Santa Ana (OC), CA Time Line

march 15, 08 reported June 30,07 for Santa Ana
and April 11,07 for LA :(

is the Oath theory is true, then people in OC should be getting oaths for cases with PD before June 30, 07

well i see here last oath in thread was : PD May 16, 07 had oath Jan 18, 08, i hope more people post their news

Yeah (sigh) the Santa Ana office has retrogressed to June 30, 2007 - they actually managed to move backwards by 20 days over the course of a month. OK, something is really messed up with the way in which they calculate and report processing times. Many other DOs are reporting the same thing, so my sense is that this is an attempt by the USCIS to lower expectations on the part of applicants such that the processing times of DOs are closer to the published standard timelines of "14 - 16 months". Maybe it has something to do with the Congressional hearings that are scheduled for April 2, 2008, or perhaps it is due to with the fact that the NY Times and other media outlets have managed to keep this story alive, and keep hammering away at USCIS for its shortcomings. Thank goodness this is an election year, or nobody at all would care and this would not even be a blip on anyone's radar screen.

One thing for sure is that the processing times they are offering are now completely useless. At least previously, the numbers seemed to be roughly based in fact but now I think the best way to figure out what is going on is on this forum, by looking at other members whose processing dates are close to one's own.

Feliz-LA, I know we have seen some ILs for July 2007 filers recently at the LA DO, so I think that is encouraging. Don't give up hope based on these latest numbers! I know they are working through the July hump and the extra hours for interviews etc. should help.
I think most of the DO in Calironia are following the same date. San Diego = June 30th
I have no idea what that means, going backward but I hope we start seeing IL.

Goodluck guys
I think most of the DO in Calironia are following the same date. San Diego = June 30th
I have no idea what that means, going backward but I hope we start seeing IL.

Goodluck guys
Thanks, Nimche, same to you. And best of luck at your Infopass appointment next week. Please let us know how it turns out.

As for the rerogression at most southern Cal DOs, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think this is in response to the all the information requested by the Congressional committee, and the USCIS is running scared. They are really using the dates to temper expectations more than anything else, but we know that many of the DOs are ahead of the actual dates listed, in terms of issuing ILs. One good example is the Boston DO - it is listed as June 2007, but in reality (from reading this forum) people with PDs of October 2007are getting ILs, suggesting that the Boston DO is long past the July hump.

For some of the other DOs, including Santa Ana and San Diego, it is very hard to tell because there are not enough members reporting updates on this forum. However, based on other DOs that now have June 30, 2007 processing dates, I am fairly certain that most DOs with this processing date are in fact processing cases well into the July 2007 timeframe, and beyond in some cases. Even at the LA DO, where we saw the largest retrogression, there have been a few reports of July 2007 filers receiving ILs and even having their interviews by now.

I know there was a huge spike in cases in July 2007, but they are also pulling out all the stops in terms of interviewing people on weekends etc. Sit tight, and you will get your IL soon.
Got my oath letter today...check out my time line in my sig :)
Congratulations, Xenogear, and thanks for posting! Glad to hear that this journey is coming to an end for you. It's very hard to tell where Santa Ana is in terms of processing applications right now since you are the only one who has received an IL or had an interview there lately, and of course they re-set the processing date numbers last week, so these are useless. However, your case gives me hope that they are working through the end of July surge of applications. All the best to you!
Anyone with my time-line (See Signature) get an interview letter yet? It seems like it has been a long time...
Anyone with my time-line (See Signature) get an interview letter yet? It seems like it has been a long time...
The only IL received recently for Santa Ana is Xenogear. You can see his timeline above, but his PD is a few days earlier than yours. However, he received his IL some time back and has laready completed his interview. Do you know if you have cleared the name check yet? Also, when you do get the IL can you please post the timeline here?
Infopass Appointment at Santa Ana DO

Well, I went for an Infopass appointment this morning at the Santa Ana DO. I had called the customer service line about two weeks ago and when they really couldn't tell me anything useful, I decided to make the Infopass appointment. It is pretty easy to schedule it online, and you just print the appointment letter and take it with you. The appointment was for 7am, and I got to the federal building around 6:50am. There was already a line forming outside, so I joined it. I spoke with a nice gentleman from the Philipines who was having his N-400 interview this morning, and he had a PD of 7-23-07. He receive the IL on 2-21-08 (he was kind enough to show me his letters, so I am posting his timeline here).

Well, anyway, it turns out I was in the wrong line for Infopass, but it was fine since I got to speak with other applicants. The security guard sent me around the corner to where Infopass people go, and I stepped inside. The first step was security screening, and it is clear to me now where all the money from the application fee increases is going: towards hiring security guards to prevent pissed off applicants from trashing the place. There were a number of armed guards standing around, and they had me walk through a metal detector and put my documents etc. through the x-ray machine. All their equipment seemed brand new and state of the art. Well, the next step is to go and get a ticket number from a woman who sits behind 3 inches of bulletproof glass (are you sensing a theme here?). After showing this woman your appointment letter and ID, she gives you the equivalent of a number, similar to what you get in line at the post office. Why it takes a human being to do this task is beyond me, but I didn't really want to get into it with her at 7am regarding why she is sitting there instead of consucting naturalization interviews. Besides, the glass partition made it hard to hear anything she said.

So, next step is to go to a big waiting room. Didn't have to wait long until they called my number. Went and spoke with an IO and simply asked for an update on my case. Gave her my GC and told her my priority date. She typed a bunch of stuff into her computer, and I waited patiently. Finally, she told me that all of my background checks had cleared and that I was "in the queue", but that nothing has yet been scheduled. I was disappointed, to say the least, that nothing was scheduled, but after speaking with other applicants in line I was not really surprised. They are clearly struggling to get through the July hump, and my sense is that many many people waited until the latter part of July to apply. This means that there are probably an awful lot of folks with PDs between 7-23-07 and 7-31-07.

The IO told me to give it another three months, and that I could check back then if I hadn't received anything. Well, three months makes it July, and a July IL means a late September ID. Given the lag between ID and oath, it will be too late for me to register to vote here - and this is assuming that everything goes well, and there is certainly no guanrantee of that. So, that's where things stand at Santa Ana DO. Stilll interviewing July 2007 applicants, so if you applied after 7-31-07, you can realistically expect to wait a few more months. I had very low expectations going into the Infopass, and my expectations were approximately accurate in terms of what you can expect from this type of appointment. I went for a couple of reasons: (1) wanted to make sure I was through name check, (2) to get some info to report back here, (3) to give the appearance of being as proactive as possible, in case I later on need to exercise the "nuclear option" (lawsuit).

My next step will be to fire off a few letters to some local politicians expressing my outrage over not being able to vote this year, despite having applied for citizenship 15 months prior to the Nov 2008 elections. Again, I don't expect that anything will come of it, but see number 3 above for why I am doing this. That's about all I have to report for now - I may do another Infopass in a few more weeks, or perhaps somebody else can report in on how theirs went. Let me know if you guys have any questions
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Sorry. After all that, I forgot to post my timeline. Here it is:

N-400 sent: 8-20-07
PD: 8-21-07
Check cashed: 10-29-07
NOA received: 11-21-07
FP letter received: 12-22-07
FP done: 12-22-07
FP date: 1-17-08
Infopass: 4-18-08 (name check etc. clear; told to wait 3 more months)
IL: waiting

One final comment. Somebody posted a link to an LA Times article that came out this week. It talks about the backlogs at LA DO (~120,000 naturalization cases outstanding as of January) and Santa Ana DO (~20,000 naturalization cases outstanding as of January). It also mentions that these two DOs are conducting interviews after hours and on weekends. That's the only good news I have heard this week.
Interview at Santa Ana

Applied back in July 2007 and had my interview on Monday (April 21). All went smoothly. Interview at 10:35. Civic Cntr Plaza is impressive place. Finally made it to building 34 (Federal building) via a long winding route. I had parked a block away in a parking structure where the jurors park and walked to the main parking entrance whereupon I turned the wrong way and took a long detour. Came across a gentleman outside having a smoke and mentioned, that as he seemed a very knowledgeable man (I had just seen him helping someone else), was this the correct location ?(I showed him my letter). He saw that my interview time was 45 minutes away, and indicated I should stand in line and go in.

I went in and up to the 2nd floor whereupon I handed in my letter to the receptionist and took a seat in a room with about 50 - 75 other folks. Took out my civics book for a little last minute review. I was very impressed with their organization because they had a lot of IO's on duty and seemed to be calling a name almost every one minute.

The time went by very quickly. Someone who looked like he was very high in the chain, came out and wished everyone a "happy Monday" which was very nice. I also saw my smoke guy, turns out he was an IO and he called someone's name and took them for their interview.

I got called in at 10:25 which was 10 minutes before my scheduled time.

All went well with the interview. There seemed to be a lot of different nationalities for the IO's. My name was called by a IO . He was an an american and he was very nice. Scared me a little because while all of the other officers were taking the applicants back thru the same door they came from, my IO took me the back thru the door I had come in from. He took me to his office, and told me that he needed to put me under oath and anything I say was on the record.

We started and he simply asked how I got my GC, took my answers and then moved on to my N-400. We made some changes because of stuff being out of date (trips in 2002 not longer valid, new trip added etc). Onto the moral questions.

I had gotten a red light violation in Pasadena and we added that to the morals section. I had paid the fine and had gone online to Pasadena courts to show that case was dismissed. I asked him if listing this an overkill but he said "no". I also mentioned that I had an old discretion back in early 80's where I had gotten a "Reckless Driving" conviction. I detailed as much specific's as I could recall but could not give proof because my case files from the court records were lost or destroyed. I had brought a letter from LA Superior Court that I had gotten on Friday showing that they had done a search and no matches found for my name and DOB. We needed to change the entries to show an arrest, charge and conviction.

He had no problem with my statement, in fact he may have thanked me for being so honest. Anyway I felt that I should mention it and knew from these forums that you have nothing to worry about if the incident is older than 5 years.

I had everything (tax returns, utility bills, paychecks, old passports) but he did not want to see anything.

Answered all questions correctly. Fairly simple ones. I mentioned that I was glad that naming the first colonies did not come up. He mentioned that one is tough and sometimes comes up and he leaves to the last if it does.

He gave me the "recommended for approval" letter and bid me farewell. I said it is a dream come true and he smiled.

Now waiting for the oath letter.

And parking was only $2 for two hours which was a lot cheaper than the $3.75 for 15 minutes when I went to pick up my certified letter from LA County Records building in downtown LA

Thanks again to all who participate in these forums, it was so helpful to hear all your interview stories and made me feel more at ease about the whole process.

(Sorry for any typo's)
Keengolfer - thanks for sharing your interview experience at the Santa Ana DO, and congratulations on a successful interview! Your timeline is essentially identical to that of a gentleman I spoke with last Friday outside the federal building in Santa Ana - his interview date was one business day before yours, but you both had the same PD and IL date. Glad to hear that they seemed efficient and had quite a few IOs working - hope they can clear the July backlog soon.

Can you please post here once you receive your oath letter as well, and perhaps tell us a little about the oath ceremony (where, when etc.) Thanks again, and congratulations!
Just received the Interview Letter and the interview is for June. Finally... Yay....
Congratulations, dahvaio! You have a late July PD, so hopefully they are almost over the July hump at Santa Ana. As of about a week ago, it seemed that they were interviewing people with PDs of approximately 7/23/08. Looks like it is taking them about 2 months to clear the end of July backlog. Good luck, and please post back on your interview experience, once it happens.
Santa Ana seems moving pretty fast, April 15th they reported processing 06/17/07, do you think it means PD for OATH dates? cuz Santa Ana isn't in the recent standard list

Could anybody recommend an immigration lawyer in south OC/Long Beach/LA with realistic fees or payment plan?
Yeah, Santa Ana seems to be doing OK although my sense is that they are still not over the end of July hump yet. From what I could tell in talking to applicants a few weeks ago at an InfoPass appointment, they were interviewing people from the last week of July around mid-April. Based on a recent IL that has been received, applicants with PDs towards the end of July (the last bitter days before the fee increase took effect) are being interviewed as late as June 2008. There is also a tremendous amount of variabiliity in these dates, as Xenogear - with a PD of 7/23/07 - had his interview in early March and has already taken the oath. I think there were so many applicants in July that part of it is just dumb luck - you may have the same PD as other people but there were so many applicants that your ID may be three months later!

In terms of attorneys, I sent you a PM.
Yeah, Santa Ana seems to be doing OK although my sense is that they are still not over the end of July hump yet. From what I could tell in talking to applicants a few weeks ago at an InfoPass appointment, they were interviewing people from the last week of July around mid-April. Based on a recent IL that has been received, applicants with PDs towards the end of July (the last bitter days before the fee increase took effect) are being interviewed as late as June 2008. There is also a tremendous amount of variabiliity in these dates, as Xenogear - with a PD of 7/23/07 - had his interview in early March and has already taken the oath. I think there were so many applicants in July that part of it is just dumb luck - you may have the same PD as other people but there were so many applicants that your ID may be three months later!

In terms of attorneys, I sent you a PM.

thanks for PM, as to Santa Ana speed, according to LA Times there was only 22 000 pending in January, vs 127 533 in LA DO, so i think the reason they are not in August like Northern CA, is that they probably have very few officers,

but if you look in NYC thread LA and Santa Ana might too get new officers with faster processing policies and interviews for new officers will be scheduled with a short notice
thanks for PM, as to Santa Ana speed, according to LA Times there was only 22 000 pending in January, vs 127 533 in LA DO, so i think the reason they are not in August like Northern CA, is that they probably have very few officers,

but if you look in NYC thread LA and Santa Ana might too get new officers with faster processing policies and interviews for new officers will be scheduled with a short notice
Let's hope so. I certainly hope that they will be bringing on these "new employees" that they have been talking about for so long, and that the effect on ILs and IDs will be rapid. It's my understanding that LA DO is conducting interviews on Saturdays as well, so hopefully that will cause them to speed up.
IL Received

I received my interview letter today, May 24, 2008. It was kind of a nice touch for the long weekend.:D

The IL was dated and mailed on May 23, 2008 and seems to confirm that they send out ILs from the CSC around the 20th of the month. My interview will be in Santa Ana on July 15th. Time to interview from filing: 11 months.

Now I have to stop complaining here and start studying and getting ready for the interview. Of course I will post back here with my interview experience.

Santa Ana appears to be over the hump of summer filers, which is good news for applicants who applied after July 2007 and also good news for others in SoCal.

Hang in there, everybody.