S. 1932 Status

Congress is meeting today..Hope they'll pass our bill so that both #4241 and S.1932 will be in line

swarnapuri said:
Congress is meeting tomorrow to introduce an Ammendment in the House for bill# 4241 in line with the S.1932, Sections 8001 & 8002.

Please visit: http://www.isnamerica.org/ and fax congressman from this site, it is very easy.. just few clicks.

ISNAmerica.org:please fax online to your senators/congressmen

ISNAmeria.org Online Fax


Please fax to your senators/congressmen through ISNAmerica.org

ram_ram said:
Looks like no amendments proposed yet.Keep watching... Keep contacting the reps...HONGE KAMIYAAB..They even dropped Arctic drilling and one another proposal. All republicans are in a hurry to pass the bill.

Here is the link:

It took me less than 1 min to send all congressman/senators of my state! Please do your part JUST NOW!!

WellWisher007 said:
ISNAmeria.org Online Fax


Please fax to your senators/congressmen through ISNAmerica.org
why are people not sending faxes?

It's awfully easy, still I see that the service was used only a coupla 100 times. What's going on ppl?
my version

there is no dearth of versions.. faxed this one to Texas legislators.
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ISNAmerica.org: Please spread the word

You can send faxes on behalf of your spouses as well.. We have worded the document in such a way that our US citizen friends could also send faxes and support us in this effort. Please spread the word

RaoDulla said:
I too live in CA and faxed the letters to the Reprtesentatives from CA.
The House will supposed to meet at 10:00 a.m. today to discuss H.R. 4241 - Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Closed Rule, Two Hours of Debate)