Every one know what the big companies think or employees think. No one is stupid here. So let 's not fight. It 's time to act. Please direct all efforts in trying to convince Senator Spector to insist on section 8001 of his bill. That 's the only hope, otherwise we are done as said by
Senate S. 1932 Immigration Packet Practically "Dead"
The Senate is scheduled to continue the preagreed motions for instructions to the Senate conferees as follows: DeWine Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that any conference report shall not include the provisions contained in section 8701 of the House D1282amendment relating to the repeal of section 754 of the Tariff Act of 1930. GPO's PDFKohl Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that any conference report shall not include any of the provisions in the House amendment that reduce funding for the child support program established under part D of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 651 et seq.), and to insist that the conference report shall not include any restrictions on the ability of States to use Federal child support incentive payments for child support program expenditures that are eligible for Federal matching payments. Kennedy Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the Senate provisions increasing need based financial aid in the bill S. 1932, which were fully offset by savings in the bill S. 1932, be included in the final conference report and that the House provisions in the bill H.R. 4241 that impose new fees and costs on students in school and in repayment be rejected in the final conference report. Reed Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist on a provision that makes available $2,920,000,000 for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.), in addition to the $2,183,000,000 made available for such Act in the Departments of Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. A unanimous-consent agreement was reached yesterday providing for further consideration of the message from the House to accompany S. 1932 (listed above) at 3:30 p.m., today with a series of votes to occur on the pending motions to instruct Conferees.
Since the Senate would agree not to instruct the Senate conferees not to include the House amendment to the Senate version on the immigration packet, the original Sections 8001 and 8002 appear to be practically dead unless any unlikely miracle takes place.
The senate will take this issue again at 3:30 today. If no senator asks the conferees to insist on 8001, we are done. The anti-immigration lobby has tricked the lawmakers to postpone these issues for the comprehensive immigration reforms bill which will be presented next year. Who knows? So act now or ...