for him, and he is not in the system. It sounds like he never registered and like he will have some problems. I did not realize that this could be such a problem, I gave him the SSS number to call...

Ususally refugees when they are resettled by the IOM and any refugee resettlement agency, are pretty well advised to register for selective service. I can totally see how asylees can easily overlook the issue.
annaraka said:
My firend, whose complete I-485 file was "lost" in transfer from Nebraska to TSC, was asked to reapply for I-485, and they requested his selective service regsitration number for some reason. I have heard of pending I-485s being asked for it. However, he asked me to check his number for him, and he is not in the system. It sounds like he never registered and like he will have some problems. I did not realize that this could be such a problem, I gave him the SSS number to call...

Ususally refugees when they are resettled by the IOM and any refugee resettlement agency, are pretty well advised to register for selective service. I can totally see how asylees can easily overlook the issue.

Thankful is right. Every person who is NOT on a visa is required to register. That includes all the illegals. If you know about the 245(i) law, where illegals were given the opportunity to apply for legal permanent resident if they could through some means(if possible) by paying some fine...Many of them applied but were denied because they as illegals didn't register for selective service.

That law came out in april of 2001 and i was ready to apply for my I-485 and I saw all these latinos going nuts in my lawyers office...But at that time my lawyer told many that they wont be approved since they apply for selective service.

Maybe I got lucky but I got a letter in mail that I need to register for selective service because I remember researching it and said waht the hell....

When I applied for the Postal position they asked for my selective service record..and I got that from the service...It has a lot of meaning..