S. 1932 Status

Good Job Superman007

Superman007 - You Rock !

Don't look at shusterman. It is not over unless it appears officially that section 8001 is not included.. Don't be fooled by incorrect bills or posts..
This is good ....

superman007 said:
I am rite here trying to call/fax everybody and leaving VM's...About contacting Sensenbrenner.....i managed to get a lil breakthru...i called his residence this morning and after a long session of brainwashing(literally pleading), his wife cheryl agreed to try to call him and see if she could provide me her direct dial number!!I am not very hopeful that i would be able to talk to him personally, but my feeling is, if she does call as she promised, it would atleast remind him of the correct thing to do!! I plan to do a follow up call in some time!Trust me guys, from whatever i could make out/gather from his staff, he would not initiate the inclusion of the bill, but neither would he attempt to block it...

Thank You Superman -- 007, You are a good man and this is good news. If he would not attempt to block it (even if he doesn't initiate the inclusion of it because other committee members will) then it is more than likely that section 8001/8002 would be included in the conference committee.

Keep it going .... this is good .... will wait to hear more from you ...
I didn't find any thing in this link report of conference committe for Section 8001
Could you please provide more info.?

GC_DJ said:
Look at the http://www.shusterman.com (in the new ticker) it says that house-senate committe issued a report which does not have any immigration benifit language in it. I do not know how true this is.
superman007 said:
I am rite here trying to call/fax everybody and leaving VM's...About contacting Sensenbrenner.....i managed to get a lil breakthru...i called his residence this morning and after a long session of brainwashing(literally pleading), his wife cheryl agreed to try to call him and see if she could provide me her direct dial number!!I am not very hopeful that i would be able to talk to him personally, but my feeling is, if she does call as she promised, it would atleast remind him of the correct thing to do!! I plan to do a follow up call in some time!Trust me guys, from whatever i could make out/gather from his staff, he would not initiate the inclusion of the bill, but neither would he attempt to block it...
Great job Superman!!

Regardless of the outcome, please maintain your contacts with his family for another effort this Spring. Send her a thank-you card, something that she willl remember to bring to the attention of her husband.

We will get there!!
Wonderful job Superman007,

Thank you very much. We appreciate your great work.

Nice team work guys. Please keep it up

superman007 said:
I am rite here trying to call/fax everybody and leaving VM's...About contacting Sensenbrenner.....i managed to get a lil breakthru...i called his residence this morning and after a long session of brainwashing(literally pleading), his wife cheryl agreed to try to call him and see if she could provide me her direct dial number!!I am not very hopeful that i would be able to talk to him personally, but my feeling is, if she does call as she promised, it would atleast remind him of the correct thing to do!! I plan to do a follow up call in some time!Trust me guys, from whatever i could make out/gather from his staff, he would not initiate the inclusion of the bill, but neither would he attempt to block it...
sarasri said:
the fax counter was at 2495 yesterday and now it is at 2535. I sent 7 faxes from isnamerica yesterday and today, and 24 in all for s.1932. Either the counter is wrong or..

I feel 2535 is a very small disappointing number.

No need to comment on this, or divert the focus.

That means 40 new person starts to use webfax.
not just 40 new faxes are sent.

I sent more than 10 *50 faxes , the total faxes number could be 2535*500 or what ever, I suggest we put fax counter of total faxes also.

Nothing is dead yet. Whatever AILA and Carl Shusterman's website says is all bogus.

The Senate and House conference committee met yesterday between 9 and 10 p.m to go through the next one or two day agenda and finalize the conference report. The meeting is still going on. There are no news that the section 8001 and 8002 are taken out in the final report.

So stay focus and keep the pressure on. Keep up the good work. Let's pray together and also keep calling, leaving voice message.

Source: http://www.news-miner.com/Stories/0,1413,113~7244~3170860,00.html
superman007 said:
I am rite here trying to call/fax everybody and leaving VM's...About contacting Sensenbrenner.....i managed to get a lil breakthru...i called his residence this morning and after a long session of brainwashing(literally pleading), his wife cheryl agreed to try to call him and see if she could provide me her direct dial number!!I am not very hopeful that i would be able to talk to him personally, but my feeling is, if she does call as she promised, it would atleast remind him of the correct thing to do!! I plan to do a follow up call in some time!Trust me guys, from whatever i could make out/gather from his staff, he would not initiate the inclusion of the bill, but neither would he attempt to block it...


Neat work. Please throw all ammo that you can at him. Let's pray for the best.
superman007 said:
I am rite here trying to call/fax everybody and leaving VM's...About contacting Sensenbrenner.....i managed to get a lil breakthru...i called his residence this morning and after a long session of brainwashing(literally pleading), his wife cheryl agreed to try to call him and see if she could provide me her direct dial number!!I am not very hopeful that i would be able to talk to him personally, but my feeling is, if she does call as she promised, it would atleast remind him of the correct thing to do!! I plan to do a follow up call in some time!Trust me guys, from whatever i could make out/gather from his staff, he would not initiate the inclusion of the bill, but neither would he attempt to block it...

Fantastic job. Your effort is just a sample of how desperate our situation is. Thanks for all your time and effort. I hope we will be rewarded for everything we do here.

As someone in the previous listing mentioned about hiring prof lobbyist we should consider it "Jab Ghee Sidi Ungli Sa Na Nickla " bend it... look at it guys why did the social security, Corporate Taxation are being moved overseas even after strong objection to it is bec many of the over seas companies have hired prof lobbyist to support there cause...why would a senator/congressman would support us when they know there is nothing for them (NO vote/ $$ personal financial incentive) and they don't want anti-immigration ( US Citizens ) against them ?

If we create a organization and make a membership fee of $10, 20…50 dollars or what even and get people from large communities like India and China to participate in it we can raise some serious money for our cause ,even hire a top notch lawyer if we want .. We have to be ready if the bill is moved to spring 2006 which i think will be the case
Superman007, you are going to be the Immigration King

Superman007, this is really great job. Please keep it warm and make an effort to convince Sensenbrener that by accepting 8001 he will satisfy all sides:
1. USA treasury will get money immediately.
2. No need to cut madicade, food stamp or whatever social help to US citizens.
3. If number of skilled workers will satisfy demand of american employers they will less intent to outsource the jobs.
4. We will getwhatever we need. Especially our spouses will get permit to start contributing to the USA economy.
5. May be it is also good to remind that now it is possible to increase number of immigrants because the unemployment rate is very low 5%.
Bottom line now it is the time. Also you can hint him that if he will a good guy to us he will get a humangiuos support from us in the future when we will get the right to vote. We are a huge community.
Superman007, good luck to you. We are with you.
Way to go superman, keep up the good work

Way to go dude, everyone is doing a wonderful job faxing, calling ...

superman007 said:
I am rite here trying to call/fax everybody and leaving VM's...About contacting Sensenbrenner.....i managed to get a lil breakthru...i called his residence this morning and after a long session of brainwashing(literally pleading), his wife cheryl agreed to try to call him and see if she could provide me her direct dial number!!I am not very hopeful that i would be able to talk to him personally, but my feeling is, if she does call as she promised, it would atleast remind him of the correct thing to do!! I plan to do a follow up call in some time!Trust me guys, from whatever i could make out/gather from his staff, he would not initiate the inclusion of the bill, but neither would he attempt to block it...

Can someone clarify. The news ticker says that the addition on H and EB numbers were taken out. Anyone has another link that negates this, or just trying to stay hopeful. :confused:
Just called all 3 of them

I have been a silent member all the time here. Have been watching the posts, sending out emails & faxing all the while. Have to say that this forum rocks ! Great to see a bunch of people ready to fight for their own cause rather than waiting for someone else pick up the tab for them.

Just called all three congressmen.
James Sensenbrenner 202 225-5101 202-225-3190 Wisconsin R -- No one picking up here.
John Conyers 202 225-5126 202-225-0072 Michigan D -- Voicemail full
Lamar Smith 202 225-4236 202-225-8628 Texas R -- Voicemail full

Lets keep trying again and again until we manage to get through to them !

Again guys ..... lets keep up our enthu & fight .. fight ... fight for the cause.
:) :)
Read a few posts up!

I612 said:
Can someone clarify. The news ticker says that the addition on H and EB numbers were taken out. Anyone has another link that negates this, or just trying to stay hopeful. :confused:

Could EVERYONE reading shusterman.com or aila.com and posting a query just read a few posts back in this thread?

Jeez. The same questions over and over with the cute emoticons.

up up and away!!!!!!!

to meet sensenbrenner :)

goodjob...more than anything, its good to see this common cause uniting us :)

***blows kisses***
Hey man. Your position is too selfish. It sounds like you are a Man-Who-Cares-About-His-Precious-Ass-Only.

Even if 50000 DV-visas is spread out amoung all other categories (including family categories), you will not get any relief. If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

DV has the same sense as different EB and family categories. Don't you feel jealous that EB-1 guys pass the line quicker than eb-3 ones?

If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

If you want to win you need to cooperate with everybody in the immigration community. I hope you've got the point.

nozdam said:
Guys the imigration lawyers like Shusterman etc are currently FULLY focussed on HR4437 as that MAJORLY decreases their income due to illegal immigrants being kicked out. PLS focuss on HR4241 and convincing the congressmen abt that.

Abt the Visa lottery being eliminated even I am VERY VERY happy. That lottery is complete NONSENSE. We wait in the line like fools and ppl from Diff countries SIMPLY come in coz they are in a minority here. I think that is total nonsense. Also if they have to process 50,000 less Green cards, that automatically increases OUR chnaces of getting it sooner as more employees will be focussed on fewer categories now.

Abt the other harsh provisions, they are for ILLEGAL Immigrants. If the Govt wants to deport them then LET them, that frees up so much of the resources. Regarding that whole DUI thing, all we have to be careful of is NOT to drink and drive. If that is what it takes to drive Illegals out and focuss on legals, i'll take that ANY day of the week.
Called/Faxed all of them...

I called all Senate & House conference committee members to support/vote Section 8001, Section 8 of Senate version of S. 1932. Few of their office staff picked phone and for rest I left VM. It is great to learn that few of them has voice mail full (means so many of us left message to support Sec 8001) and found alternate number by searching that Senator/Congressman name via google, goto his/her website.

Also sent fax to all of them by my name and my wife's name. I thank you for everyone's effort and great momentum here. Lets PRAY to GOD and hope for the best.

I doubt shusterman put that on his website without some basis.
HOWEVER, it is not over until conference committee is done. I suggest we keep up this effort, and even if we do not get immediate relief, we should try to get these same provisions back in this spring.
I want to say a couple of other things, there will be a lot of wheeling and dealing in conference and our section comes with 1/2 billion bucks attached, so do not count it out yet. Furthermore there is noting about visa recapture and 485 filing on shusterman newsticker, who knows what compromises will be made in the end. Anything we get should be considered a victory........remember all for one and one for all.
Great Job Superman. I remember replying to your initial post 2 weeks ago, I feel you have given us a boost. Sensenbrenner is not a bad guy, he is just against illegals and a conservative republican. If you ever come across him and have a chance, I suggest you espouse the similarities in Indian values and those of the republicans here........family values, hard work, education etc etc. Really we have more in common with them. They tend to be receptive to that.
Lets wait and see, and pray for the best.
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