San Jose Interview Tracker

WOW, that was FAST! Congrats!

I am now getting scared it's going to be too fast for me since we have arranged a travel to Europe in the first half of July.

Most probably you will also be getting interview notice some time in July only so take care of your trip, I would say if it is not very urgent then think in terms of rescheduling it. Never ever try to reschedule your interview.
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Unfortunately, this cannot be rearranged. Maybe cancelled only.
It's just too complicated: Schengem visa issues, air tickets, and finally 2004-model European car pick up - all have to be prearranged a long before :)
Sharma123, could you please post the list of all the documents they request for the interview?

My situation requires us to prepare well in advance. So your help is greatly appreciated.

I am another interview arranged at San Jose.
My case was transferred to shedule interview as of May 20th, 2003. I have changed my job Jan. this year, 2003.
Is there any special preparing document ? Do we go with attorney to defense questions ? When do I suppose to get notice from San Jose ins

I am another interview arranged at San Jose.
My case was transferred to shedule interview as of May 20th, 2003. I have changed my job Jan. this year, 2003.
Is there any special preparing document ? Do we go with attorney to defense questions ? When do I suppose to get notice from San Jose ins
Interview in San Jose

I have come back to ImmigrationPortal after a long time.
My case was transferred to San Francisco on January 7th. Last week I received the notice for Interview on June 25th in San Jose INS office.
They have asked for all the regular documents
- Employment letter, paystubs
- Rental agreements, Bills
- Marriage certificate, photos

My wife's 485 was filed seperately , a few months after filing mine. Her case is still with the CSC. Anyhow I am thinking of taking her along in the interview. Do you guys think the officer can approve her case also with mine ? Was there anybody in the
similar situatation ?

ND 08/24/2001

If you have not received transfer notice and hence interview notice for your wife than in that case local INS will not entertain your request. Since your wife's file is at CSC and your interview is at SFO so officer will not be in position to have interview/approval even if he wishes to do that.

1. How will you let her in to INS building since she does not have anything ?
2. How come officer will come to know about your wife's case ?
3. Why would he consider your wife's case, for INS your are two A#s not husband and wife.

I would say call CSC and tell them that this is the situation and see what they says. I know they will not do any thing but give it a shot.

Officer at local INS office can not approve your wife case, it will be approved by CSC if it is at CSC.

Most probably officer at local INS will approve your case and will ask you to wait for your wife's case.

But you know what " Miracles do happen at INS " so take her along with you.

What is her WAC# ?
My wife can enter from the non-appointment line. I will definitely take her along just in case the officer asks for her.
After the interview, I can only request the officer to notify CSC about my approval and that he has confirmed the marriage documents. This may help in getting her approval without any interview or RFE. She being a derivative applicant, I hope her approval comes soon after mine.
Lets see how it goes. Her WAC is 02-192-xxxxx

I am more worried about something else. I changed job 1 year after filing the I-485 and the salary is about 10% less than the salary in labor certification. But the offer letter does mention the performance bonuses which are about 10%. Altogether the salary is the same. I am still worried since the base salary is less.
Will that be an issue ? Anybody in the same boat ? or have you seen any other cases with reduced salary and called for interview ? what was their experience ?
cscgc19, it is important to have an absolute number good not the relative one. Not sure if bonus counts or not. As long as your salary starts from 100K (for California) you should be fine.
Originally posted by cscgc19
I am more worried about something else. I changed job 1 year after filing the I-485 and the salary is about 10% less than the salary in labor certification. But the offer letter does mention the performance bonuses which are about 10%.

You can check the prior threads which deal with the same situation. But the bottom line is you need to make LC salary! Period! No questions asked. Either that, or

1. Get an employment letter from your company stating that they will pay you requisite amount after approval of GC. Or,
2. Get the company to reissue the employment letter ignoring the split of salary + bonus, and putting just a single number as monetary award to employee.

With regards to taking your wife for the interview, I can only echo Vipsha in saying it is not a great idea. While you can get her into the building,
1. You might not be able to take her with you inside the interview room.
2. He will not have jurisdiction over your wife's case and
3. Since her RD is not up for approval he might ignore it all together.

A word of advise, it is best not to mess around with INS. Do things, the way they expect you too, don't try to be innovative, don't try to be a forward thinker, above all don't try to be logical. INS is not known for using logic (or they wouldn't have broken up 140 and 485 in the first place). The problem with doing any of the above is that you might piss the officer off and that is the end of your case. It is better that one of you get their GC for sure and then let the other come as may. Plus with the added complication of a mismatch in salary, you don't need any more headaches for sure!

Check a previous thread which dealt with an approval after interview. Where the person was sent back because he was making less than LC stated salary.

Oh, and two more things,
1. Take your attorney when you go for the interview.
2. Don't believe the 100K+ salary myth! Bottom line is LC stated salary!
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
But the bottom line is you need to make LC salary! Period! No questions asked.
2. Don't believe the 100K+ salary myth! Bottom line is LC stated salary!

1. Do you know of any denial based on the fact that stated salary is less than LC? I doubt that.
2. Do I know of any approvals when salary is less than LC but greater than prevailing wage. Yes I do.
3. Do I know of any problems caused by the fact that salary is less than prevailing wage (100K for software developer in CA). YES I DO!
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Vipsha, 140, Stain,
Thanks for your views. Those did help but have scared me too.

Firstly, the reason I am thinking of taking my wife along is that the first item on the interview letter have the following words:

May be this is a standard template but there is no harm if she is present. I wouldn't mention about her until mine gets approved.

My salary is less than 100K. My lawyer is still very optimistic and foresees no problem. Meanwhile I will talk to my employer to get a raise.

It is INS's standard format the question is whether officer has checked (X) this line or not, even if it is checked in that case also your wife did not get the interview letter and your wife's case is in CSC.

My suggestion would be don't try to be too smart.

There is no rule that your wife can not be present at the time of interview in room but its all depend on the officer, I know this since when my wife had interview, officer did not allowed me in room saying that you are not needed. My lawyer was also there even she did not say anything.

So you can take your wife with you but don't ask for interview you may just ask what needs to be done ?

Salary should not be a problem if it matches the salary mentioned in LC, it could be 60K or 125K. There is no thumb rule of 100K.

Officer can ask you to get a letter from your company about salary or it may not be questioned. It depends on your luck so good luck and cross your fingers.


I don't know any case where application was denied because of salary less than LC, but it was always questioned and I have seen if you try to prove that it is same including bonus and etc.. then in that case officer asked for more documentation.
So if your salary is less than salary then accept it and tell the truth with reasons.
i understand your view on this. yes the box in front of that line has a (X) mark. i am planning to just have my wife there if need be as thats what the interview letter clearly states. but yes i would not talk about her case more than just asking the officer's opinion on what the course after my approval be. i understand your point.

stain, i am not really sure if 100k is the prevailing wage for a software personnel in CA. as in , there is a wide range & not everybody is in the same boat. well, honestly i am hoping & praying that you are wrong ;-) cos if u aren't ......god help me !!! ;-). but the only thing that does keep me going is that my lawyer seems very comfortable with my position & even after my repeatedly asking , assures me that it should not be a prob. all i can do is maybe just hope that i am going to be lucky enuff to tide it thru.

i do have my fingers crossed ......thanx you guys for all the help & opinions.....i appreciate it !
Hi Stain
They have asked for
we all have got notices for inteview..this includes me, my wife and my five year old daughter.

1. all the original and one copy of all docs filed with I485.
2. EVL and 3 paystubs
3. Tax papers and a copy for last 3 years.
4. Birth ceritificates and marriage certificate for everyone and copies of them.
5. Utility bill, marriage photos etc for proving your marriage.
6. All passports and I94s.
7. They have also asked medical exam results ( I have asked my attorney what does this mean) I am yet to hear from them.

Surprsingly they havn't asked anything related to my Conviction which I guess is the reason fro interview.
Medical exam results are nothing but I-693 now the question is if INS want new exam results or INS did not have there copy of I-693.

I would say it is a matter of few $$s but it will be safe to have new examination and get the I-693 done by doctor.

But check with your lawyer.
MY attorney says that these are standard format and we do not need to do anything about medical exams as they will alreday have these.
This is the first line in my Interview notice:


I am thinking to keep the copies of my original I-693.

If you had clean medical exams in past and if you have copies of that than you can take them along with you but I have never seen that medical exam as an issue but you never knows.

One more thing I would like to say whatever documents you are taking with you make copy of every doc and take with you.

Officer might ask you for a copy.

Good luck and hope you will get approval on the same day, if officer ask you that he will get back to you in a week or so than insist to ask him if you can contact him/her directly for status instead of going through BCIS bullshit. And remember you can not call local office and the only way to get your status is to go local office in person.
Originally posted by stain
1. Do you know of any denial based on the fact that stated salary is less than LC? I doubt that.
2. Do I know of any approvals when salary is less than LC but greater than prevailing wage. Yes I do.
3. Do I know of any problems caused by the fact that salary is less than prevailing wage (100K for software developer in CA). YES I DO!


1. Yes I have come across atleast 2 cases in the past few months where the interviewee was sent back to get a clarification letter from the company stating LC salary!
2. I don't! And haven't come across any posting on the same on IP. I would attribute that case more to luck than anything else.
3. This is pure BS! If that were true then more than 20 + people I know, who are engineers in the valley, who make slightly over 60% of your stated prevailing wage, wouldn't have received their green cards.

I think I posted a link in a previous thread where you mentioned this with the current prevailing salary as per SESA for a CS engineer.

The reason I asked you not to bandy around numbers without checking up on SESA/DOL is because you will cause a panic with these alarmist statements.

By putting these arbitrary numbers forward you are undermining the whole concept of LC! Which is the best test of whether you make enough money as per prevailing wage.