S. 1932 Status

This seems to be a bad news.....the bill going for conference is HR4241 that does not include our provisions (8001/8002). This also means they started the reconciliation process from House Bill rather than the Senate Bill. Now it is easy for those people who oppose our needs to remove 8001/8002 provisions, unless someone on the conference picks it up again for us.

lc4gc said:
if check S.1932,(http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:s.01932:)

you will find Latest Major Action:
11/18/2005 Passed/agreed in House. Status: On passage Passed without objection.
if you click the related bill H.R. 4241(http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:HR04241:),

the NOte is

Note: H.R. 4241, as passed House, was inserted in lieu of the text in S. 1932 and the amended S. 1932 was passed by the House. For further action, see S. 1932.

Do it mean that S.1932 should be final? does that mean 8001 and 8002 would be added automatically if no trouble such as food stamp, emergency assistance?

Don't panic the House passed HR4241 sometime ago

If I understand it right, the house version (without the immigration benefits) got passed in the house and is now called S 1932. This is the house version only and this happened before the two week break.

The conference is when the senate and house conferees will negotiate and come up with a final S1932 from the House 1932 passed 2 weeks ago and the senate S1932 passed 3 weeks before.

All the knowledgeable folks, please correct me if I am wrong!

hk196712 said:
This seems to be a bad news.....the bill going for conference is HR4241 that does not include our provisions (8001/8002). This also means they started the reconciliation process from House Bill rather than the Senate Bill. Now it is easy for those people who oppose our needs to remove 8001/8002 provisions, unless someone on the conference picks it up again for us.
I agree with ragz4u

ragz4u said:
If I understand it right, the house version (without the immigration benefits) got passed in the house and is now called S 1932. This is the house version only and this happened before the two week break.

The conference is when the senate and house conferees will negotiate and come up with a final S1932 from the House 1932 passed 2 weeks ago and the senate S1932 passed 3 weeks before.

All the knowledgeable folks, please correct me if I am wrong!
that is what my understanding...just wonder if it is true...
ragz4u said:
The conference is when the senate and house conferees will negotiate and come up with a final S1932 from the House 1932 passed 2 weeks ago and the senate S1932 passed 3 weeks before.
ragz4u said:
If I understand it right, the house version (without the immigration benefits) got passed in the house and is now called S 1932. This is the house version only and this happened before the two week break.

The conference is when the senate and house conferees will negotiate and come up with a final S1932 from the House 1932 passed 2 weeks ago and the senate S1932 passed 3 weeks before.

All the knowledgeable folks, please correct me if I am wrong!

To clear your confussion,

S.1932 is the senate verson of the deficit reduction bill & passed in the senate. The house was notified that senate has passed a bill S.1932. House need to do some action on it. This has happed before house passed the parallal bill HR 4241. After passing the HR4241 (which is different in terms of contents of the S.1932), the house removed all the text of S.1932 and replaced with the text of HR4241, and passed the bill S.1932 in the house. Therefore, the contents of s.1932 that was passed in the senate is different than the contents of s.1932 passed in the house. That is why now we have the conference.

In simple terms,

Senate passed one bill S.1932 (with imm. relief)
House passed two bills HR 4241 and S.1932 (both are identical text - same text of HR4241)
Well said Can_card !!!

This is exactly what was happened.

can_card said:
To clear your confussion,

S.1932 is the senate verson of the deficit reduction bill & passed in the senate. The house was notified that senate has passed a bill S.1932. House need to do some action on it. This has happed before house passed the parallal bill HR 4241. After passing the HR4241 (which is different in terms of contents of the S.1932), the house removed all the text of S.1932 and replaced with the text of HR4241, and passed the bill S.1932 in the house. Therefore, the contents of s.1932 that was passed in the senate is different than the contents of s.1932 passed in the house. That is why now we have the conference.

In simple terms,

Senate passed one bill S.1932 (with imm. relief)
House passed two bills HR 4241 and S.1932 (both are identical text - same text of HR4241)
Hopes Fade for Budget Bill December 14, 2005

Hopes for clearing a budget savings package this week dimmed further today as discussions over the sale of drilling leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge remained at an impasse. GOP leaders continued to lower expectations for the bill's passage and shifted attention to other measures they hope to complete before the holiday recess. House leaders told rank-and-file members at a closed-door meeting Wednesday morning that it appears the House would not pass a final budget package that opens ANWR for oil drilling, while the Senate cannot pass a package that does not do so, GOP lawmakers said. The House version of the bill (HR 4241) does not include an ANWR provision; the Senate version (S 1932) does. House Majority Leader Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said he still wants to pass budget and tax cut reconciliation packages (S 2020, HR 4297) this week, suggesting that ANWR could be included in another bill instead. "There are any number of ways we could do it," he said
So does this bill (S 2020, HR 4297) have something like 8001? If not, we are doomed. The houses might pass a similar bill without ANWR (and without 8001) and then go home to happy X-mas, while leave us in the cold for the new year.

pallu2004 said:
Hopes Fade for Budget Bill December 14, 2005

Hopes for clearing a budget savings package this week dimmed further today as discussions over the sale of drilling leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge remained at an impasse. GOP leaders continued to lower expectations for the bill's passage and shifted attention to other measures they hope to complete before the holiday recess. House leaders told rank-and-file members at a closed-door meeting Wednesday morning that it appears the House would not pass a final budget package that opens ANWR for oil drilling, while the Senate cannot pass a package that does not do so, GOP lawmakers said. The House version of the bill (HR 4241) does not include an ANWR provision; the Senate version (S 1932) does. House Majority Leader Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said he still wants to pass budget and tax cut reconciliation packages (S 2020, HR 4297) this week, suggesting that ANWR could be included in another bill instead. "There are any number of ways we could do it," he said
Guys i think we are speculating way too much here. Lets just wait and watch now. We have done the faxing, we are doing the meeting/calling Congressmen/Senators. Now i think we shud just wait and watch what happens. All this speculation on whether it will or wont pass is only giving us stomach ulcers and hypertension ;)

Right now ALL we can do is fax/call/meet the authorities. Guys let's just keep doing that and keep listening to C-Span. Let's not spoil our appetites and health.

Yours Truly,

One VERY concerned & worried EB3 candidate :)
pallu2004 said:
Hopes Fade for Budget Bill December 14, 2005

Hopes for clearing a budget savings package this week dimmed further today as discussions over the sale of drilling leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge remained at an impasse. GOP leaders continued to lower expectations for the bill's passage and shifted attention to other measures they hope to complete before the holiday recess. House leaders told rank-and-file members at a closed-door meeting Wednesday morning that it appears the House would not pass a final budget package that opens ANWR for oil drilling, while the Senate cannot pass a package that does not do so, GOP lawmakers said. The House version of the bill (HR 4241) does not include an ANWR provision; the Senate version (S 1932) does. House Majority Leader Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said he still wants to pass budget and tax cut reconciliation packages (S 2020, HR 4297) this week, suggesting that ANWR could be included in another bill instead. "There are any number of ways we could do it," he said

This makes me to wonder who is powerfull in US legislation process.. Senate or House? Though ANWR is backed hard by white house and senate, the house reb are strong to oppose/drop it. I am laughing about the fate of 8001 with out any support from single senater so far..
ANWR is the major issue in this bill. ANWR is in discussion from last 30 yrs and never have they come to a conculsion on that....this is major reason of bill hanging.

White house wants ANWR as it will create lots of job and also if you guys can link to OIL....
Itana complication kahe ko yaar.
ye sab padh ke sur me chakkar ata hai :confused: :confused:
Ab to malik ka hi sahara hai.
Wo hi bhala karega hum padhe likhe gulamo ki.
Please dont get me wrong.
Itana complication kahe ko yaar.
ye sab padh ke sur me chakkar ata hai   
Ab to malik ka hi sahara hai.
Wo hi bhala karega hum padhe likhe gulamo ki.

Even god will also not help you if you dont help yourself. God shows way but you have to walk on the path.
These guys are doing a noble work of educating us and themselves. We should appreciate their work, Same way Insamerica is working hard to help everyone.

Guys please keep up the good work. We all appreciate your work. Remember togeher we will cross this difficult situation. Out Unity is our strength.
To make it more confusing, There are 3 versions of Bill Number S.1932 for the 109th Congress
1 . Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2005 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)[S.1932.PCS]
2 . Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2005 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by Senate)[S.1932.ES]
3 . Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Engrossed Amendment as Agreed to by House)[S.1932.EAH]

version 1 is the original, version 2 is the one after all amendment from Senate, and version 3 is the modifed H.R. 4241, which does not include 8001.

can_card said:
To clear your confussion,

S.1932 is the senate verson of the deficit reduction bill & passed in the senate. The house was notified that senate has passed a bill S.1932. House need to do some action on it. This has happed before house passed the parallal bill HR 4241. After passing the HR4241 (which is different in terms of contents of the S.1932), the house removed all the text of S.1932 and replaced with the text of HR4241, and passed the bill S.1932 in the house. Therefore, the contents of s.1932 that was passed in the senate is different than the contents of s.1932 passed in the house. That is why now we have the conference.

In simple terms,

Senate passed one bill S.1932 (with imm. relief)
House passed two bills HR 4241 and S.1932 (both are identical text - same text of HR4241)
:) I did not mean to dscourage us. Was trying to bring in humour is this tense air.

Infact with Insamerica I did fax to all possible.

But the thing is this wait and uncertainity is very huge on head.

mydearcard said:
Please dont get me wrong.
Itana complication kahe ko yaar.
ye sab padh ke sur me chakkar ata hai   
Ab to malik ka hi sahara hai.
Wo hi bhala karega hum padhe likhe gulamo ki.

Even god will also not help you if you dont help yourself. God shows way but you have to walk on the path.
These guys are doing a noble work of educating us and themselves. We should appreciate their work, Same way Insamerica is working hard to help everyone.

Guys please keep up the good work. We all appreciate your work. Remember togeher we will cross this difficult situation. Out Unity is our strength.
Both these bills do not have anything similar to Sec 8001 of S.1932.

S2020 = Tax Relief Act of 2005 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by Senate)
HR 4297 = Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act of 2005 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House)

Sorry to all (including myself!) for the bad news!

rosatiamo said:
So does this bill (S 2020, HR 4297) have something like 8001? If not, we are doomed. The houses might pass a similar bill without ANWR (and without 8001) and then go home to happy X-mas, while leave us in the cold for the new year.