San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker

Hi Ray

In your previous posting some days back, u mentioned that your company recd approvals for March and April.
Can you give some more details..

Mine is in April.


People like u and me are struck in March and April.. :(
Nobody seems to be interested in March and April anymore. People are waiting for their letters to be received from BEC.

Guys, pls post any latest approvals.

Just got a e-mail from my attorney said that she had got some notice said PERM's rule will be published right after Christmas.

Any information on RIR -> Non-RIR cases (with employer's choice) that are in CA SWA? These are typically LC cases filed between May 2001 and August 2001. Even those cases which qualify for BS + 3 yrs expr are sitting at CA SWA.

Any idea if they will be processed in the first lot @ BEC?
Reading from previous discussions i came to understand that there is only 1 moron left out in SFO DOL to process our Mar - Apr cases !! You can imagine :(
45 day letters

Hello Folks,

Did any body from SFO DOL region receive 45 day letters from BECs?

Hey I understand your pain but watch out your wording. It's not certification officer's fault. They are worker like us. They follow the rules from administration. The deficiency is in rule maker and administration. Actually, I think certification officer's job is so boring.

march-waiting said:
Looks like that this SF moron has a lot of PTO and is using them for holiday vacations. 555 :mad:
tonysharma said:
does any body have information , how many inch shd be redness after tb test after 48 hrs to be safe
My wife had redness 2 inches long and 0.5 inches wide and doc said that is OK and gave the certificate.
Any known Replies to 3 option Letter!?!

Its been like 10 weeks my company submitted a response to the DOL. Does anyone know of any replies reviewed/approved lately!

Hopefully 2005 works out to be a better year!
3-option letter

I am in the same boat. No response from DOL. Its no good getting it in Jan, 2005. By that time the EB3 numbers would have retrogressed and apparently wont move until April. More painful waiting.

r_sundu said:
Its been like 10 weeks my company submitted a response to the DOL. Does anyone know of any replies reviewed/approved lately!

Hopefully 2005 works out to be a better year!
i do not agree with what you said ...

I do not know what is your occupation. As an engineer , we all have dateline to complete something. If we do not finish the project, we have to spend all nights/weekends to debug/test with very limited resources without additional pay .

Why cannt they set the dateline and process accordingly ?

I have no offense to the labor workers. Maybe all works should be outsourced if you said the job is boring , probably low income too.
The reason is cost of living is so expensive here , I wander how many local people actually can afford the living stanard . The other day in mercury news, in california, you need at leat around 52K income to own a house .

But can someone explain why in 'good time' , they can process much faster like 6 months or 1 year ? I am starting to believe the government is controlled everything here .

Anyway, just need to be patient and see what happen next year ? I do not expect anything to happen this year. Just hope that they finish March 03 before taking vacations .

GCIsTortoise said:
Hey I understand your pain but watch out your wording. It's not certification officer's fault. They are worker like us. They follow the rules from administration. The deficiency is in rule maker and administration. Actually, I think certification officer's job is so boring.
JRFF said:
Nope. Have they really posted letter for SFO cases. :)

Not sure but looks like they are following FIFO. Most of the dallas cases who got letters from BEC's are Feb 2003. SFO cases are from May 2003. So I guess when they hit May 2003 then SFO guys will recieve the letters.

Anyway I am also guessing here.
45 day letter

I am not seeing not even single 45 day letter for the cases transfered from SFO to BECs.

Gp111, mnhrdc

Any thoughts!!!!
sacbee said:
I am not seeing not even single 45 day letter for the cases transfered from SFO to BECs.

Gp111, mnhrdc

Any thoughts!!!!

What I have found from my attorney & also on other threads of this forum is people with PD on or before May 2002 have received letters from Dallas / Philly BEC.. I believe cases transferred from SF DOL are with PDs June-02 & beyond.. so we should be next in line to receive the letters

Happy Holidays !


What I understood is
PD is for SWA
RD is for DOL

SFO avm says 20000 cases transferred from SFO to BECs with the RD May 2003 onwards.

But you have mentioned PD?????

gp111 said:
What I have found from my attorney & also on other threads of this forum is people with PD on or before May 2002 have received letters from Dallas / Philly BEC.. I believe cases transferred from SF DOL are with PDs June-02 & beyond.. so we should be next in line to receive the letters

Happy Holidays !