Santa Ana (OC), CA Time Line

Congratulations Yuumyk..sounds like some of the IOs at your DO are in need of some serious customer service training..what gets me is the way some IOs have no sense of communication skills and take advantage of the power bestowed upon them, all at our expense since our fees pay for their salaries.
Yeah, it's weird but different IOs seem to focus on different things. I have no doubt that if I had a different IO then that that person may very well have focused on my additional trips. In terms of traffic tickets, I think it is disturbing what happened to that other person, but ultimately he will be OK since he did pay them. The important thing is be honest and declare that you had them, but I agree that a delay in your approval is a high price to pay for such a minor thing.

IOs can and do act unprofessionally. As I was walking with my IO to the interview room yesterday, I heard another applicant getting grilled by an IO who was practically shouting at him / her: "have you, or have you not, ever registered to vote in an election?" Sounded to me like the typical American response when dealing with somebody who does not speak English as their first language: talk slower, louder and more condescendingly. I am a caucasian professional who speaks English as his first language, and even I was a bit intimidated by the process, so I can only imagine how others must feel at the interview. And don't let's forget about the IO in the NY area recently who essentially coerced that GC applicant from Colombia into having sex with him in exchange for a favorable interview.

I have some other advice for you on the interview, and I will PM it to you rather than post's only a few of my thoughts and opinions, but I'd be happy to share them.

Thanks for the info on the pictures. Hopefully, the worst case scenario is that I have to sign it at the oath when I pick up the for me!

I think that many IOs experience a high from the knowledge that their action can have a very dramatic effect on another person's life.

I'm looking forward to reading your advice!
Congratulations Yuumyk..sounds like some of the IOs at your DO are in need of some serious customer service training..what gets me is the way some IOs have no sense of communication skills and take advantage of the power bestowed upon them, all at our expense since our fees pay for their salaries.
Thanks, Bobsmyth, for your kind words and all your advice over the months. Yup, like every government agency it's hit and miss regarding who you will get, and interpersonal skills are not really required for the job. That being said, my IO was not rude, just "stern". Fine with me as long as he's fair, and I was stern with him also.

Fundamentally, IOs are low-mid level bureaucrats. Like many low-mid-level bureaucrats (law enforcement personnel, postal clerks, city hall workers), it's easy to get carried away with your own sense of self-importance. I didn't let it bother me too much - I just made it my main objective to get through the interview in once piece, with a successful outcome.

In all your experience here, have you heard of others who did not have to sign their photos? I have seen so many posts agonizing over what type of signature etc. to use, that I was surprised I did not have to sign them.
Thanks, Feliz-LA. Hoping that you get your IL in the next round of mailings, which should occur in the next few days!

and couple hours after your message I knew my ID :) Thank you for support :) and I hope your OL comes soon!

:rolleyes: Can I ask you to fwd the "other thoughts" to me too? :rolleyes:
In all your experience here, have you heard of others who did not have to sign their photos? I have seen so many posts agonizing over what type of signature etc. to use, that I was surprised I did not have to sign them.
Someone else mentioned that they wrote their name in print on the photos and the IO didn't say anything about it. Looks like some IOs may not enforce if you sign the photos or not so I wouldn't worry about it.
Someone else mentioned that they wrote their name in print on the photos and the IO didn't say anything about it. Looks like some IOs may not enforce if you sign the photos or not so I wouldn't worry about it.
Thanks, Bobsmyth, that makes me feel better about things. I will say that my IO was extremely thorough (at least I thought he was), so he didn't strike me as the kind of guy who would miss an important detail. I am hoping that if I really do need to sign the photos I can simply do it at the oath ceremony rather than having to make a separate trip back to the DO.

Well, we have about 65,000 oath slots here in southern California between now and September 26, 2008 so I am hoping that one of those slots will be reserved for me!
and couple hours after your message I knew my ID :) Thank you for support :) and I hope your OL comes soon!

:rolleyes: Can I ask you to fwd the "other thoughts" to me too? :rolleyes:

Congratulations once again, and I absolutely will send you my other thoughts via PM as well. Looks like your journey will soon be coming to an end...
hi ppl...
I had my interview today...All the things went smooth except they have given me N-652 which states that I have passed the both test....but with that they also have given me N-14 forum:(...and on N-14 they asked for (1)California ID:( or Driving License and (2)Proof of Physical Presence in US...I told him during the interview that I have been gone after getting Fingerprinted on Jan 9th,2008 and came on July 4th,2008. but during that time I was enrolled in Online College....

So my Question is: Can I send My official College transcript to show that I was Still a US resident even though i was away for few moths? I was taking classes online when i was away...

PD:OCT11, 2007
FL:JAN 4, 2008
FD:JAN 30, 2008 (FP WALK-IN JAN 9, 2008
IL DATE:JULY 21, 2008
Santa Ana FP accept walk-ins?

Good news. I received my 2nd fingerprint notice.
Bad news. It falls during my vacation.

Any chance of walking in tommorrow (Wednesday) and getting this done before I have to leave for LAX at 3pm?

What time should I start to try? In the morning or afternoon?


Good news. I received my 2nd fingerprint notice.
Bad news. It falls during my vacation.

Any chance of walking in tommorrow (Wednesday) and getting this done before I have to leave for LAX at 3pm?

What time should I start to try? In the morning or afternoon?


I did a walk in appointment back in December 2007, and I had absolutely no problems with it. I just walked in, showed the guard the letter and asked if I could get the fingerprinting done that day. They were very nice and accomodating about it. If memory serves, the two times they reserve for "re-schedules" are Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. I went on Saturday at about 2:30pm. Try your luck tomorrow, and see what they say. The worst they can say is no. If they do, you might try asking them when a better time for a walk in is, and coming back that day. Worst case scenario is that you contact USCIS to re-schedule as that will slow things down. Good luck!
Signing of Photos at Interview

Hi Everyone,

I had posted my interview experience on here about two weeks ago, and at that time I mentioned that I was NOT asked to sign or write my name on my photos at any time during my naturalization interview. Well, of course I completely forgot about this until after the interview was over so I did not have a chance to discuss with my IO. I did, of course, sign my application in the presence of the IO and was also asked to sign a few other documents - my civics exam paper, my written english paper and one other piece of paper that looked like a basic fact sheet on me (name, dob, address, phone numbers etc.) Part of me was really surprised that my IO would make a mistake like this since he seemed like such a thorough IO (went through the application twice, did a lot of checking of stuff while I was sitting there).

Well, most people here on this forum told me not to worry about it and that I would be able to sign the photos at the oath ceremony etc. But, nonetheless, I did worry. I worried because it has already been almost a year since I applied and at this point I just want to get this process over with.

So, when my wife went for her interview last week (hers was about 10 days after mine) I had her inquire about this with her IO. I went with her and waited for her in the interview waiting room, just in case they needed me to sign the photos that day. At any rate, her IO told her that I should not worry and that they (meaning IOs at the Santa Ana DO) no longer have applicants sign or write anything on their naturalization photos during the interview. He didn't give a reason why or a timeframe for when they stopped doing this, but apparently they no longer bother with this. My wife informs me that, true to his word, her IO did not ask her to sign her photos either. Her IO knew that I had just been through the interview process as my name was "in the system" on his computer, so I was also relieved to hear that (even though I don't really know what it means to be "in the system").

She passed the interview, although she was asked for her 2007 tax return (I had prepared all the documents for her, so she had both the tax return and the transcripts from the IRS). I cannot be sure since I was not present, but I believe he asked her for the tax return because she "stumbled" a bit on one question about the filing of taxes and whether we got a refund or owed money and, if so, how much. Her two traffic tickets that she declared on the N-400 were not an issue, although the IO was a little concerned at first when reading her application: he thought she was indicating that she had been arrested, but she noted that these were simple citations for speeding. No proof of payment or anything was required, although she did have all the necessary documentation.

Other than that, her interview seemed straighforward, and I also got my questions about the photos answered. So, I think the lesson for all you out there who have upcoming interviews is not to worry about signing the photos. I note that on these forums some people at different DOs are being asked to sign photos, so this may very well depend on where your interview is being conducted. The bottom line is not to worry about this, regardless of what you are asked to do - just follow the IO's directions!

My IO informed me that I would receive my oath letter within 90 days. My wife's IO informed her that oath letters are typically taking about 45 days at this point. Given the number of oath ceremonies being conducted over the next 8 weeks, I am hoping that the letters will arrive sooner rather than later. I will update you all again once these are received...
Santa Ana FP won't accept walk-in but...

I tried to walk-in to Santa Ana FP. Person in charge would not accept me saying "we haven't accepted walk-ins for a year now".

Anyway, after pleading my case, he gave me instructions to go to the Santa Ana DO to get an appointment letter.

I was able to walk-in at Santa Ana DO and get the appt. letter, then went back to the FP place.

Whole process (including first visit to FP) took less than 2 hours.

Anyone else who want to get FP earlier than appointment:
Probably best to get an INFOPASS appointment and have your FP appt changed. You could try a walk-in too but appt is better.

I recieved the OATH LETTER today... :)

My OATH Date is for August 28, 2008 - It is in Los Angeles...
Congratulations, Dahvaio! That's great news that they managed to slot you into the ceremony on the 28th. Sounds like that's going to be a "Super Thursday", with 18,000 people taking the oath that day.

If you wouldn't mind, can you please update the forum with your oath experience once you take it on the 28th? Best of luck.
Oath Letter Received

Received my oath letter today (N-445) in the mail. It was mailed on August 12th, and my oath ceremony will take place on September 11, 2008 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

I read about previous oaths at the LACC causing traffic chaos downtown (they naturalize 18,000 people on oath days, in three separate ceremonies). That being said, and given the fact that I live in OC, I have elected to stay overnight at a hotel the night before. That way, I can just park my car and then walk over to the convention center.

Seems like they schedule the oath ceremonies about one month in advance. The next one after the September 11 ceremony for Southland filers is September 26, 2008. Oath letters for that ceremony should be mailed in about two more weeks.

I'll let everybody know how the ceremony goes after I complete it. I also posted this message in the LA forum, since we are all scheduled for oaths together. One final note - the N-445 was issued from the Laguna Niguel Service Center (CSC) and not the Santa Ana DO, as I had thought it would be. I guess So. Cal oaths are scheduled centrally. Oh, well - who cares? I am done with trying to figure out the USCIS! All I know is that any organization that takes 13 months to process a 10 page application is so massively dysfunctional that it probably isn't worth trying to figure out!
I passed my interview today 08/22/08 at Santa Ana DO, here is my experience.
My scheduled time is 8:50 AM, I got there about 8:00AM, there was no line in front of the building so I proceeded to the security check point and went up second floor.
The room was almost full, I was called around 9:00 AM by a nice IO. He took me to the back door, asked me to take the oath and to tell the truth, took my green card, driver license and old passport. He basically went over my application, verified my name, address, phone number, marriage status and asked for trip outside the US and he also checked the passport for any stamp.
He went over quickly the application and asked if I was arrested or detained by the police. (no cited as I remembered). I said no except I was cited for traffic and fishing violation which I marked yes on question 16. The IO said "no problem, everyone make mistakes" he seem didn't care about these violation at all and didn't ask for any proof/disposition paper.
He then asked me read and write a simple sentence and 10 test questions which I got them all correct.
He then asked me to sign the application and gave me the N652 which basically said you are recommended for approval and waiting for the oath letter
He didn't ask me to sign my photos at all like Yummik with his interview.
The whole process took about 10 minutes with a very nice and professional IO.
I'm almost 99% done so good luck everyone.

CSC, Santa Ana DO
PD: 04/08/08
ID: 08/22/08 (passed!)
OL Rec'd: ??
Oath Date: ??
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Here are my 5 cents about my interview experience in Santa Ana on 15AUG:

Arrived about an hour prior to appointment just to be safe and ended up waiting 2hrs. Once in the IO's office and after taking the oath, everything went rather quickly. We talked about TV reality shows and she shared some stories from her life in between the official stuff. I couldn't believe it! I was a bit flabbergasted but played along to keep it light. Maybe it was some sort of a psychology thing to be able to judge one's character...who knows. It switched back and forth between the >casual< chat and then the more serious task at hand. The application was reviewed step by step, name correction was discussed, she asked about if I paid taxes and whether I'd owe or would get a refund usually, then had to pick a number between 1 and 12 (chose 11) - IO made a funny remark - wrote 3 sentences and answered 6 civics questions (answers are: 50, Thomas Jefferson, Alaska, Speaker of the House, Congress and the last one I can't remember); guess only 6 are needed to pass so she didn't bother asking the remaining 4. Signed the pictures, was told I passed and up for recommendation (handed me the signed original N-652), copies were made of passport and GC, one more glance over the file to ensure completeness and I was outta there in less than 20min.
Out of breath yet? I certainly was afterwards walking back to the car a bit to tell you the truth and in somewhat disbelief. Imagined a much grimmer scenario...

They're rushing to get as many people into the last couple of ceremonies in September to be able to register to vote in time since the fiscal year ends 30SEP. This explains now why additional ceremonies haven't been posted for OCT/NOV as of yet.

Today, 28AUG, I received the N-445 notice in the mail, dated 27AUG to appear on 26SEP at 3:30pm at the L.A. Sports Arena to attend the Oath ceremony. AMAZING! They got it done w/in less than 2 weeks after my interview.

All in all, the whole process took a mere 7 months in my case from the filing date to oath.

Good Luck to everyone out there...this forum has helped me quite a bit!