S. 1932 Status

called some more Senators

I just called couple of ther senators Lehy and John Cornyn .She told me that Senator is on the floor and she will pass the Message.

Please call..

House Rules Comm. Soon to Release Which Amendments Will Be Allowed in THIS AFTERNOON’s Votes on Illegal-Alien Enforcement Bill
The House Rules Committee worked all Wednesday afternoon and throughout much of the night sorting through 150-some amendments that were filed for H.R. 4437. NumbersUSA will report here as soon as the Rules Committee announces the list ... Members of Tom Tancredo’s Immigration Reform Caucus fought with leadership last night behind closed doors and in letters to try to remove potential killer language that was being slipped in at the last moment. The language would have the House going on record as essentially saying that the House believes that the nation needs a large guestworker program, even though it was not including one in this enforcement-only bill. If that non-legally-binding language stays in the bill, NumbersUSA likely will be recommending a vote to kill the Rule for the bill which would effectively kill the bill ... H.R. 4437 is an "enforcement only" effort that the House Judiciary Committee passed last week. The bill includes no type of amnesty for illegal aliens, no expanded foreign guestworker program and no change in number of green cards for permanent residency. The bill includes many positive measures to tighten and toughen enforcement against illegal immigration. However, H.R. 4437 is only a first-step in creating the enforcement that is needed. It is missing many critical provisions required to reduce the illegal population of this country. Click here to read more.
I just spoke with Jim Thompson office in my state. The secretary told me that he already forwarded the power point presentation i gave him the other day in his office to the senator. He didnt get any reply back from them.
He just called me back and told its still in discussion and Tim Johnson supported the sec 8001 of s1932. He indicated Tim Johnson is not included in the conference committee and for some reason he said its now in the state of flux and it might go till january.

Iam going to call other offices here and find out
Called Senator Specter's office again

Spoke to Laura,

She asked me for the topic and I mentioned the Bill. She said she has received hundreds of call regarding it today :) and that she will pass it on to the senator.

She also said that the provisions are still in the bill and have not been removed

She was in a hurry to hang up but I asked her to take down my name and my zip code because I live in Philadephia and he is the senator of Philadelphia. She was like 'Oh, thats nice' and took my details. I wanted to leave my phone number but she said she already had that due to caller ID.

She mentioned that all the info about calls would be given to the Senator when he comes back to his office from the Senate sometime in the afternoon.

So my advise,

1) Call from a any phone but dial the number a *67- 202-224-4254
Because of *67, it hides the caller ID and the phone number does not show. Then you can claim that you are calling from Philadelphia and give any number with area code 610 or 215

2) Tell them that you are from PA state and that your zip code is one of the following 19141, 19146, 19444, 19428 etc...these are all zip codes around Philadelphia

3) Now that you have established that you are from PA, tell them the rest and we should be fine.

Guys, call as many senators and as many times as you can and lets get this done lest we repent for a long long time.....
Ignored! :)

this is IGNORED!!

ravs4us said:

House Rules Comm. Soon to Release Which Amendments Will Be Allowed in THIS AFTERNOON’s Votes on Illegal-Alien Enforcement Bill
The House Rules Committee worked all Wednesday afternoon and throughout much of the night sorting through 150-some amendments that were filed for H.R. 4437. NumbersUSA will report here as soon as the Rules Committee announces the list ... Members of Tom Tancredo’s Immigration Reform Caucus fought with leadership last night behind closed doors and in letters to try to remove potential killer language that was being slipped in at the last moment. The language would have the House going on record as essentially saying that the House believes that the nation needs a large guestworker program, even though it was not including one in this enforcement-only bill. If that non-legally-binding language stays in the bill, NumbersUSA likely will be recommending a vote to kill the Rule for the bill which would effectively kill the bill ... H.R. 4437 is an "enforcement only" effort that the House Judiciary Committee passed last week. The bill includes no type of amnesty for illegal aliens, no expanded foreign guestworker program and no change in number of green cards for permanent residency. The bill includes many positive measures to tighten and toughen enforcement against illegal immigration. However, H.R. 4437 is only a first-step in creating the enforcement that is needed. It is missing many critical provisions required to reduce the illegal population of this country. Click here to read more.
This is the senators list who support S1932 bill and defeated Byrd amendment.

Alexander (R-TN) --- Phone No--(202) 224-4944

Allard (R-CO)--- Phone No(202) 224-5941

Allen (R-VA)--- Phone No(202) 224-4024

Baucus (D-MT)--- Phone No(202) 224-2651

Bayh (D-IN)--- Phone No(202) 224-5623

Bennett (R-UT)--- Phone No(202) 224-5444

Biden (D-DE)--- Phone No202-224-5042

Bingaman (D-NM)--- Phone No(202) 224-5521

Bond (R-MO)--- Phone No

Boxer (D-CA)--- Phone No(202) 224-3553

Brownback (R-KS)--- Phone No(202)224-6521

Bunning (R-KY)--- Phone No 202-224-4343

Burns (R-MT)--- Phone No (202) 224-2644

Burr (R-NC)--- Phone No 202-224-3154

Cantwell (D-WA)--- Phone No 202-224-3441

Carper (D-DE)--- Phone No 202-224-2441

Chafee (R-RI)--- Phone No (202) 224-2921

Chambliss (R-GA)--- Phone No 202-224-3521

Clinton (D-NY)--- Phone No (202) 224-4451

Coburn (R-OK)--- Phone No 202-224-5754

Cochran (R-MS)--- Phone No 202-224-5054

Coleman (R-MN)--- Phone No 202-224-5641

Collins (R-ME)--- Phone No

Conrad (D-ND)--- Phone No

Cornyn (R-TX)--- Phone No

Craig (R-ID)--- Phone No

Crapo (R-ID)--- Phone No

DeMint (R-SC)--- Phone No

DeWine (R-OH)--- Phone No

Dole (R-NC)--- Phone No

Domenici (R-NM)--- Phone No

Ensign (R-NV)--- Phone No

Enzi (R-WY)--- Phone No

Feinstein (D-CA)--- Phone No

Frist (R-TN)--- Phone No

Graham (R-SC)--- Phone No

Grassley (R-IA)--- Phone No

Gregg (R-NH)--- Phone No

Hagel (R-NE)--- Phone No

Harkin (D-IA)--- Phone No

Hatch (R-UT)--- Phone No

Hutchison (R-TX)--- Phone No

Inouye (D-HI)-- Phone No

Isakson (R-GA)-- Phone No

Johnson (D-SD)-- Phone No

Kennedy (D-MA)-- Phone No

Kerry (D-MA)-- Phone No

Kohl (D-WI)-- Phone No

Kyl (R-AZ)-- Phone No

Lautenberg (D-NJ)-- Phone No

Leahy (D-VT)-- Phone No

Levin (D-MI)-- Phone No

Lieberman (D-CT)-- Phone No

Lincoln (D-AR)-- Phone No

Lott (R-MS)-- Phone No

Lugar (R-IN)-- Phone No

Martinez (R-FL)-- Phone No

McCain (R-AZ)-- Phone No

McConnell (R-KY)-- Phone No

Mikulski (D-MD)-- Phone No

Murkowski (R-AK)-- Phone No

Murray (D-WA)-- Phone No

Nelson (D-FL)-- Phone No

Nelson (D-NE)-- Phone No

Obama (D-IL)-- Phone No

Pryor (D-AR)-- Phone No

Reed (D-RI)-- Phone No

Reid (D-NV)-- Phone No

Roberts (R-KS)-- Phone No

Salazar (D-CO)-- Phone No

Santorum (R-PA)-- Phone No

Sarbanes (D-MD)-- Phone No

Schumer (D-NY)-- Phone No

Shelby (R-AL)-- Phone No

Smith (R-OR)-- Phone No

Snowe (R-ME)-- Phone No

Specter (R-PA)-- Phone No

Stevens (R-AK)-- Phone No

Sununu (R-NH)-- Phone No

Talent (R-MO)-- Phone No

Thomas (R-WY)-- Phone No

Thune (R-SD)-- Phone No

Voinovich (R-OH)-- Phone No

Warner (R-VA)-- Phone No

Wyden (D-OR)-- Phone No

The above list is incomplete, i will update on my next posting.

Guys please call your senators and pass on the message to support original S1932 bill(section 8001 and 8002)

We will win this race.
Guys just try your best. Leave the results to god. Dont loose hope. Be optimistic. I think we are very much in the race.

Be optimistic again
Be optimistic
Be optimistic

Your phone calls do make a difference
Just change the cell phone outgoing calls *temporarily* to private. This feature is available for free!!
I am actually going thru' the pain of looking for zip codes, relevent cities etc.
as well.

Just have time on my hands I guess! thanks to the US laws!

ragz4u said:
Spoke to Laura,

She asked me for the topic and I mentioned the Bill. She said she has received hundreds of call regarding it today :) and that she will pass it on to the senator.

She also said that the provisions are still in the bill and have not been removed

She was in a hurry to hang up but I asked her to take down my name and my zip code because I live in Philadephia and he is the senator of Philadelphia. She was like 'Oh, thats nice' and took my details. I wanted to leave my phone number but she said she already had that due to caller ID.

She mentioned that all the info about calls would be given to the Senator when he comes back to his office from the Senate sometime in the afternoon.

So my advise,

1) Call from a any phone but dial the number a *67- 202-224-4254
Because of *67, it hides the caller ID and the phone number does not show. Then you can claim that you are calling from Philadelphia and give any number with area code 610 or 215

2) Tell them that you are from PA state and that your zip code is one of the following 19141, 19146, 19444, 19428 etc...these are all zip codes around Philadelphia

3) Now that you have established that you are from PA, tell them the rest and we should be fine.

Guys, call as many senators and as many times as you can and lets get this done lest we repent for a long long time.....
Folks when you call, I don't see any harm in stressing

that this is not about illegal immigrants,
but about legal ones here in US for past 3-5 years paying taxes and giving back to economy heavily.
include Engg, scientists, architects, doctors and
they all have to go back rather than wait for 10-15 yrs in uncertainity to get a EB visa if this is not included/passed
Last edited by a moderator:
Just called Senator Cornyn's office. Secretary said she will pass on message. She confirmed that the Senator supports EB relief measures.

Note: I had also received a letter from the Senator few weeks ago that he will continue initiating / supporting measures for legal immigration.

Guys: DO NOT throw in the towel yet...... We may still pull this off.
I think we need to call the CONGRESSMEN as well. Afterall, they are the other half who need to be convinced that sec 8001 needs to stay!!!
SaiWelcome said:
This is the senators list who support S1932 bill and defeated Byrd amendment.
The above list is incomplete, i will update on my next posting.
Guys please call your senators and pass on the message to support original S1932 bill(section 8001 and 8002)
We will win this race.
Senators who defeated Byrd amendment

Senator's Name # State Party
Lisa Murkowski 224-6665 AK R
Ted Stevens 224-3004 AK R
Richard C. Shelby 224-5744 AL R
Blanche Lincoln 224-4843 AR D
Mark Pryor 224-2353 AR D
John McCain 224-2235 AZ R
Jon Kyl. 224-4521 AZ R
Barbara Boxer 224-3553 CA D
Dianne Feinstein 224-3841 CA D
Ken Salazar 224-5852 CO D
Wayne Allard 224-5941 CO R
Joseph Lieberman 224-4041 CT D
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. 224-5042 DE D
Tom Carper 224-2441 DE D
Bill Nelson 224-5274 FL D
Mel Martinez 224-3041 FL R
Johnny Isakson 224-3643 GA R
Saxby Chamblis 224-3521 GA R
Daniel K. Inouye 224-3934 HI D
Tom Harkin 224-3254 IA D
Chuck Grassley 224-3744 IA R
Larry Craig 224-2752 ID R
Michael Crapo 224-6142 ID R
Barack Obama 224-2854 IL D
Evan Bayh 224-5623 IN D
Richard G. Lugar 224-4814 IN R
Pat Roberts 224-4774 KS R
Sam Brownback 224-6521 KS R
Jim Bunning 224-4343 KY R
Mitch McConnell 224-2541 KY R
Edward M. Kennedy 224-4543 MA D
John Kerry 224-2742 MA D
Barbara Mikulski 224-4654 MD D
Paul S. Sarbanes 224-4524 MD D
Olympia J. Snowe 224-5344 ME R
Susan Collins 224-2523 ME R
Carl Levin 224-6221 MI D
Norm Coleman 224-5641 MN R
Kit Bond 224-5721 MO R
Jim Talent 224-6154 MO R
Thad Cochran 224-5054 MS R
Trent Lott 224-6253 MS R
Max Baucus 224-2651 MT D
Conrad Burns 224-2644 MT R
Elizabeth Dole 224-6342 NC R
Richard Burr 224-3154 NC R
Kent Conrad 224-2043 ND D
Ben Nelson 224-6551 NE D
Chuck Hagel 224-4224 NE R
John Sununu 224-2841 NH R
Judd Gregg 224-3324 NH R
Frank Lautenberg 224-3224 NJ D
Jeff Bingaman 224-5521 NM D
Pete V. Domenici 224-6621 NM R
Harry Reid 224-3542 NV D
John Ensign 224-6244 NV R
Charles Schumer 224-6542 NY D
Hillary Clinton 224-4451 NY D
George Voinovich 224-3353 OH R
Mike DeWine 224-2315 OH R
Tom Coburn 224-5754 OK R
Ron Wyden 224-5244 OR D
Gordon Smith 224-3753 OR R
Arlen Specter 224-4254 PA R
Rick Santorum 224-6324 PA R
Jack Reed 224-4642 RI D
Lincoln Chafee 224-2921 RI R
Jim DeMint 224-6121 SC R
Lindsey Graham 224-5972 SC R
Tim Johnson 224-5842 SD D
John Thune 224-2321 SD R
William H. Frist 224-3344 TN R
Lamar Alexander 224-4944 TN R
John Cornyn 224-2934 TX R
Kay Bailey Hutchison 224-5922 TX R
Orrin G. Hatch 224-5251 UT R
Robert F. Bennett 224-5444 UT R
George Allen 224-4024 VA R
John W. Warner 224-2023 VA R
Patrick J. Leahy 224-4242 VT D
Maria Cantwell 224-3441 WA D
Patty Murray 224-2621 WA D
Herb Kohl 224-5653 WI D
Craig Thomas 224-6441 WY R
Mike Enzi 224-3424 WY R
Jon Corzine 224-4744 NJ D
This is the reply I got from a Congressman ***** this morning, :confused: :confused: :confused:

December 15, 2005
Mr. *******
Electronic Mail,

Dear Mr. Mohan:

Thank you for your recent communication in support of increases
in the availability of H-1Bs and employment-based immigrant

On October 1, 2003, the H-1B cap reverted back to its original
level of 65,000 after being raised in 1998 and again in 2000 to
195,000. Congress and the administration raised the cap at those
times to enable employers to temporarily import workers to fill
professional specialty occupations.

The climate in the 109th Congress is much-changed from the one
that existed when H-1B visa caps were addressed previously. The
labor market has been slowly recovering from the 2001 recession.
The information technology (IT) sector remains especially hard hit,
and computer-related jobs have been affected by offshore
outsourcing as well. The reduced demand for IT workers is
reflected in the number of approved new H-1B visas, which have
fallen short of the elevated cap in FY2001 and FY2002.

The 130,000 fewer H-1B visas allowed under the lower cap
starting in FY2003 has meant that employers of H-1B workers in
occupations in which demand has remained strong have hit the
limit earlier in each year, in February for FY2004 and in October
for FY2005.

In order to address this increasing demand, the Senate has
proposed, in its budget reconciliation bill, that the H1-B visas not
issued in FY1992 through FY2003 be reissued at a rate of 30,000 a
year starting in FY2006. A $500 per worker fee would be also
charged to the hiring employer. The Senate budget reconciliation
bill would also allow other unused employment-based visas to be
reissued next fiscal year at a rate of up to 90,000 additional visas a
year with the same employer charge.

I will be sure to keep your concerns in mind as we proceed with
the budget reconciliation process. Many thanks again for
contacting me. Please feel free to do so again on this or any other
matter important to you.


United States Congressman

I'll hide Congressman's name, as the anti-immigration lobby will also start churning out their emails to him.
Email IDs of the senators and members of congress

I have used IsnAmerica to send Fax to the committee members, I read someone post that its also a good idea to send emails with subject:

"In Support For Section 8001 in S.1932 & HR4241 : budget reconcilliation bill"

How do I get the email IDs of the senators and members of congress who belong to the committee?

Some more updated list with phone number to call.

Some more updated list:
This is the senators list who support S1932 bill and defeated Byrd amendment.

Alexander (R-TN) --- Phone No--(202) 224-4944

Allard (R-CO)--- Phone No(202) 224-5941

Allen (R-VA)--- Phone No(202) 224-4024

Baucus (D-MT)--- Phone No(202) 224-2651

Bayh (D-IN)--- Phone No(202) 224-5623

Bennett (R-UT)--- Phone No(202) 224-5444

Biden (D-DE)--- Phone No202-224-5042

Bingaman (D-NM)--- Phone No(202) 224-5521

Bond (R-MO)--- Phone No

Boxer (D-CA)--- Phone No(202) 224-3553

Brownback (R-KS)--- Phone No(202)224-6521

Bunning (R-KY)--- Phone No 202-224-4343

Burns (R-MT)--- Phone No (202) 224-2644

Burr (R-NC)--- Phone No 202-224-3154

Cantwell (D-WA)--- Phone No 202-224-3441

Carper (D-DE)--- Phone No 202-224-2441

Chafee (R-RI)--- Phone No (202) 224-2921

Chambliss (R-GA)--- Phone No 202-224-3521

Clinton (D-NY)--- Phone No (202) 224-4451

Coburn (R-OK)--- Phone No 202-224-5754

Cochran (R-MS)--- Phone No 202-224-5054

Coleman (R-MN)--- Phone No 202-224-5641

Collins (R-ME)--- Phone No (202) 224-2523

Conrad (D-ND)--- Phone No (202) 224-2043

Cornyn (R-TX)--- Phone No 202-224-2934

Craig (R-ID)--- Phone No 202/224-2752

Crapo (R-ID)--- Phone No (202) 224-6142

DeMint (R-SC)--- Phone No 202-224-6121

DeWine (R-OH)--- Phone No (202) 224-2315

Dole (R-NC)--- Phone No 202.224.6342

Domenici (R-NM)--- Phone No (202) 224-6621

Ensign (R-NV)--- Phone No (202) 224-6244

Enzi (R-WY)--- Phone No (202) 224-3424

Feinstein (D-CA)--- Phone No (202) 224-3841

Frist (R-TN)--- Phone No 202-224-3344

Graham (R-SC)--- Phone No (202) 224-5972

Grassley (R-IA)--- Phone No 202.224.3744

Gregg (R-NH)--- Phone No (202) 224 - 3324

Hagel (R-NE)--- Phone No (202) 224-4224

Harkin (D-IA)--- Phone No(202) 224-3254

Hatch (R-UT)--- Phone No (202) 224-5251

Hutchison (R-TX)--- Phone No

Inouye (D-HI)-- Phone No

Isakson (R-GA)-- Phone No

Johnson (D-SD)-- Phone No

Kennedy (D-MA)-- Phone No

Kerry (D-MA)-- Phone No

Kohl (D-WI)-- Phone No

Kyl (R-AZ)-- Phone No

Lautenberg (D-NJ)-- Phone No

Leahy (D-VT)-- Phone No

Levin (D-MI)-- Phone No

Lieberman (D-CT)-- Phone No

Lincoln (D-AR)-- Phone No

Lott (R-MS)-- Phone No

Lugar (R-IN)-- Phone No

Martinez (R-FL)-- Phone No

McCain (R-AZ)-- Phone No

McConnell (R-KY)-- Phone No

Mikulski (D-MD)-- Phone No

Murkowski (R-AK)-- Phone No

Murray (D-WA)-- Phone No

Nelson (D-FL)-- Phone No

Nelson (D-NE)-- Phone No

Obama (D-IL)-- Phone No

Pryor (D-AR)-- Phone No

Reed (D-RI)-- Phone No

Reid (D-NV)-- Phone No

Roberts (R-KS)-- Phone No

Salazar (D-CO)-- Phone No

Santorum (R-PA)-- Phone No

Sarbanes (D-MD)-- Phone No

Schumer (D-NY)-- Phone No

Shelby (R-AL)-- Phone No

Smith (R-OR)-- Phone No

Snowe (R-ME)-- Phone No

Specter (R-PA)-- Phone No

Stevens (R-AK)-- Phone No

Sununu (R-NH)-- Phone No

Talent (R-MO)-- Phone No

Thomas (R-WY)-- Phone No

Thune (R-SD)-- Phone No

Voinovich (R-OH)-- Phone No

Warner (R-VA)-- Phone No

Wyden (D-OR)-- Phone No

Good Luck Guys.
Sandeep_N said:
Senators who defeated Byrd amendment

Senator's Name # State Party
Lisa Murkowski 224-6665 AK R
Ted Stevens 224-3004 AK R
Richard C. Shelby 224-5744 AL R
Blanche Lincoln 224-4843 AR D
Mark Pryor 224-2353 AR D
John McCain 224-2235 AZ R
Jon Kyl. 224-4521 AZ R
Barbara Boxer 224-3553 CA D
Dianne Feinstein 224-3841 CA D
Ken Salazar 224-5852 CO D
Wayne Allard 224-5941 CO R
Joseph Lieberman 224-4041 CT D
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. 224-5042 DE D
Tom Carper 224-2441 DE D
Bill Nelson 224-5274 FL D
Mel Martinez 224-3041 FL R
Johnny Isakson 224-3643 GA R
Saxby Chamblis 224-3521 GA R
Daniel K. Inouye 224-3934 HI D
Tom Harkin 224-3254 IA D
Chuck Grassley 224-3744 IA R
Larry Craig 224-2752 ID R
Michael Crapo 224-6142 ID R
Barack Obama 224-2854 IL D
Evan Bayh 224-5623 IN D
Richard G. Lugar 224-4814 IN R
Pat Roberts 224-4774 KS R
Sam Brownback 224-6521 KS R
Jim Bunning 224-4343 KY R
Mitch McConnell 224-2541 KY R
Edward M. Kennedy 224-4543 MA D
John Kerry 224-2742 MA D
Barbara Mikulski 224-4654 MD D
Paul S. Sarbanes 224-4524 MD D
Olympia J. Snowe 224-5344 ME R
Susan Collins 224-2523 ME R
Carl Levin 224-6221 MI D
Norm Coleman 224-5641 MN R
Kit Bond 224-5721 MO R
Jim Talent 224-6154 MO R
Thad Cochran 224-5054 MS R
Trent Lott 224-6253 MS R
Max Baucus 224-2651 MT D
Conrad Burns 224-2644 MT R
Elizabeth Dole 224-6342 NC R
Richard Burr 224-3154 NC R
Kent Conrad 224-2043 ND D
Ben Nelson 224-6551 NE D
Chuck Hagel 224-4224 NE R
John Sununu 224-2841 NH R
Judd Gregg 224-3324 NH R
Frank Lautenberg 224-3224 NJ D
Jeff Bingaman 224-5521 NM D
Pete V. Domenici 224-6621 NM R
Harry Reid 224-3542 NV D
John Ensign 224-6244 NV R
Charles Schumer 224-6542 NY D
Hillary Clinton 224-4451 NY D
George Voinovich 224-3353 OH R
Mike DeWine 224-2315 OH R
Tom Coburn 224-5754 OK R
Ron Wyden 224-5244 OR D
Gordon Smith 224-3753 OR R
Arlen Specter 224-4254 PA R
Rick Santorum 224-6324 PA R
Jack Reed 224-4642 RI D
Lincoln Chafee 224-2921 RI R
Jim DeMint 224-6121 SC R
Lindsey Graham 224-5972 SC R
Tim Johnson 224-5842 SD D
John Thune 224-2321 SD R
William H. Frist 224-3344 TN R
Lamar Alexander 224-4944 TN R
John Cornyn 224-2934 TX R
Kay Bailey Hutchison 224-5922 TX R
Orrin G. Hatch 224-5251 UT R
Robert F. Bennett 224-5444 UT R
George Allen 224-4024 VA R
John W. Warner 224-2023 VA R
Patrick J. Leahy 224-4242 VT D
Maria Cantwell 224-3441 WA D
Patty Murray 224-2621 WA D
Herb Kohl 224-5653 WI D
Craig Thomas 224-6441 WY R
Mike Enzi 224-3424 WY R
Jon Corzine 224-4744 NJ D

Sorry,i did not see your posting, thanks SANDEEP.