S. 1932 Status

sbabunle said:
It seems like S1932 is dead. I agree with you Joshi.
Most people dont care about this thing.

The senate has agreed not to push immi package
in the reconcilation. please read www.immigration-law.com

Guys - Before you post something, for pete's sake go through the earlier posts if they have already been posted. Please don't post stale news.
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Negative thinkers

Negative thinkers, Please start a forum on your own... Your views seem to be discouraging a lot of others who are working hard..The reason you are posting the same messages again because you are not reading the entire thread, which shows your lack of interest in the whole news.

I did'nt see the negative posters,when this forum was started and people were making calls to defeat the Byrd amendment. The positive mood and hard work among all of us helped defeat the Byrd amendment.

Please DO NOT post any reference from immigration-law.com as this has been done again and again by so many people.

All the readers are aware of the posts in immigration-law.com and it is just speculative.
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Keep it alive in your heart!

For those who think that the bill is dead: Yes, it is dead. Thank you.

For those who think it is alive: Put more life into it!! Don't waste your time convincing others. Leave them alone, for gods sake!
catch_22_4_GC said:
Guys - Before you post something, for pete sake go through the earlier posts if they have already been posted. Please don't post stale news.
catch_22_4_GC said:
Guys - Before you post something, for pete sake go through the earlier posts if they have already been posted. Please don't post stale news.

Who is pete? :)
Keep up the work. Our bill is alive and we will get our GC.


If you are planning to meet someone from Specter's office, please take Sunjoshi's presentation on a USB memory stick (saves you lugging a laptop around).

You will probably not meet Specter, just some of his office people.

Tell them that Specter was the moving force behind Sec 8001, which gives relief to Employment-based immigrants by allowing them to apply for green cards (keep it simple).

Tell them we are counting on Sen Specter to shepherd this Section through the conference process and to make it the law. Put some passion behind your statements.
Why would they not consider a bill that was voted in the senate and then later voted(Byrd amendment) to be not rejected? Since this issue is much less controversial than many other provisions in the budget bill, like cutting back on food stamps, I think they will include it at the end.

I will call the senator from MA where I am from. But the problem with democratic senators is that they are opposed to the whole budget cutting issue. So even if they agree on some proposals like immigration, they will not vote for the overall bill.
sunjoshi and others,

1. specter is the most respected senator : Yes, agreed
2. Father of all pro-immigration related topics/bills : Yes agreed (although the comprehensive reform bill he aimed at is still not even on the senate calender: pl. show me the link if you find it. He takes things to the extreme actually, we don't need 500,000 visas a year - so much so that it looks like a joke, anyway)
3. He added sec. 8001 and supports: YES I agree.

So, why does he need more convincing? He is incorrigible (by numbersusa like people for example)!!! Shouldn't we be focussing on someone that we can turn to our side?

Anyway, I did call Spector's Wash. DC office, and got the email of the scheduler. Will write to her. But, I doubt I will be able to get in tomorrow itself.

BTW, when I was on the phone, I was asked to be on hold exactly 3 times (no kidding) literally between words, so the last time I spoke with the callee, I apologized for several calls, and said "hope you understand our urge to get this across either via phone or in person, we are sorry to bother you. Please tell us that these messages will ALL reach him". She said yes, the messages are ALL reaching him. and they were also receving phones regarding the patriot act.

sunjoshi said:
Arlen Specter is the original author of the bill, and is by far the most respected Senator on both sides of the aisle, on this subject matter. If you are able to meet with him/or his staff, that can be a very good positive step.

If you are willing to go to a senator's office and talk him thru this issue, It must be Specter. That's a no-brainer
Guys ,if you are wathing CSPAN and seeing D are fighing to reduce
medicare cuts and food stamp programme and they are succedded on that ,it means that Govt has to spend more money towards that and taking that point they can not loose income( I do not have exact figure) which going to be generated by this immigration section ,also it is backed by hospitals and other big company (which are give finds to politicians ) so it will be dicussed and I guess it will be included .
Compjobs, its a good idea to call their office. Let me tell you Senator Thompson is a democrate from my state and still supported our immigration reforms.

Stephanie, congress woman again a democrat supports immigration reforms. So try it. Make calls. Its most effective. In the office there should be some one who deals with immigration stuff. Try to get his number and try to talk to him. Try to get the stance of senator or the congress men on sec 8001(EB immigration Retrogression relief)

Always use EB Retrogression Immigration Relief words when you talk
Sections 8001 and 8002 are still on...

I talked with some "inside source". Nothing has happened, as of today, that can verify that 8001 and 8002 are dropped.

So far, Mathew Oh has done a wonderful job.... until this morning when he started spreading the bad news without pointing to the source.

Senthil Puiyadi
Best thing to do is keep on calling them and conveying our message regarding 8001 and 8002. Thats all we can do and we should do as much as we can.
People who says its dead.. its my request to them to please convey the message to the senators office that we are getting the news that its dead rather than posting something here. See the glass half filled not half empty. I am pretty sure that we will get good news pretty soon.
We need more and more people who can call and push them for this bill.

United we Stand.

I am the silent watcher of this Forum, I really pray that this bill get passed and becomes the law, and all of us can get some relief and have a good night sleep without immigration nightmares. I was wondering that if this bill only affects on retro countries or it will have the same impact on the immigrants of no retro countries.

Keeping my fingers cross, GOODLUCK to all the immigration community.

spgtopper said:
sunjoshi and others,

1. specter is the most respected senator : Yes, agreed
2. Father of all pro-immigration related topics/bills : Yes agreed (although the comprehensive reform bill he aimed at is still not even on the senate calender: pl. show me the link if you find it. He takes things to the extreme actually, we don't need 500,000 visas a year - so much so that it looks like a joke, anyway)
3. He added sec. 8001 and supports: YES I agree.

So, why does he need more convincing? He is incorrigible (by numbersusa like people for example)!!! Shouldn't we be focussing on someone that we can turn to our side?

Anyway, I did call Spector's Wash. DC office, and got the email of the scheduler. Will write to her. But, I doubt I will be able to get in tomorrow itself.

BTW, when I was on the phone, I was asked to be on hold exactly 3 times (no kidding) literally between words, so the last time I spoke with the callee, I apologized for several calls, and said "hope you understand our urge to get this across either via phone or in person, we are sorry to bother you. Please tell us that these messages will ALL reach him". She said yes, the messages are ALL reaching him. and they were also receving phones regarding the patriot act.

I have mixed feelings abt Sen Specter. I thought the exact same thing, i mean after all he is the "father" of this bill so he doesnt need convincing i guess. Then again a voice kinda tells me, why not re-enforce the father's beliefs so he knows that we VERY much still need that relief. I think if someone actually HAS an appointment to meet Sen Specter, pls Go RIGHT ahead. Hey even a father needs to know from time to time that his Kids NEED him ;)
Keep up the good work

I emailed my friend in Philadelphia to call Specter.

I emailed
Senator Sessions
Congressman Bonner

I used isnamerica.org webfax for
***ALL POSSIBLE*** Conference Committee Members for S.1932
*** ALL** Senators/Congressman in AL

did the same thing for my wife.

Now I got the phone numbers and I am heading outside of my office to call their DC Offices.

spgtopper said:
sunjoshi and others,

1. specter is the most respected senator : Yes, agreed
2. Father of all pro-immigration related topics/bills : Yes agreed (although the comprehensive reform bill he aimed at is still not even on the senate calender: pl. show me the link if you find it. He takes things to the extreme actually, we don't need 500,000 visas a year - so much so that it looks like a joke, anyway)
3. He added sec. 8001 and supports: YES I agree.

So, why does he need more convincing? He is incorrigible (by numbersusa like people for example)!!! Shouldn't we be focussing on someone that we can turn to our side?

Spgtopper, we DO NOT NEED TO CONVINCE Specter on his own to support Sec 8001.

But he now has to convince other Senators to retain Sec 8001 and pass it though the conference process. So we have to convince him that there are a lot of people that are looking to him to push these provisions through. Does that make sense?
jamiw75 said:
They add the L-1$1000 to section 8001/8002?

if that hapen, there should be no motion to not include anything.I feel like immigration package is not where the fight is on.They may want to do something to sneek it in.Let's keep working to inffect the senators /congressman which we can affect.
stucklabor said:
Spgtopper, we DO NOT NEED TO CONVINCE Specter on his own to support Sec 8001.

But he now has to convince other Senators to retain Sec 8001 and pass it though the conference process. So we have to convince him that there are a lot of people that are looking to him to push these provisions through. Does that make sense?

we do need to tell him so many people support his CHILD....
as a father, he needs this besides hiw own opinion...
NEWS UPDATE - From Govexec.com

December 15, 2005

Negotiations on budget-cutting bill to end this week
By Peter Cohn and Emily Heil, CongressDaily

House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., have instructed the Budget committees to wrap up negotiations on the massive budget reconciliation bill Thursday and be prepared to go to conference Friday.

The timetable virtually guarantees the reconciliation package will not contain controversial provisions that would allow exploratory drilling for oil and natural gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Even before the leaders issued their instructions, House and Senate Republicans were beginning to look for an alternate vehicle for the ANWR language because a compromise was proving difficult and the stalemate was threatening to ruin chances for passage of the overall bill this week.

House Energy and Commerce Chairman Joe Barton, R-Texas, said ANWR continued to be the "900-pound gorilla" on reconciliation. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Pete Domenici, R-N.M., was even more direct, saying before the leaders' instructions that ANWR drilling would not be part of reconciliation because of sufficient opposition in the House.

"It's obvious it can't go on reconciliation," but other options are available, he said.

One option gaining steam is including ANWR in the must-pass fiscal 2006 Defense appropriations bill, which GOP leaders are reserving as the last legislative vehicle of the session, daring members to vote against funds for troops.

For complete news,
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Not completely dead?

Reply from Senator Arlen Specter's office:

Thank you for forwarding me the messages you received. Really, all that can be done at this point is to wait and see how the conference turns out. These messages may make it appear that the immigration package is “dead,” but that is not necessarily the case. Even if a motion to instruct the conferees had been passed, it would not be binding. It is because these are not binding that so many of them are passed with such high yay votes.

Senator Specter will do what he can to ensure that the immigration provisions remain intact, but there is only so much he can do. We will all just have to continue watching to see how it unfolds. Sorry I can’t be more help, but the Senator understands your views.