San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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any one?

Has anyone got any notice (good or bad) from DOL after the lawyer replied to the NOF and submitted the result of one day recruitment?

My case received a NOF in May, my company conducted the one day recruiting and submitted the result (no qualified candidate found from the 16 resumes) in June, but have not received any update since then. My case is BS + 0 experience. I have been pushing the lawyer to verify the status of the case with DOL, but the lawyer is not responsive to my request.

Any one in this similar boat?
Hi All,
My case has been remanded on June 17th, per the new guidelines I will not qualify for the recall since my job required BE + 0 experience. And the VM still says that it has been remanded to state.

Can I put in a request to DOL for giving me a chance to re-test the market? I think the responses would be very less since this is a cosulting job with 100% travel and not too many people might be interested.

Will that do any good...

If there is such an option to request the DOL, what is the process?

Any info is appreciated.

The only option under the given circumstances is to file fresh. Sorry, but thats the way it is. Like it or not, we are at the mercy of a bunch of loathesome, uncouth and sluggish employees at DOL first and then BCIS.
Couple of questions:

1. For how many monthes it is neccessary to advertise position in case of RIR process for software engineer (senior position, well established big company, no layoffs) before filing documents to EDD today (in Bay area)?

2. Is there ANY way to transfer successful labor certification from one company to another in case of changing employer?
Re: Couple of questions:

Originally posted by vitale
1. For how many monthes it is neccessary to advertise position in case of RIR process for software engineer (senior position, well established big company, no layoffs) before filing documents to EDD today (in Bay area)?

2. Is there ANY way to transfer successful labor certification from one company to another in case of changing employer?

1. You need to show a recruitment pattern extending upto 6 months.

2. You cannot transfer labor from one company to another.
You can transfer a labor certification obtained by your employer provided other conditions are met.
Status changed back to "recieved"

My status was changed on AVM

DOL receipt date Oct 7 2002
DOT ...31
Experience req (BS+ 3 years )

AVM said "has been remanded to state " on July 18 2003

My lawyers heard nothing from DOL about remand (no letter )

Till last friday the case staus was "remanded"

Today on AVM the case status is changed to "Received in regional office on oct 7th 2002"

Anybody in same situation ?
I take this sign of DOL working on my case again under new guidlines and keeping my fingers crossed.
certified after remand

Dot code: ....032
Position requirement: MS in CS + 0 experience

San Francisco Regional RD: Oct. 2002

Remand to State (AZ): Jun. 2003 (not sure if it's automatic or not)

State Return to Regional: Oct.2003 ( After lawyer sent a letter to AZ request back to RIR)

3 options letter from Regional: Oct. 2003

company retest market and report Regional office: Nov. 2003 (no qualified applicant)

certified: Dec. 2003

Gook luck to all.

Re: Re: Couple of questions:

Originally posted by jnathan
1. You need to show a recruitment pattern extending upto 6 months.

2. You cannot transfer labor from one company to another.
You can transfer a labor certification obtained by your employer provided other conditions are met.

Thanks for quick answers.

2.What other conditions should be met? Is it still possible if my position stays the same (at least DOT code), my salary is actually higher and it is in a differnet county, but the same region (Bay Area)?
Employer Requested Remands

The new DOL guidance does not apply to cases in which the employer requested the remand, which is what has happened in my case. Has anyone's case which was remanded to SWA on the request of the employer - sent back to DOL?

My lawyer informed me that DOL is working on expanding the guidance to include cases where the employer requested remands. Anyone has heard that from their lawyers?

I am also getting the news from my Attorney that cases remanded to state at Employer's request are not being sent back. I do not know about DOL working on any guidance for such cases.
Re: AVM case numbers

Originally posted by jnathan
it will probably get entered into DOL database around Jan or Feb.
Mine was transmitted in August and still not received the DOL number.

Hi all
I received my DOL receipt finally after about 4 months.So all of you who still have not recd. any reply yet.They started working finally.
My RD(DOL) is August 12 and the number is 0957xxxx.
However the tone talker is not working right now.

Merry Christmas all of you.

My case is similar to yours. My RD is May 2002, got 3-option letter this April, we retested the job market and replied in mid-June, then I have been waiting since then. My lawyer sent inquiry to DOL months ago, but no answer from DOL. I totally have no idea what's going on. The only thing and last thing I can do is to be patient. patient... :(



My RD is also May 2002. What is your job requirement? Mine is BS + 0 experience. It seems that DOL is still confused about what to do with BS + 0 cases. :( I wrote a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein asking for help. Not sure if it will help, but I think it is worth a try.


Originally posted by heha

My case is similar to yours. My RD is May 2002, got 3-option letter this April, we retested the job market and replied in mid-June, then I have been waiting since then. My lawyer sent inquiry to DOL months ago, but no answer from DOL. I totally have no idea what's going on. The only thing and last thing I can do is to be patient. patient... :(

Re: Re: Re: AVM case numbers

Originally posted by Ray S.
August 12 --- WHAT YEAR??

It is August 12 ,2003 of course.I had mentioned that I after 4 months(that makes it 2003).I wish that it was 2002 though.:rolleyes:

DOL RD : AUG 2003
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Re: Employer Requested Remands

My employer told us DOL will process both "Auto Remands" and "Requested by employer".

My case was remanded to state in June 2002, as request of employer. So far it's still not sent to DOL yet according to SF DOL AVM record.

good luck to all of us,

Originally posted by crazy_apple
The new DOL guidance does not apply to cases in which the employer requested the remand, which is what has happened in my case. Has anyone's case which was remanded to SWA on the request of the employer - sent back to DOL?

My lawyer informed me that DOL is working on expanding the guidance to include cases where the employer requested remands. Anyone has heard that from their lawyers?
Re: Re: Employer Requested Remands

If this is true then this would be good news for people whose
employer requested the remand based on the 3 option letter
from DOL.

You mentioned that your case was remanded to state in June 2002... or was it June 2003 ?

Originally posted by smartgege
My employer told us DOL will process both "Auto Remands" and "Requested by employer".

My case was remanded to state in June 2002, as request of employer. So far it's still not sent to DOL yet according to SF DOL AVM record.

good luck to all of us,

Re: Re: Re: Employer Requested Remands

Sorry, my mistake. My case was remanded to state in June 2003.

Originally posted by gccraver
If this is true then this would be good news for people whose
employer requested the remand based on the 3 option letter
from DOL.

You mentioned that your case was remanded to state in June 2002... or was it June 2003 ?

Has your attorney also confirmed this news? If true, it is indeed good news:) Please remember that DOL can process the case only when EDD returns it back to DOL. Currently DOL appears to have instructed EDD to return only the auto-remanded cases. Does the employer/attorney need to corrospond with EDD on this matter ?

My case was also remanded to state in June, 2003 at the request of the employer. BTW, any way to find out the DOL case number other than by contacting employer or attorney. Both my employer as well as the Attorney are unwilling to give me the case number.
I am still waiting for respose from my lawyer. My employer told use they've gotten some recent approvals and inquiries. Hope to get more.

The case number I got from my lawyer. Seem this is the only way to get it.
Originally posted by babaloo

Has your attorney also confirmed this news? If true, it is indeed good news:) Please remember that DOL can process the case only when EDD returns it back to DOL. Currently DOL appears to have instructed EDD to return only the auto-remanded cases. Does the employer/attorney need to corrospond with EDD on this matter ?

My case was also remanded to state in June, 2003 at the request of the employer. BTW, any way to find out the DOL case number other than by contacting employer or attorney. Both my employer as well as the Attorney are unwilling to give me the case number.
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