San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Any similar autoremanded case?

My case was auto remanded in 7/1/03. And it was still in EDD. The case was filed with Job req as BS+2yrs, and I have BS+4 years exp at the filing time.

What I can do? I have seen many cases remanded before/after me got recalled by DOL. But I just didn't know how the DOL recall auto remanded cases.

Any suggestion?
LC approved

for the last half year, I have visited this forum many many times and got a lot of helpful information from you.

Here is the case detail:

Remanded: June 26, 2003,

sent back to DOL: Dec. 12, 2003,

certified: Jan. 20, 2004

Job title: software engineer

JOb requirement: MS+1 year experience.

good luck to all of you.
Re: Re: DOL receipt

Originally posted by cala
I checked the AVM yesterday with employer's phone number and got my case number. My case was transmitted to DOL on 8/22/03. I guess yours will be there pretty soon.

What's u r date of receival at DOL?
Re: Any similar autoremanded case?

Whats ur Dot Code?. Anyways call your lawyer and discuss with him/her asap. By this time your case should have gone back to DOL. Your lawyer should be able to talk to SESA/DOL as your case follows the requirement described in the carlson memo.

Originally posted by InLC
My case was auto remanded in 7/1/03. And it was still in EDD. The case was filed with Job req as BS+2yrs, and I have BS+4 years exp at the filing time.

What I can do? I have seen many cases remanded before/after me got recalled by DOL. But I just didn't know how the DOL recall auto remanded cases.

Any suggestion?
dearl all
I have a few questions regarding to the LC process

-- why is it that currently RIR is slower than non- RIR?

-- our case was received at DOL on 12/2/02. Does anyone know how much longer it is gonna take for us to be processed?

-- my husband's job position description was " master degree with no working experience" However, my husband had worked more than 1 year before entering this current company. His company HR mentioned that because of the description of the position, our case may be returned for market re-testing? Is that true? DOL wouldn't consider my husband being over qualified for this position?

And if our case IS returned, the company will change the description and resubmit. Does anyone know from which point we have to re-start the process? how much time would we lose?

thanks for any input
Re: Re: Employer-remanded cases


If we are individually going to request Carlson to act on our case, then I think it would be necessary to give out the details such as case # and Company name. It is more personal approach and might work.

The length definately needs to be shortened, but I am at loss on what to drop and yet keep the flow going.

BTW, check out under the employer issues section. There is draft of two letters which indicates that our employers had a major role to play in bringing out the Carlson memo. It would be nice if our employers took initative on the employer-remanded cases as well.

Originally posted by bhadrinath
Hi Babaloo,
Thanx for getting the Draft letter ready...Fantastic job. I
am sure me and many others on this list will be praising
you for this.

I just have a few comments regarding the contents -

(a)Should we be mentioning our company's name
in the letter ? In my opinion lets avoid doing that...

(b) I think we should shorten the letter length by reducing
atleast 2 para's, so that we keep the readers interest on.

What do you think ?

Re: Re: Any similar autoremanded case?

031, I have talked with lawyer with HR director on this issue. The lawyer has also filed motions before Carlson's memo was out to DOL to ask for reconsideration of my case.

I just didn't how DOL decides the recall process? Is it by the original certifying officer? Then maybe, my case's CO is just heavily loaded?

My case# is in 0953199x range. There are some cases in that range also in remanded stage...

Lawyer's suggestion is to wait till April, when DOL supposed to complete recall process. Is there any chance, the lawyer can talk with the CO over the phone? Anybody has such experience? We have talked with officer in EDD last viewed my case, he just said DOL must send request to him to return the case.

Originally posted by Titan01
Whats ur Dot Code?. Anyways call your lawyer and discuss with him/her asap. By this time your case should have gone back to DOL. Your lawyer should be able to talk to SESA/DOL as your case follows the requirement described in the carlson memo.
Congratulations Titan

Congratulations Titan!
Did you receive any notification when the case was recalled back to DOL?
My LC-RIR withdrawn by my company after 28 months


I work for a mid sized company which had very few layoffs last couple of years. My case was auto remanded and sent back to DOL on jan, 4th. Then my company got a letter from DOL asking for layoff information for the last two years for my case. This happened only in my case even though my company had lot of cases. In all the other cases my company got a letter to retest the market. My company's policy is against providing the layoff information and so they withdrew my case. Finally after 28 months of enormous mental stress this is what I got out of this stinking system. Even though I had more than 3 years of exp my comapnay put only one year on the ad and this could have been the reason for all this. Anyway I wish you all the best for you guys.

Current Labor Market

Companies added 112,000 new jobs in January, fewer than expected, but enough to keep alive hope for a turnaround in the struggling job market. The nation's unemployment rate dropped to 5.6 percent.

Hope this changes the LC process drastically.

anth, case was recalled to DOL on Jan10/2004

I am sorry to hear that you have to withdraw. I can understand your frustration as I have also waited for 28 months and still don't know the fate of it. Can you tell me the details about your case? RECEIVED DATE at SWA, RECEIVED DATE AT DOL, job requirement, remand date?

I am watching this forum for a long time and found that this is the most informational thread that you can bet on for accuracy.

organic. - Since October 2002 is in process and may be you may be know in couple of months. However you didnot mention remand/auto or just recived at DOL

Keep the Good Work
EDD :6-20--2002
DOLR:5-5-2003 (Recieved)
DOLP:5-9-2003 (Posted)

Originally posted by organic
dearl all
I have a few questions regarding to the LC process

-- why is it that currently RIR is slower than non- RIR?

-- our case was received at DOL on 12/2/02. Does anyone know how much longer it is gonna take for us to be processed?

-- my husband's job position description was " master degree with no working experience" However, my husband had worked more than 1 year before entering this current company. His company HR mentioned that because of the description of the position, our case may be returned for market re-testing? Is that true? DOL wouldn't consider my husband being over qualified for this position?

And if our case IS returned, the company will change the description and resubmit. Does anyone know from which point we have to re-start the process? how much time would we lose?

thanks for any input
transfer the Labor Certification

My Labor was filed by my company "X" now the Labor is in Federal Level of Labor Processing. Now My company asked me to join their Business partner company "Y" So I will be on the pay roll of Company "Y". I asked my new company "Y" about my pending Labor, and they said that we will transfer the Labor Certification Form and we will continue the process.

I need your asdvise on this how will this going to work. Is it possible that my Labor will be valid even I am with the Business partner of my Sponsoring company.
need your valuable suggestions

Hello Everyone...

My case details

My company is very small based in bayarea. My question here is
My case was remanded on 7/15/2003 still avm shows the same message. I talked to my lawyer he said he applied in 2001 BS+0 YEARS of experience even though I have 6 years of experience at that time I don't know why he did that. When I asked him about this he is telling that is the common practice at that time.
Recently I posted this message I got couple of suggestions from this forum.
According to that I called EDD(916-464-3400) and asked about my case. They said they need to get a request from DOL to return back to state.... And they advising me to talk to DOL...

Can you guys tell me is there a number to reach DOL as an Employer or as Attorney...
One more question Anyone with similar situation got approval or returned back to dol... What did you guys do to get back to DOL..

Please advice me.
Re: need your valuable suggestions

Check out the letter Babaloo plans to write to DOL (on page 83 of this thread). You, your employer and your lawer may want to get actively involved in such a petition and try to get DOL to reconsider all the auto remanded applications.

This process is going to backlog the entire process further, damn! still longer wait before our LCs gets reviewed. But I think it is only fair to get the review process for auto-remanded cases in place so that every applicant is treated with equality and fairness.


Originally posted by ksrinu
Hello Everyone...

My case details

My company is very small based in bayarea. My question here is
My case was remanded on 7/15/2003 still avm shows the same message. I talked to my lawyer he said he applied in 2001 BS+0 YEARS of experience even though I have 6 years of experience at that time I don't know why he did that. When I asked him about this he is telling that is the common practice at that time.
Recently I posted this message I got couple of suggestions from this forum.
According to that I called EDD(916-464-3400) and asked about my case. They said they need to get a request from DOL to return back to state.... And they advising me to talk to DOL...

Can you guys tell me is there a number to reach DOL as an Employer or as Attorney...
One more question Anyone with similar situation got approval or returned back to dol... What did you guys do to get back to DOL..

Please advice me.
Labor Certification denied in SF Regional

Hi, I work for a very big I.T. company which filed for my GC in around Oct 2001. In Oct 2002 it got to SF Regional office. There was an NOF recently regarding layoffs in Dec 2003, to which the lawyers responded, and in Jan 2004 my lawyers received a Denial to the LC. They are probably going to BALCA for an appeal, I have 2 years left on my H1B and am not sure how long BALCA takes to resolve such a denial. What should I be doing? The filing category was EB3.
I have an MS-CS though.

Sorry abt your case. When ur H1 reaches the 1 yr remaining period file another Labor. If ur labor is pending for 1 yr u could get a 7th year H1 Ext. Appeals take 6 months to more than a year.
Thanks Lca_001

LCA_001 Thanks' for your info...

But my case is not employer remanded.
I don't know what to do... I am already on 7th year extension...
Really scary...

CA - LCA in 15 days!!!

This site allows you to search for LCA status based upon various criteria.

While playing around, I came across a case where the LCA was granted in 15 days total. 7 days in state and 8 days in regional. This was for an application received by State on 11/11/2003!!!

Look for yourself:

Enter 'University of California' as the Employer.
Enter 'California' as the state.
Enter the DOT code of 999.251.021
(this code is for a post-secondary teacher according to the results)

Being a postsecondary teacher is looking more and more attractive.
dol sfo

what is the dol's no where you can locate your case by employer's tax id or telephone no .........or any other way to see the updates on your case ................plz help
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