S. 1932 Status

Yes, you are right. Senete do n ot have any problem with 8001 and 8002. We know, last month Senete disapproved removal of both section from S 1932 with 85 vs 15 vote.

Most important thing is conference committee include these section in final version or not?

I am wondering, is conference committee working parallel?

sunjoshi said:
Good news is that so far, all disagreements seem to be with medicaid and food stamps.
gcdedo said:
The Senate will convene at 9:45 AM and will proceed with morning business. At 10:15 AM, the Senate will proceed to the Motion to Instruct Conferees on S. 1932 (Deficit Reduction Bill). At 11:45 AM, there will be three stacked votes on the Motions to Instruct Baucus, Carper and Harkin on the Deficit Reduction Bill. After the votes, the Senate will adjourn until 2:15 PM for the Republican party caucus.

Does this mean that Baucus, Carper, and Harkin are the Senate representative on this? If so, then the good news is all three opposed the Byrd Amendment to remove 8001 from S.1932. The question remains, though, how important this section is to them, so they insist on keeping it in the reconciled bill.

Do we have any information on who teh conferrees are from the House?
Be cool

Cool down guys. We should not have any issues with 8001 in the senate. It was already passed in the senate. They will not be revoting on this issue.

It will definately go to the conference. That is where we need some help from house. As such, with so many cuts, I do not think they will eliminate 8001 as it is getting them money. May will they will jst raise the fees from $500 more to $1000 more.

keep our fingers crossed.

Usually when there is heavy arguments on topics like Medicare other issues seems to make it without any problem .
SO 15% senate does not like 8001 & 8002 (Voting stats) & consider 15% Rep's don't like it (Guesstimate) that means There is 1/3 (approx) chances that this issue will be raised.
My Cal says 1/3 it will get rejected 2/3 it will pass under the Radar.
I am just trying to make everyone feel better!
Daily Health Policy Report

Budget negotiators early on Tuesday "appeared close to agreement" on a 1% increase in Medicare reimbursement for physicians under a fiscal year 2006 deficit reduction package, but lawmakers did not appear to agree on the cost of the measure, about $18 million, CongressDaily reports. House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Joe Barton (R-Texas) later on Tuesday "hinted talks had broken down," according to CongressDaily. Barton said, "If the bill came up tomorrow, (physicians) would get a 4.4% cut" in Medicare reimbursements, as is currently scheduled (Cohn, CongressDaily, 12/14). Reimbursement rates was the "key issue" on Tuesday in a meeting of Barton, Senate Finance Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and House Ways and Means Committee Chair Bill Thomas (R-Calif.), CQ HealthBeat reports. The cost of delaying the scheduled reimbursement cut for two years might be offset by spending reductions for other health care sectors, CQ HealthBeat reports (Reichard, CQ HealthBeat, 12/13). Grassley said decisions also had not been reached on the final size of Medicaid cuts and the possible elimination of a "stabilization fund" created under the 2003 Medicare law for regional private prescription drug plans. The committee chairs predicted a deal by Wednesday or Thursday (Reichard, CQ HealthBeat, 12/13).
SOURCE: http://www.kaisernetwork.org/daily_reports/rep_index.cfm?DR_ID=34308
EB2_091505 said:
Usually when there is heavy arguments on topics like Medicare other issues seems to make it without any problem .
SO 15% senate does not like 8001 & 8002 (Voting stats) & consider 15% Rep's don't like it (Guesstimate) that means There is 1/3 (approx) chances that this issue will be raised.
My Cal says 1/3 it will get rejected 2/3 it will pass under the Radar.
I am just trying to make everyone feel better!

Thanks EB2,

Just a quick tip, if ur doing it to make us feel better, next time dont mention that part ;)
EB2_091505 said:
Usually when there is heavy arguments on topics like Medicare other issues seems to make it without any problem .
SO 15% senate does not like 8001 & 8002 (Voting stats) & consider 15% Rep's don't like it (Guesstimate) that means There is 1/3 (approx) chances that this issue will be raised.
My Cal says 1/3 it will get rejected 2/3 it will pass under the Radar.
I am just trying to make everyone feel better!

For something to pass under the radar, it first has to be there. The 8001 is not even in the House version of the bill that passed by a one vote margin in the House. I think someone will first have to bring in the 8001 and 8002 INTO the current version of the BIll and then there may or may not be a debate as to whether it should be passed or now. If it is not even brought up, then there is no chance at all.

Guys i think Sec 8001 and 8002 WILL be debated. The house version may not have similar provisions for Section 8001, BUT it DOES have a SIMILAR provision for Sec 8002 (H1/L1 fees/increase). I am hoping Sec 8001 passes with it.

Also can someone explain how the process of "reconciliation" works? If something section is not in the other bill, is it auto dropped or does that mean that they HAVE to debate it, since one version has it and one does not?
I thought today it was just yea, , NEY, ja, pa. But looks like it is more than that.
How long will they debate on this issue?

I am losing all my hopes. Already ia m a diabetic patient will be heart patient soon :mad: :(

nozdam said:
Guys i think Sec 8001 and 8002 WILL be debated. The house version may not have similar provisions for Section 8001, BUT it DOES have a SIMILAR provision for Sec 8002 (H1/L1 fees/increase). I am hoping Sec 8001 passes with it.

Also can someone explain how the process of "reconciliation" works? If something section is not in the other bill, is it auto dropped or does that mean that they HAVE to debate it, since one version has it and one does not?
nozdam said:
Guys i think Sec 8001 and 8002 WILL be debated. The house version may not have similar provisions for Section 8001, BUT it DOES have a SIMILAR provision for Sec 8002 (H1/L1 fees/increase). I am hoping Sec 8001 passes with it.

Also can someone explain how the process of "reconciliation" works? If something section is not in the other bill, is it auto dropped or does that mean that they HAVE to debate it, since one version has it and one does not?
well if something is missing/contradicting in two versions than it would be debated in conference committe and then if approved by the committee would be voted in both the houses.
SJ, Since this 8001 was already approved, this is probably not in discussion

and the step or update we should be looking for is the conference comittee rather than what is going on in Senate, correct?
sunjoshi said:
The conference committee is still working. These discussions are ONLY for those topics where disagreements have been reached.
ravs4us said:
well if something is missing/contradicting in two versions than it would be debated in conference committe and then if approved by the committee would be voted in both the houses.

ravs4us, are u absolutely sure abt this? :)
I agree with RAVS4US. Conference committe would discuss the difference that are between the house and senate version. They then come up with the final version and then that final version is voted in both the house.

In other words in our case; section 8001 and 8002 (since those provisions are not in the bill passed by the house) that will be discussed in the conference committee by the conferees. Please note that the current debate going on in Senate is not the conference committee discussion.
nozdam said:
ravs4us, are u absolutely sure abt this? :)
well this information I got from news article published sometime in late october when judiciary committe recommended sec 8001 and 8002.
nato said:
and the step or update we should be looking for is the conference comittee rather than what is going on in Senate, correct?
If they had reached an agreement on any of the provisions, then the senate will vote on it and we will know, otherwise they may vote to give the negotiating committee more leverage to compromise. One way for us to know what is going on.
I think the senate version of 8002 is different from the house version