S. 1932 Status

Can some body help me understand ...

S. 1932 (Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Engrossed Amendment as Agreed to by House) bill has this text


If you click on "SEC. 8001. SHORT TITLE."
it say :

This title may be cited as the `Work, Marriage, and Family Promotion Reconciliation Act of 2005'.


Can some body help me understand what does this mean..
Senate S. 1932 Conferee Instructions Debate and Agreements

We have yet to wait and see how the House-Senate conference process will develop and unfold. However, it is too sad that the businesses have swifted their gears from S. 1932 issue to illegal immigration legislation issue after the Senate passed the S. 1932. The immigrant communty has also lost steam and energy since the passage of the bill in the Senate. Reportedly, the FAIR group that is the Meca of anti-immigration forces has intensified their lobby and campaigns against the S. 1932 immigration packet. It appears that one poisonous pill the group used was that the S. 1932 immigration bills may be better handled as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation next year. It was drummed up by some legislators including Lamar Smith, the Congressman from Texas and an Indian website in India even publicized the concept. Such tactics apparently worked in dividing immigration stakeholders. We must congratulate the FAIR for their job well-done.

Source: http://www.immigration-law.com/

Hope people who are coming here are reading this will get more serious and at least start sending their letters. The game is still not over. We can still pull things back in our favor. For god's sake be agrressive and send letters again.
I am sure they are not giving a sh**t about our letters.

pdakwala said:
We have yet to wait and see how the House-Senate conference process will develop and unfold. However, it is too sad that the businesses have swifted their gears from S. 1932 issue to illegal immigration legislation issue after the Senate passed the S. 1932. The immigrant communty has also lost steam and energy since the passage of the bill in the Senate. Reportedly, the FAIR group that is the Meca of anti-immigration forces has intensified their lobby and campaigns against the S. 1932 immigration packet. It appears that one poisonous pill the group used was that the S. 1932 immigration bills may be better handled as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation next year. It was drummed up by some legislators including Lamar Smith, the Congressman from Texas and an Indian website in India even publicized the concept. Such tactics apparently worked in dividing immigration stakeholders. We must congratulate the FAIR for their job well-done.

Source: http://www.immigration-law.com/

Hope people who are coming here are reading this will get more serious and at least start sending their letters. The game is still not over. We can still pull things back in our favor. For god's sake be agrressive and send letters again.
Look I appreciate your willingnes to keep going. And I dont mean to sound negative. But a lot of people sent a lot of letters. Again and again. Where are we after all that?

Lets focus on putting that media ad. I have already sen an article of sorts to NPR for one of their programmes. If lawyers dont care about this situation, why would Senators care?

I think we have done what we coul. If it is going to happen, it will happn. If not, lets find another way.


Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., have signaled that he may try to move the hotly contested oil drilling plan from the budget cut bill to the must-pass defense budget bill, setting up a major confrontation with Democrats and a likely filibuster. But because the bill will also carry new money for hurricane relief and to combat the avian flu, GOP leaders hoped they might be able to jam the measure through.

Official conference talks on the budget plan have yet to convene, but behind-the-scenes negotiations have produced a number of tentative agreements. Negotiators eased House-proposed cuts aimed at Medicaid beneficiaries, shifting more of the pain to drug companies. Negotiators also killed Senate-passed increases to the Pell Grant program and were likely to drop a House proposal to narrow eligibility for food stamps.

Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2005/12/14/national/w182641S54.DTL

If that happens then we might see the much waited bill on the floor in both House and Senate. Everyone please be serious and please send the fax. Our Individual voice will not be heard but our joint efforts will have strong effect. Thinking that they don't read our letters and not doing anything will not help us any way. So every one instead of sitting back seeing how things will fold (Just like a moron does) start working ASAP
With all due respect - you indeed sound negative :)

I'd say the battle has not over yet and shall we wage one last effort for this?

After that, if this does not come to law, we will then start to think future plan like push this proposal in a standalone bill.



santosh_30 said:
Look I appreciate your willingnes to keep going. And I dont mean to sound negative. But a lot of people sent a lot of letters. Again and again. Where are we after all that?

Lets focus on putting that media ad. I have already sen an article of sorts to NPR for one of their programmes. If lawyers dont care about this situation, why would Senators care?

I think we have done what we coul. If it is going to happen, it will happn. If not, lets find another way.

Reply from a MI Senator for the fax from isnamaerica .....

Thank you . . .

regarding our nation's immigration policies. I appreciate you taking the time to contact me and I understand your concerns.

As you know, since 9-11 of 2001 the issue of immigration has been at the forefront of Congress. President Bush and several members of Congress have proposed various programs and reforms. These proposals have dealt with a broad range of issues including our national security, federal regulation of driver's licenses, the issues of immigrant workers in agriculture (H2A Visas), seasonal jobs (H2B Visas) and high-skilled positions (H1B Visas), and the eligibility of immigrant children for college financial aid.

Michigan faces unique immigration issues as a major border state with Canada, including the protection of hundreds of miles of unguarded borders. I have helped lead efforts to increase resources along our northern border. I have also visited our nation's southern border to view first-hand the major issues unique to our Mexican-American border.

In addition, my office has been contacted by thousands of Michigan citizens about their problems with our federal immigration system. I am well aware of the urgent need for reform and the impact of our system on those trying to navigate this complicated bureaucracy.

For these reasons, I believe that we must consider any reforms to our immigration system in a comprehensive and balanced manner, first and foremost taking into account our nation's security, the jobs of American workers, the rights of individuals and the economic interests of our country.

Thank you again for contacting my office. I will keep your strong views in mind as immigration reforms come before me in the Senate for a vote. As always, please don't hesitate to contact me whenever I can be of assistance to your and your family.



United States Senator
The best way is to do lobbying as IsnAmerica.Org planned to come out of retrogression

The best way is to do lobbying as IsnAmerica.Org planned to come out of retrogression

The best way is to do lobbying as IsnAmerica.Org planned to come out of retrogression

Initially IsnAmerica.Org was having lobbying plans and even did some effort to have channel established with RickScwartz who did immigration lobbying earlier in getting few fruits like working on with H1 receipt(need not wait for H1 approval) and Switchng after 6 months of 485...
This happened back in 2000, why can not we do same as a organization..

Cmon guys let us get together... only talking does not help..
Some needful activity like Lobbying, Meeting corporations shd happen without which we will not come out of this loop...

Please see important posts posted at IsnAmerica.Org talks about their lobbying group and other activities/groups at the below links:

Corporation/Business/Church/legisltaion lobbying/lobbyists can only help us now..

Uncertainty of the Fate of Immigration Packet in Senate Instructions to S. 1932 Conferees

They are asking for support,help,feedback and most importantly much partcipation in the different groups they had..

Just my thoughts...
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I think you have a good point

If all the interested folks pool $ and organise a good org to fight the cause of retro, nothing much will move forward. If all the folks seeing GC contribute and initiate this would work. If an attitute persists such as "" if many of the folks who want someone else to contribute for it, and do not share the $ and participate actively" then every one is a looser.

If folks want to claim 90000 EB Retros, I expect atleast 60-70 K folks contribue 10 $ each, this would be a substantial amount indeed. So if a house hold has 4 applicants, they should put 40 $, if we go with this arithmentic progression, the lawfirm may have some interest in helping Retro Victims. I am sure 10 $ per head is not a lot.
I believe lobbying can be really effective. However, the idea about contributing & pooling money makes it look like 'buying' green cards which may be counterproductive to our entire cause.

sundar99 said:
If all the interested folks pool $ and organise a good org to fight the cause of retro, nothing much will move forward. If all the folks seeing GC contribute and initiate this would work. If an attitute persists such as "" if many of the folks who want someone else to contribute for it, and do not share the $ and participate actively" then every one is a looser.

If folks want to claim 90000 EB Retros, I expect atleast 60-70 K folks contribue 10 $ each, this would be a substantial amount indeed. So if a house hold has 4 applicants, they should put 40 $, if we go with this arithmentic progression, the lawfirm may have some interest in helping Retro Victims. I am sure 10 $ per head is not a lot.
Atleast for corporation/business/church/ lobbying we do not need penny..But members p

Atleast for corporation/business/church/ lobbying we do not need penny..But members partcipation.

Only money is needed when professional lobbyist is hired, which we can do in last moment..
We can suggest IsnAmerica.Org how we shd go and all as a organization...

Till then we can try get support from corporation/business/church lobbying..

What do u say...

Folks ,

Wake up..Lobbying does not come free... We are not einsteins for them to give us green cards or citizens, agreed, we all pay taxes, abide by law...but US govt does not care.... unless some firm as someone suggests lobbies for us. Companies may not really push our cause, as we do not fit their long term interest.

Also.....Pls remember, .... if Microsoft, AVICI, Intel or Cisco or Juniper oursource it to Wipro or Infosys, they get the work done and also claim tax emepetions, as it can be shown as expense, so big companies do not have much interest in supporting retro causes, alll though they may show lip sympathy.

SO, folks as someone said above, we are not purchasing GC for 10 $, we are just asking a lobbying firm to represent Retro Victims, 10 $ can be billed as processing fees.

Think for yourself, would u do something free to someone unless you have a vested interest :).

Last moment ???

Waiting till last moment and triggerin this will not help, it will be a total mess up. We need to hire a professional company to fight for us. Unless we spend $ nothjing will work, since folks would not have much interest for our cause. Think for yourself, would u do something for someone for free ?

sk_bayarea said:
Atleast for corporation/business/church/ lobbying we do not need penny..But members partcipation.

Only money is needed when professional lobbyist is hired, which we can do in last moment..
We can suggest IsnAmerica.Org how we shd go and all as a organization...

Till then we can try get support from corporation/business/church lobbying..

What do u say...
Lobbying is the way to go

I also believe loibbying is the way to go. There needs to be a clear and immediate incentive for the lawmakers to act.

Arent lawyers impacted by retrogression ?

Where do we start ? How do we do this legally and profesionally ?
I am in favor of hiring a professional lobbying firm. There are so many of them in DC and I am sure for half million or so, we will be able to give it a shot. I am willing to spend my share without any second thoughts.
let us ask IsnAMerica.Org in their forum and see what they planned ...

let us ask IsnAMerica.Org in their forum and see what they planned ...

And what the stuff they already did and what the plans they had...

As they also had forum, we can discuss as a group there..

I am going to there and starting new thread with "Lobbying Efforts" and pls
post your suggestions also..
Folks we have to do some thing constructive, otherwise we have to regret...

Pls participate and let the group know about your suggestions at


As others in this forum said..10$ per member
OMG if that amount works out that is awsome..
Where is 10$ wrt the tension we are going thru..

Let us do something folks..
As IsnAMerica.Org is saying this is not some thing new we are doing..
And same thing was done in 2000 year.
Seems IsNAMerica.Org had those members who did lobbying efforts in 2000 year as advisors..So
it will make more sense to follow the guide lines given by the people who already did this..

What do u say..
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Since Arlen Spector was the one who brought this bill back on track after Senator Byrd introduce his amendment. We should get in touch with him again and in fact immediately. His contact information is as follows:

Arlen Specter (R-PA)
Phone: 202-224-4254
Fax: 12022281229
Email: http://specter.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInfo.Home

Let's do following things tomorrow.

1. Flood his office with the phone calls and request him to make sure that section 8001 and 8002 of s1932 is included in the final version of the bill.
2. If we have someone from PA (Arlen's state), have him or her to get in touch with his office asap and raise our concern.

Everyone, Game is still not over. We can bring things back on track. Just effort is needed.
Lets do an Ad

Can someone write up an Ad ?. The cost can taken care by us. I am willing to take some cost.

- Need to ensure that such representations are legal. Didnt want to get branded as some kind of union etc. ....
I sent an email to Arlen Specter

Honorable Senator,

You are a beacon of hope for thousands of us who have made United States of America their home and have started their family here. A majority of us are affected by Immigrant Visa retrogression issue and huge backlog that has plagued the immigration system. We all have been waiting from last 4-5 years to enjoy the privilege of Permanent Residency. You and other members of the Senate passed S.1932, the senate version of the bill, that included reforms for employment based visa. This is a request from thousand of us who are eagerly waiting for a positive news from the Senate and the Congress - please include the section 8001 and 8002 from S1932 into the final version of the bill.

All of us have been in US for last 6-7 years and we have been fuelling American economy with constant innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. We would like to continue to do that and with a little help from you and other members of the Senate and the Congress, we will be able to march forward with great momentum.

We are looking at you to provide us this relief by including section 8001 and 8002 from S1932 in the final version of the bill.

Jitender Aswani