S. 1932 Status


Please keep it up.

If every one call today, we will have miracle !!!

vattam said:
I called senator Miss Clinton office in support of the section of 8001. A representative took the message, and I am not sure what she understood and when I asked for the the contact person for immigration, she transfered call to legislator's office where I left a message for support of section 8001and 8001 in s1932 budget reconcilliation bill
Who says we are frightening or threatening anyone here! we are just honest stating facts in the humblest manner possible. They can do whatever they want. God give them the foresight to think correctly!

luissanchez13 said:
Its not fair to say this after you did all the hard work.You did great and if the news is bad we must take it gracefully.we must remember one thing, that visa whether its immigrant of non immigrant is a privelege and not a right.
Even if we send 1 million faxes, ultimately they will decide whats good for US citizens.
Its classic mass mentality to fight and blame someone after losing.lets be graceful and civilized about this, especially when talking to officials.Thretening them or fighting them with words will make matters worse.
we will become nothing more than those French rioters and law makers will deal that kind of an attitude swiftly.
;) Good. Don't expect anything. Believe in Miracles! :)

rayyan said:
And expect what????. A Miracle?
Anyway I am calling the senators office where ever I can and faxing them also.
I thought I will stop but I could not :rolleyes:
luissanchez13 said:
Its not fair to say this after you did all the hard work.You did great and if the news is bad we must take it gracefully.we must remember one thing, that visa whether its immigrant of non immigrant is a privelege and not a right.
Even if we send 1 million faxes, ultimately they will decide whats good for US citizens.
Its classic mass mentality to fight and blame someone after losing.lets be graceful and civilized about this, especially when talking to officials.Thretening them or fighting them with words will make matters worse.
we will become nothing more than those French rioters and law makers will deal that kind of an attitude swiftly.

Now common Dude . Don't give us lecture on it. We all know this crap. You take it gracefully!!!!

BTW who is thretening them or fighting with them?????. We are trying to ot educate them....
Its not over till its over

Just because immigration-law thinks that it's almost dead does not mean it is!
Don't give up hope based on someone's opinion. Express remorse only when it becomes a fact!

Till then lets keep up the ante. Keep on calling Arlen Specter's office. We know that he has been instrumental to support us till now. Being a senior senator, I'm sure he has a say in things (or atleast I am hoping for that).

If a large number of ppl call his office, atleast his office will send that info over to him and it will get noticed.

Do keep on calling your own senators, but lets all also call Senator Specter too....

Can you guys think of any other person who might listen to our woes?

How about Senator Cornyn?

luissanchez13 said:
Its not fair to say this after you did all the hard work.You did great and if the news is bad we must take it gracefully.we must remember one thing, that visa whether its immigrant of non immigrant is a privelege and not a right.
Even if we send 1 million faxes, ultimately they will decide whats good for US citizens.
Its classic mass mentality to fight and blame someone after losing.lets be graceful and civilized about this, especially when talking to officials.Thretening them or fighting them with words will make matters worse.
we will become nothing more than those French rioters and law makers will deal that kind of an attitude swiftly.
Just called Specter's office and told her about my support for the sec 8001 in the budget bill. The person I spoke to told me that the sections have not yet been dropped so we still have hope. Let us spend sometime today to call the Senators and Congressman so that we wont have to spend regretting for the next 4-5 yrs.

Good luck and keep up the good work folks

vattam said:
]Just now called Spectar Office and passed on the message. She belives the section has not dropped.
Please call guys, wake up do last minute calls, call to whom ever it possible

His contact information is as follows:

Arlen Specter (R-PA)
Phone: 202-224-4254
Fax: 12022281229
Email: http://specter.senate.gov/index.cfm...ontactInfo.Home

Guys call your state senators and congressman and pass the message.

They are picking up the phone and collecting our message.

Come on guys.
if you email make sure everybody has same subject line.


If you email , please make sure that you have same subject line,
as I don't think they will read all emails. But I think Email will be still effective
than Fax. Make sure we have same subject line for e.g.

"In Support For Section 8001 in S.1932 & HR4241 : budget reconcilliation bill "

or whatever everybody decides..
call senator

I just called Arlen Specter ,lady picked the call .I asked is there a way i can talk to senater.She said she will pass the message.She asked for zip code i gave my MI zip code.Can she pass the message??

His contact information is as follows:

Arlen Specter (R-PA)
Phone: 202-224-4254
Fax: 12022281229
Email: http://specter.senate.gov/index.cfm...ontactInfo.Home
Please call your senators and congressman

Here is some of the contact numbers:

Please contact the state office in your area for ALL casework concerns.

Philadelphia (215) 597-7200

Pittsburgh (412) 644-3400

Harrisburg (717) 782-3951

Scranton (540) 346-2006

Allentown (610) 434-1444

Erie (814) 453-3010

Wilkes Barre (570) 826 6265

Senator Leahy
Washington office
433 Russell Senate Office Bldg
(at Constitution and Delaware)
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4242

Senator Hatch
104 Hart Office Building -
Washington, DC 20510 -
Tel: (202) 224-5251 -
Fax: (202) 224-6331
Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
Or call (415) 393-0707
Fax (415) 393-0710


Sen. Chuck Grassley
135 Hart Senate Bldg.
Washington, DC

Senator Kennedy
317 Russell Senate Office Building,
Washington, DC 20510
FAX: 202/224-2417

Senator Kyl
730 Hart Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4521
Fax: (202) 224-2207


Senator Biden
201 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: 202-224-5042
Fax: 202-224-0139
TDD: 202-224-5652

Senator Dewine
140 Russell Senate Building,
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2315
Fax: (202) 224-6519
TDD: (202) 224-9921
Senator Kohl
Washington Office
(2nd and C St., NE)
330 Hart Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5653
Fax: (202) 224-9787

Comeone guys call your state senators and congressman to support the bill.
So, that we don't have to regret and THEY ALSO don't have to regret. Trust me, with most of our home countries undergoing (and just entering) a sort of a boom period, who the hell would want to live in this frustrating environment that takes toll on one's personal mental health as well as one's family life!!
Just called Senator Cornyn office and spoke about my support of sec 8001 in the buget reconcillation bill.
Just spoke to Senator Sarbanes Washington DC office.

A point blank reply I got was that the Senator and opposed the S.1932 bill all along the way because he is bothered about the poor and helpless.

I am just giving my reply as an example just in case anyone faces a similar situation.

My reply: I know (yes, I really know the voting of several senators/congressman - guess where I got it from! http://profiles.numbersusa.com/ ! Check it out!),
but I also know that Senator Sarbanes has voted against the Byrd ammendment that aimed to remove the immigration provisions. So, in the majority prevails and the conference report DOES get reconciled, we urge that Senator Sabanes support the section 8001 of S.1932!

The person agreed and said that Sarbanes supports a provision added by the banking committee. Also, Sabanes is an immigrant himself, and sensitive to immigrant isues. So, in conclusion, it is possible for a Senator to oppose the bill as a whle, but still support certain provisions in there!!!! So, keep trying guys!
Phone numbers

any one post the phone numbers here so that we can call senators who can help like Arlin..

may be oh has given up on it and hence calling it dead and demoralizing the rest of us who are trying.
or may be by calling it dead, he is trying to mobilize support for it.
in any event the big company lobbies would not give up on this (especially on H1b number re-capture issue).
ragz4u said:
Just because immigration-law thinks that it's almost dead does not mean it is!
Don't give up hope based on someone's opinion. Express remorse only when it becomes a fact!

Till then lets keep up the ante. Keep on calling Arlen Specter's office. We know that he has been instrumental to support us till now. Being a senior senator, I'm sure he has a say in things (or atleast I am hoping for that).

If a large number of ppl call his office, atleast his office will send that info over to him and it will get noticed.

Do keep on calling your own senators, but lets all also call Senator Specter too....

Can you guys think of any other person who might listen to our woes?

How about Senator Cornyn?

Please try Sen.. John Cornyn .. I spoke to their office couple of times earlier..

Tel: 202-224-2934 (DC)

Tel: 972-239-1310 (TX)

Can you please post a couple of my messages on ISNAMERICA website? and urge them to call washginton offices.
I am not a member there.



SaiWelcome said:
Here is some of the contact numbers:

Comeone guys call your state senators and congressman to support the bill.
Called senator hatch office from UTAH

The section 8001 has not been dropped from S1932..they are still discussing it and senator hatch is supporting it to be passed...Guys, PLease call, it is easier than sending e-mail or Fax and has better impact