San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker

PERM implementation!

Here is email i have received from my lawyer..... it does not help much to us whose PD is in May - Sept, but would be good news for new applicants enjoy! our frastration of 3-4 years is paying you off... :rolleyes:

On Monday, December 27th, the Department of Labor will publish a new labor
certification process which, when it takes effect on March 27, 2005,
promises to revolutionize the way that labor certification is done and
make the endless delays of the current system a thing of the past.

Under the new "PERM" system to be announced by the Department Labor,
employers will be able to recruit for 2 months before filing an
application for alien employment certification and then get their labor
certifications approved in most cases, according to the Department of
Labor, in as little as 45 to 60 days. Further, anyone who has filed a
labor certification under the prior system will now be able to recruit
again, then refile their application under "PERM" without losing their
priority date.

Anyone who has been putting off filing their case because of the
interminable delays in the present system, or are wondering when, if ever,
their current application will be approved should contact our office to
discuss the possibility of filing, or refiling their application for alien
employment certification under the new "PERM" system.
Are they 95533XX or 95833XX ???

Srihar said:
Case # RD Certified Date

9583362 5/24/04 12/22/04 C
9583363 5/24/04 12/22/04 C
9583365 5/24/04 12/22/04 C
9583368 5/24/04 12/22/04 C

I called the AVM and got this information. Whoever related to these case number, if not known the status earlier, please call and recheck once again.
It looks for other western states and seattle they process 5/24/2004 RD cases. I post this information in this thread, as some applicants like me from western states other than CA (like AZ,etc) may watch this thread also.
applying 140 & 485 and India Vacation


I am working for company A and stamped visa H1 until June,05.
Applying Approved Labor 140 & 485 from Company B now. After applying 140 & 485 Can I go for a vacation to India with valid H1B visa?
Please help me.

You will need "Advance Payroll" if you have received EAD for international travel. But if you have just applied for 140 and 485 , you can still travel on your any H1 visa on your passport as long as visa is valid. It is irrelavent which company you are working for as long as previous company has not explicitly cancelled your visa. Anyway congrats on getting preapproved labor

pk_karim said:

I am working for company A and stamped visa H1 until June,05.
Applying Approved Labor 140 & 485 from Company B now. After applying 140 & 485 Can I go for a vacation to India with valid H1B visa?
Please help me.

pleaseGOD said:
You will need "Advance Payroll" if you have received EAD for international travel. But if you have just applied for 140 and 485 , you can still travel on your any H1 visa on your passport as long as visa is valid. It is irrelavent which company you are working for as long as previous company has not explicitly cancelled your visa. Anyway congrats on getting preapproved labor

Thanks PleaseGOD and GP111

Thanks PleaseGOD & GP111.
I will apply 140 &485 by Dec31st or 1st week of Jan and leaving India in 1st week of Jan and coming in month end. In the meantime, If I get EAD and Advance Parole what should i do in Immigration check list while coming Immigration filed for me by anyone??? YES or NO?
pk_karim said:

I am working for company A and stamped visa H1 until June,05.
Applying Approved Labor 140 & 485 from Company B now. After applying 140 & 485 Can I go for a vacation to India with valid H1B visa?
Please help me.


Yes you can But it is advisible to apply for Advance Parole even though you may not use them to negate unwanted problems during final adjudication.
If possible wait for reciept of Parole no. or atleast file and go on vacation.

Caution: You should use company A's visa and you must have all documentation from Company A while returning (H1 visa original,HR letter,Payslip,Phone nos.)
company B's H1 transfer (original/, Payslips,HR letter,Manger Phone nos.)
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pk_karim said:
Thanks PleaseGOD & GP111.
I will apply 140 &485 by Dec31st or 1st week of Jan and leaving India in 1st week of Jan and coming in month end. In the meantime, If I get EAD and Advance Parole what should i do in Immigration check list while coming Immigration filed for me by anyone??? YES or NO?

Since you are not using EAD & Advance parole , question does not arise, NO
As i said earlier, PERM is not much beneficial for guys whose RD is between May'03 to Sept' 03, it is extremely beneficial for newbies, our frastration for waiting 3 + years is paying off for new ones......... :rolleyes:

AccN to PERM, employers can file for labor under PERM in two month advance to recuritment of employee and it also states that it will take merely 45-60 days for approval :confused: (Dont know basis for this statement!)

Only thing worries me at this point is that, when we file for 140/485 there will be tons of applications again........and this piss me off!!!!!

Anyway lets see how much long is frastration more.......:eek:

gc_us_k said:
Not sure if this the final copy.. but please go through this PERM regulation doc (which is expected to published tomorrow),1227-permfinalreg.pdf
and post your comments.

I just got this from this site:,1227-comment.shtm
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Has anyone from SFO received 45 day letter?


Has anyone from SF Office received the 45 day letter from Dalls/Philly BEC? If yes, can you please let us know the PD and RD?

I think People with RD around Jan-Feb 2003(Dallas cases) are receiving 45-Day letters. It may be another Month or two for our turn.
Its all just guess, Never know what is happening there.
It is stressful to think about it.

dk_123 said:

Has anyone from SF Office received the 45 day letter from Dalls/Philly BEC? If yes, can you please let us know the PD and RD?

If I try some numbers in AVM, the very closest date of information posted is 12/22/2004. So Anyone has got certified after 12/22/2004. :(
Hi Guys

I tried AVM in SF DOL. My case with RD 5/24/2004 from AZ state got certified on 12/27/2004. Meet you guys in next process. :)
vpHope said:
Whats the phone no??


Select option 1 for Permanent applicant
Then select option 1 , if you know your case number.

It will give you the status.

From which state you filed your case and what is RD in SF DOL!

Best of luck
I applied from CA
And RD is April 2003

How is the case no formatted??

Is this the format 09560XXX ??
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Hi Srihar AZ LC to SFO DOL

Congrats..Can you please let me know if your's was in regular or RIR
mine was moved from AZ regular to SFO DOL in regular on May 15th 2004.
Please let me know i can check up on my case as well with my attorney..
