San Jose Interview Tracker

Originally posted by stain
prevailing wage (100K for software developer in CA). YES I DO! [/B]

My company has software developers in 2 grades/levels whose salary ranges from late 60s to ~120s. And yes all of them software developers with different designations. 100K for software developer is a very vague way of categorization.
Case transferred to San Jose

Hi All

my case was transferred to San Jose for an interview on June 13.

All I have to do is wait and pray ;)

RD: 10/15/2001
ND: 11/15/2001
FP: 1/24/2002
FP Recd: 1/31/2002
RFE: March 18, 2003
RFE resp: June 9, 2003
Case transferred: June 13,2003

RFE details:
EVL, paystub and tax docs

AC-21 is applicable in my case.
Hi All
Here is the update on my situation. My employer agreed to meet my LC salary. It will be effective from 07/01. This has come as a great relief to me. But I still have some doubts. Is there a possibility that the officer may have some objection that my salary on the date of the interview (June 25) is less than the LC salary ? Also, I will not have any paystub with the new salary on the interview day. I hope he does not object to these things.

What do you guys think ?

No worries! Just take a letter from your compay with the LC salary. GC is for prospective employment, as long as the company pays LC salary at time of GC approval you are good to go!

Congratulations on getting your salary bumped up! Good luck with the interview process!
It should not effect your case since GC is for future employment but its all depends on mood of the officer he may ask you that what is the guarantee that you will be getting raised salary after interview/GC.

He may object that you are not getting LCed salary on the date of interview and might get suspicious that you get the letter from your employer just to show the LCed salary.

So hope for the best since you have done your part and now its their turn to act.

Lets hope to hear some good news on 25th June, pl update us after interview. And what happen to your wife's case ?
GC is for future employment so if you get the letter from them stating that they will pay you = Labor salary most probably you should be fine.Thats what we have seen so far in this forum
Vehicle Code-31


What does Vehicle Code-31 stands for? I am in a similar kind of situation.

We have received our interview notices!

Tuesday, July 22 is the interview date.

Not sure how "lucky" we are but we will return from our 3-week Europe trip on July 18th. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Didn't I told you that you will be getting your interview letter some time in July.


Most probably you will also be getting interview notice some time in July only so take care of your trip, I would say if it is not very urgent then think in terms of rescheduling it. Never ever try to reschedule your interview.

I didn't wanted to spoil the sanity of this thread but since you asked me so let me tell you, I was going to ask about my wife's case also and God just hungup on me.

Since then I was trying his number but no luck. So next I will remember about you and first question I will ask about you.

But if you remember I told you that you will be getting RFE so let see when you will get RFE.
Which district office is faster? SJC/SFO?

Which district office is faster in scheduling interviews? SJC/SFO?
If I change my address now can I change the center. Right now I live in SFO jurisdiction area and before they transfer if I move to San JOse will I get SJC interview?

Thanls for your answer in advance.

SJC is much faster than SFO as of today, there is no doubt about it.
When did you filed your 485 application if it is near JIT then don't change the address otherwise you can do it and make sure that you know how to change address and after that confirm it from INS.

Chances are very good for getting interview(IF) from SJC if you live in SJC.

But why do you think that you will get interview instead of RFE or direct approval ?
approved on 25th june

PD: 11/2000
RD: 8/29/2001
ND: 9/24/2001
FP: 5/16/2002
RFE: 12/2002
RFE response received: 1/7/2003
Status changed to Interview(transferred to local INS)
: 1/10/2003
Interview scheduled for 6/25/2003
AD: 6/25/2003

Here is my experience. I went to San Jose INS for the
interview in the morning today. I reached there early
(7.00am) as it gets difficult to find a parking as day
goes on. The interview was scheduled at 8am. Waited a
few minutes before my lawyer showed up. We put the
interview letter in the little tray below the window
in the "appointments" room.
15 minutes later, a INS officer called my name. I went
in with my attorney. She first asked me to lift my
right hand and take a oath ("Every thing I say or tell
here is truth ....."). Then I sat down. She began with
"We usually don't interview but your case was chosen
randomly ... and there is a note on your file that
says that you are no longer working for the sponsoring
employer." .Then she asked for my passport, driving
license, EAD card(s) and social security card. Then
she asked if I have a EVL or paystubs. I gave her the
EVL. Then she asked a series of questions for which I
most replied in yes or no.
- Are you working with XXX(new employer name) ? Yes
- Your duties are same as with the previous employer ?
- Are you going to live at this address for next 3 to
6 months ? Yes
- Do you have your birth certificate ? Yes, showed her
the original.
- Do you have Tax returns for 2002 ? Yes, gave a copy
to her.
- Do you have your W-2 ? Yes, gave her the copies.
- Are you married ? Yes
- When did you get married ? Apr 2002
- Where did you get married ? India
- Do you have marriage certificate ? Yes, showed her
the original.
- Do you have a copy of the marriage certificate ?
Yes, gave her a copy.
- Were you out of status at any point of time ? NO
- Do you have any court cases / police records (don't
remember the exact words)? No
- What is your day time number ?
- What is your home phone number ?

Then she asked me to sign on a paper and finger print
on both the sides. She asked us to wait outside as she
had to run some search. 10 minutes later, she called
to give me the stamped passport.
Overall it was a very smooth interview. It was over in
less than 15 minutes. Although the officer was craving
for her morning coffee as someone had gone to
Starbucks and had not returned, she was very polite
and didn't cause me any trouble.

I am soooo glad that it is over (not completely though
as I am still awaiting my wife's approval). It feels
great. I hope you guys get your approval soon.
I am thankful to people who created this forum. It is
a great source of information and helped me a lot.
I am going to East Coast for a 10 day vacation this
friday. There couldn't have been a better time for a
Guys, do we have to redo Medical exams or NOT before interview? The sheet states to bring med. exam result but it seems standard for anyone. We did our exams almost 2 years ago and they have a copy of it. Two different lawyers told me that we don't have to redo.

But I heard from some people (who went trhough this process) that we HAVE to redo (too old results, their lawyers adviced, and so on)...
Receipt date 10/15
Notice Date 11/16
Transferd to SJC april 02, 2003
Interview notice received May 24, 2003
Intervie and approval date June 26.

Guys this forum have been so helpful to US. All the thanks to guys who maintain flow of information.

Our interview Schedule was 1.00pm, 1.30 pm, 2.0pm for me, my wife and my daughter.
we reached there at 12.15 pm and went to room 219 dropped our appointment letter under window2.

Our attorney came around 12.45 and we were called in 1.05 pm. The officer was a Lady and very nice. Our attorney seem to know her. Both were talking on different stuff through out the interview.

We were asked to raise our right hand and take oath. After that she asked EAD, passport and SSN card for me.
She asked if I had trouble with police .
I answers "yes"
then she asked what was it and I described my case.
She asked the court paper related to sentencing and conviction

In between my attorney started telling me that this thing can happen if you piss of a police officer.

She asked EVL and this years tax return and Advance parole.

She was arranging and rearranging the file all the while. she took my signature and finger print and She stamped the passport and give it to atorney and and he will explain me.
Althugh I was guessing at this point but was not very sure about what is going on.

Then she took EAD, passport and SSN card for my wife and asked the question regarding torublw with police and she answered "no" som emore questions associated with Party affiliation etc which che answered "no". she took hersignature and finger print and She stamped the passport and give it to atorney.

Then she aske dfor my 5 years ol passport and looked through the paper and tooke signature and finger print and stamped the passport.

At the same timemy attorneyy started telling me that now you are no longer on H! and copy this stamping and give it to your Emplyer etc.

What a great relief. Whole process took around 65 minutes ut most of it she was arraning files and papers etc.

She asked about earthquakes and homelessness in India on Which she was chatting with attorney.

Guys this is end of my long story. If any of you questions, I will keep visiting this site for a month at least but for immediate attention send me a private mail.
No I did not. My attorney said it is standard notice, Although I took my copies of last medical exam but she never asked about them.
Sharma123 what's your email

Congrats! Can you send me your private email because I have some questions for you. Thanks.