San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

Can some one please help me how to INFO PASS to San Jose office. Phone? ext: ? etc.

Thanks in advance

Hi il-july-10-2008,

Go to to make an InfoPass appointment.

My wife who had her interview on July 16 has also not received her oath letter yet. I have made an InfoPass appointment and will keep this forum updated on any information we can get from IO at the appointment.

Anyone else not received their oath letter yet?

I see here that there are three people that have interviewed after July 10 and not received oath letters: myself, il-july-10-2008 and rkc.citizen's spouse.

If there is anyone else who completed their interview in mid July timeframe and is still waiting for oath letter, please post here. Lets see if we can find anything common in our cases. Do you suppose the IO who interviewed us, just forgot to update our file in the computer? Why is receipt of the oath letter so random? :confused:
Dear rkc.citizen

Hi il-july-10-2008,

Go to to make an InfoPass appointment.

My wife who had her interview on July 16 has also not received her oath letter yet. I have made an InfoPass appointment and will keep this forum updated on any information we can get from IO at the appointment.


Personally, I am very interested in why there are "time differences" for the processes even between a husband and a wife who applied at the same time, were interviewed at the same time, but one person did not receive a letter such as your case.

I would appreciate very much if you would get any information from the officer in terms of "why the 'time different' happens?"

In advance, thank you very much for your great kindness.


and all other who are helping reducing some of the tension we are undergoing. It really helps keeping the hope alive everyday thinking this is that day.

About 'random-ness' of Oath Letter I was hearing from some of my friends is that some of the Officers are ver lazy/irresponsible in entering/scheduling the Oath ceremony into the system. This results some gets letter late.

RKC: Please do post about what happened for wife using your INFOPASS.

Horrible Infopass experience


and all other who are helping reducing some of the tension we are undergoing. It really helps keeping the hope alive everyday thinking this is that day.

About 'random-ness' of Oath Letter I was hearing from some of my friends is that some of the Officers are ver lazy/irresponsible in entering/scheduling the Oath ceremony into the system. This results some gets letter late.

RKC: Please do post about what happened for wife using your INFOPASS.


My wife had her Infopass appointment yesterday at the San Jose DO. I couldn't accompany her as I am travelling on work.
According to my wife there were 2 windows open. At window 4 was a really nice lady IO of Indian origin who was smiling and answering people's questions very politely. At window 15 was a very rude white male IO who was clearly not happy to be there and who was giving everyone a hard time. My wife said she kept praying that she would be called to window 4, but as luck would have it, she was called by the rude male IO at window 15.
When she went to the window, apparently he asked why she was there with a frown. My wife told him that she was there to find out if her oath had been scheduled and handed him form N-652 so he could see that she had passed the interview. To her dismay, she saw him throw it in the trash. But, she was too stunned to question him. He then asked her to hand her the infopass appointment printout and her N-652 form. She handed him the Infopass and told him she had already given him the N-652. He got annoyed and said that she hadn't and said, you don't see it on the table do you? My wife told him that she didn't see it on the table because it was in the trash. That got him really upset. My wife said it was obvious he thought she was crazy and he gave an irritated exagerrated sigh and started looking in the trash. The form was right on top (face down so it wasn't that hard to find). But when he did find it, he didn't apologize to my wife. He looked at it and said you just had your interview so why are you coming back so soon? So my wife told him that her husband (that's me) had the interview at the same time and already got the oath letter and she was worried that hers might have been lost in the mail. The IO then had the audacity to tell her that if she was worried about lost mail she should complain to the post office and not waste his time. My wife then told him that she would complain to the post office if he could confirm that the oath letter was indeed lost.
So, now finally he looks at the computer and says "your oath is to be scheduled.......TO BE SCHEDULED....NOT YET SCHEDULED" The caps indicate he had raised his voice so the entire room could hear him.
My wife thanked him and left. She said she didn't have the guts to ask him his name although the thought did cross her mind.

She said that it was the first time in her life that someone had been so obnoxiously rude to her face.

Has anybody else had such a bad experience at an Infopass appointment?

I am actually considering complaining about this IO's behavior. If anyone has any ideas on how to go about it, I would be happy to hear from you.


There is absolutely no excuse for the IO to behave in such a manner. You definitely need to make an official complaint against the IO in question. No matter what is going on in their day there is no excuse to behave so unprofessionally. If it was me I would make another Infopass and request to speak to the supervisor at your local DO and inform them of the officer in question. I would also write an official letter and address it to the highest ranking officer at the your DO. Unfortunately, some IO's have let their apparent power affect them and they fail to respect what we are all going through. Your wife had a legitimate request and should have been responded to with respect and compassion. Once again I am sorry for your wife's experience's.
My wife had her Infopass appointment yesterday at the San Jose DO. I couldn't accompany her as I am travelling on work.
According to my wife there were 2 windows open. At window 4 was a really nice lady IO of Indian origin who was smiling and answering people's questions very politely. At window 15 was a very rude white male IO who was clearly not happy to be there and who was giving everyone a hard time. My wife said she kept praying that she would be called to window 4, but as luck would have it, she was called by the rude male IO at window 15.
When she went to the window, apparently he asked why she was there with a frown. My wife told him that she was there to find out if her oath had been scheduled and handed him form N-652 so he could see that she had passed the interview. To her dismay, she saw him throw it in the trash. But, she was too stunned to question him. He then asked her to hand her the infopass appointment printout and her N-652 form. She handed him the Infopass and told him she had already given him the N-652. He got annoyed and said that she hadn't and said, you don't see it on the table do you? My wife told him that she didn't see it on the table because it was in the trash. That got him really upset. My wife said it was obvious he thought she was crazy and he gave an irritated exagerrated sigh and started looking in the trash. The form was right on top (face down so it wasn't that hard to find). But when he did find it, he didn't apologize to my wife. He looked at it and said you just had your interview so why are you coming back so soon? So my wife told him that her husband (that's me) had the interview at the same time and already got the oath letter and she was worried that hers might have been lost in the mail. The IO then had the audacity to tell her that if she was worried about lost mail she should complain to the post office and not waste his time. My wife then told him that she would complain to the post office if he could confirm that the oath letter was indeed lost.
So, now finally he looks at the computer and says "your oath is to be scheduled.......TO BE SCHEDULED....NOT YET SCHEDULED" The caps indicate he had raised his voice so the entire room could hear him.
My wife thanked him and left. She said she didn't have the guts to ask him his name although the thought did cross her mind.

She said that it was the first time in her life that someone had been so obnoxiously rude to her face.

Has anybody else had such a bad experience at an Infopass appointment?

I am actually considering complaining about this IO's behavior. If anyone has any ideas on how to go about it, I would be happy to hear from you.


If the guy wears glasses and is not Asian, then probably we are talking about the same person. During one of my Infopass appointments, the Indian Lady asked this guy permission to have lunch!!!!! Who does that in America. This guy is the supervisor I guess based on his conduct. He was rude to her as well.
Thank you very much & so sorry for your wife

My wife had her Infopass appointment yesterday at the San Jose DO. I couldn't accompany her as I am travelling on work.
According to my wife there were 2 windows open. At window 4 was a really nice lady IO of Indian origin who was smiling and answering people's questions very politely. At window 15 was a very rude white male IO who was clearly not happy to be there and who was giving everyone a hard time. My wife said she kept praying that she would be called to window 4, but as luck would have it, she was called by the rude male IO at window 15.
When she went to the window, apparently he asked why she was there with a frown. My wife told him that she was there to find out if her oath had been scheduled and handed him form N-652 so he could see that she had passed the interview. To her dismay, she saw him throw it in the trash. But, she was too stunned to question him. He then asked her to hand her the infopass appointment printout and her N-652 form. She handed him the Infopass and told him she had already given him the N-652. He got annoyed and said that she hadn't and said, you don't see it on the table do you? My wife told him that she didn't see it on the table because it was in the trash. That got him really upset. My wife said it was obvious he thought she was crazy and he gave an irritated exagerrated sigh and started looking in the trash. The form was right on top (face down so it wasn't that hard to find). But when he did find it, he didn't apologize to my wife. He looked at it and said you just had your interview so why are you coming back so soon? So my wife told him that her husband (that's me) had the interview at the same time and already got the oath letter and she was worried that hers might have been lost in the mail. The IO then had the audacity to tell her that if she was worried about lost mail she should complain to the post office and not waste his time. My wife then told him that she would complain to the post office if he could confirm that the oath letter was indeed lost.
So, now finally he looks at the computer and says "your oath is to be scheduled.......TO BE SCHEDULED....NOT YET SCHEDULED" The caps indicate he had raised his voice so the entire room could hear him.
My wife thanked him and left. She said she didn't have the guts to ask him his name although the thought did cross her mind.

She said that it was the first time in her life that someone had been so obnoxiously rude to her face.

Has anybody else had such a bad experience at an Infopass appointment?

I am actually considering complaining about this IO's behavior. If anyone has any ideas on how to go about it, I would be happy to hear from you.


Dear RKC,

Thank you very much for your posting and I am very sorry for your wife that she was bullied by the rude immigration officer in san Jose. I also think that your wife should email to USCIS to complain his attitude.

Thanks Novascotiarn for your advice. I have downloaded complaint form I-847 and am going to fill it and mail it first thing tomorrow morning. I have also made an Infopass appointment for August 25 (earliest available) to make a complaint in person.

Zindagi, yes -according to my wife the IO is a white male with glasses, greyish-green eyes and close-cut military haircut. I sure hope he isn't the supervisor! I am planning on complaining about his behavior and have an appointment already! Who do I talk to if he himself is the supervisor? :eek:
Dear RKC,

Thank you very much for your posting and I am very sorry for your wife that she was bullied by the rude immigration officer in san Jose. I also think that your wife should email to USCIS to complain his attitude.


Dear all,

Be patient I think some people recommend 60 days after interview,not sure how far its in your case... my case took 13 months ... plus waiting for passport, its a slow process due to fees hike...

Wish you all get your approvals fast.

We are with you and do not worry.
This is something not of your wife's fault. They are the ones behave rude and every one knows it. That is exactly the reason one thinks twice before trying to contact them. I believe she will get the OL soon.

About complain, in some of the DO such as SFO where my friends says has a box letters and enqueries. But you know what, they are in the same boat and will not be on your side. Hard to believe this is USA. I've seen this same kind of behavior when I was for my GC stamping on my passport in SFO INS office. One officer came and started shouting on 4 year old child because he was crying on account of his upset. Such kind of animal like behavior is only common in immigration department where you can not complain to some one about those.

Dear all,

Be patient I think some people recommend 60 days after interview,not sure how far its in your case... my case took 13 months ... plus waiting for passport, its a slow process due to fees hike...

Wish you all get your approvals fast.

I Do agree the same, within 2-3 weeks of completing their Interview expectation is too high here for getting oath letter. I am not sure those who gets frustrated check the timeline spreadsheet for so many peoples, who got their oath letter almost after 80+ days .. So, be patience August month Ceremony is not the end of road.
I Do agree the same, within 2-3 weeks of completing their Interview expectation is too high here for getting oath letter. I am not sure those who gets frustrated check the timeline spreadsheet for so many peoples, who got their oath letter almost after 80+ days .. So, be patience August month Ceremony is not the end of road.

It was exactly 4 weeks since my wife's interview on the day of the Infopass appointment. So, yeah it may seem too soon to expect an oath letter.

But, the question my wife asked the IO is: "Has my oath been scheduled yet?" NOT "Why has my oath not been scheduled yet?"

The reason she asked this question is because we had our interviews on the same day and my oath letter had arrived already for Aug 14 oath. On the spreadsheet, there are quite a few people whose interview happened after my wife's and have already received their oath.
So, I think it is reasonable to worry that her oath letter may have been lost in the mail.

Anyway, regardless of the question, Infopass appointments are there for people to clarify doubts and have their questions answered in a courteous and polite manner. In my opinion, the IO was extremely rude and not acting professionally and hence the complaint.

By the way, now that we know from the IO that my wife is yet to be scheduled, we are atleast not worried about misplaced mail.
I agree. We have sent in an application and paid a fee. Therefore, an Infopass allows us to inquire about our application. It is totally irrelevant about inquiring too soon, etc. They are providing a service. It is also very easy for someone to say just be patient. This is a stressful process and if an Infopass appointment can ease that stress then so be it!

I totally agree and seem very rational to make use of an existing service "InfoPass". One has a reason to be worry specially because some gets OL the same week and other do not get in months. Moreover, INFOPASS which I'm sure have not legalized/authorized to abuse an applicant or has any warning sign that might read some like "dear applicant, be aware of an officer, who if wish can abuse you".

This is typically be addressed by raising/registering complaint about the officer. One has to stop the evils.

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A congressional aide from Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren's office called me today and said that she has sent me a consent form by mail. As soon as I sign it and send it back to her, she will be able to inquire with the USCIS about when my oath will be scheduled. :D
A congressional aide from Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren's office called me today and said that she has sent me a consent form by mail. As soon as I sign it and send it back to her, she will be able to inquire with the USCIS about when my oath will be scheduled. :D

My bet is that you will get the oath letter before any of this is done. It seems you just had your interview less than a month ago. Not that long ago that was fair game for getting the oath letter. I mean it usually took a month or so. Anyway, good luck and I hope you get your letter soon. From experience they will only make an inquiry, but no pressure or anything, they will find the same you can find through an Infopass.
My bet is that you will get the oath letter before any of this is done. It seems you just had your interview less than a month ago. Not that long ago that was fair game for getting the oath letter. I mean it usually took a month or so. Anyway, good luck and I hope you get your letter soon. From experience they will only make an inquiry, but no pressure or anything, they will find the same you can find through an Infopass.


I hope what you say is true!

I have an Infopass appt for Aug 18, but I'd rather not go after hearing others bad experience. I'd rather just make the inquiry through the congresswoman. I'm only expecting an inquiry from the congresswoman's office about my oath date and not expecting any pressure to be applied on my behalf.

My hope is that the inquiry itself will help them in reminding them of my file, incase it has been lost or forgotten.
Passport Received

I agree. We have sent in an application and paid a fee. Therefore, an Infopass allows us to inquire about our application. It is totally irrelevant about inquiring too soon, etc. They are providing a service. It is also very easy for someone to say just be patient. This is a stressful process and if an Infopass appointment can ease that stress then so be it!

PD JUL 27 07
FP OCT 29 07
IL APR 24 08
ID JUN 02 08
OL JUL 24 08
OD AUG 07 08
PP AUG 14 08

Good luck to all..