S. 1932 Status

U.S congress is adopting their hidden agenda i.e. 'Racism'. Look what this administration has done in past 3-4 years. Just pain to immigrant community. Abolishing giving Visas stampings in U.S., labor Backlogs, more querries and delays in every damn process. No new Visas or green Cards. And now with this new law being passed, you can be jailed for even 1 day being out of status or can be deported back to your country if caught in DUI, this is applicable to even GC holders, isn't it blatant racism ? We are Dhobhi ke kuttes naa ghar ke naa ghaat ke. We don't want to go to our country and this country doesn't want us!!!!
black_logs said:
U.S congress is adopting their hidden agenda i.e. 'Racism'. Look what this administration has done in past 3-4 years. Just pain to immigrant community. Abolishing giving Visas stampings in U.S., labor Backlogs, more querries and delays in every damn process. No new Visas or green Cards. And now with this new law being passed, you can be jailed for even 1 day being out of status or can be deported back to your country if caught in DUI, this is applicable to even GC holders, isn't it blatant racism ? We are Dhobhi ke kuttes naa ghar ke naa ghaat ke. We don't want to go to our country and this country doesn't want us!!!!

Correctly said black_logs!! +ve energy is now slowly fading, i can see the sun setting on our hopes and dreams.

You maybe correct in mentioning that Conference Committee worked off S.1932.EAH. However, the 'In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the House amendment, insert the following:' could actually mean that they are replacing the S.1932.EAH with this new version which does not seem to be containing any provisions for EB recapture.
guys, i still feel we will win. Nobody knows if 8001 is IN or OUT. There may be a chance that we may not get full 8001 as it is, as negotitions will amend it BUT we will get something good, definetly.

Believe me, we have done a LOT of hard work, i mean a LOT ! It will not get wasted.




Question - Ambiguity

What does the last line (in red) mean below in this AILA update. Is it still possible for the senate to include the section 8001 if it so desires though the house did not include it.. Should we contact Arlen Specter again then ?
The position seems to be same on the Alaska drilling provision...

-------------------- Extract from AILA------------------------------------
Early in the morning of December 19, the House adopted a conference report on the budget reconciliation bill (S. 1932) that did not include the Senate Judiciary Committee provisions that would have recaptured unused H-1B and employment-based visa numbers. The House was also forced to strip its proposal to impose a $1,500 fee increase on L visas from the final bill. Although we are very disappointed that Congress did not take affirmative action to ameliorate the crisis confronting American businesses and universities, at least the House was prevented from imposing the regressive tax on businesses using the L visas that it originally contemplated.

The Senate is scheduled to take up the conference report today, December 19, but Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) threatened on Sunday night to hold up all remaining Senate business in protest of the Republican leadership's attempt to attach Alaska drilling provisions to the defense appropriations bill. We will keep you updated on the budget reconciliation bill's progress in the Senate. If it passes without the provisions for H-1B blackout and retrogression relief, we will begin looking for new options to secure such relief in the new year.
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sunjoshi said:
....... the comprehensive immigration bill? authors/sections/etc etc. We should be on our toes b4 the anti-immigration groups start pounding.
Have sent you a mail in your yahoo I.D. with an attachment showing authors/sections etc. Please check
I would like to agree with your assessment that "what we see in the conference report is a new modification to the amendment that was originally suggested in S.1932.EAH". However, it appears that since the original House version was an ENTIRE amendment, this pdf is the new ENTIRE amendment - hence it is NOT an addition to the Senate version - but a new replacement.

I hope I am wrong, though.

spgtopper said:
I read parts of this document (faithingod's) carefully, and it is my understanding (and an optimistic belief) that what you see in here is to be attached to the original S.1932. It also includes those topics which were controversial, which means that some of senate provisions will be eliminated and subsituted by house provisions (pg. 587-588 shows that discussions were held by respective committees on only the disagreed topics).

From http://www.house.gov/budget/summarys1932.pdf it appears that house has worked on its own version of S.1932 which is S.1932.EAH.

Importantly, this is what page 1 says:
1) The senate recede from its diagreement to the amendment by the house and agree to the same with an amendment as follows:
2) In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the house amendment, insert the following:

So, what we see in the conference report is a new modification to the amendment that was originally suggested in S.1932.EAH.

I hope I am correct!
desideccan said:

I told you lontime ago,It will not be passed.No one listened to me.

Desideccan u peice of CRAP, get off this forum. If you dont want to fight the good fight then go back to ur cave and hide in there with ur boss who has "connections".
Chapter is over. Lets move forward!!

Dear Friends,

We should accept the reality; The chapter of S 1932 with Section 8001 is over.
Now we should not loose our courage. Let us all move forward with double inertia. Start thinking, what to do next? Now we need more efforts.
We emailed them
we faxed them
we called them
Some of our friends met some lawmaker

Now I think we should start meeting them in a group and give them pp presentation prepared by SJ.

I would thanks thousands of people, who have contrubuted their time.

Special thanks to Attorney Rajiv Khanna and immigration-law.com for providing us excellent platform and constantly updating us with latest information.

Great work by isnamerica.com for our community

Thanks, hate off, and salute to all active members like Sunjoshi, padakwala, structlabor, superman, nozdam, rucshaca, spgtopper, hopeful_123, and many many more for great community service.

Thanks. God bless all of us and the USA
He guys,
Dont loose your hopes. I know i may be sounding too much optimistic but we can still try calling/meeting our so called friends in senate and ask them to put 8001 in their version, there is no harm in giving it one last chance.
Read this on cpan

Floor Activity in the Senate
The Senate reconvenes today with Senators working on several major conference reports, including the Defense Approps. and Labor-HHS Approps. This morning, the House finished it's first session of the 109th Congress. If the Senate does something that the House needs to act on, the House will reconvene this coming Thursday.
Yes, but atleast everybody tried doing something, so atleast they know what they are doing is painfull to some people, and I strongly believe we should not sit idle after this, we should contact probably meet Congresmen/Senators in each area and educate them what we are asking for. We shouldn't let it die a quiet death.

desideccan said:

I told you lontime ago,It will not be passed.No one listened to me.
nozdam said:
Desideccan u peice of CRAP, get off this forum. If you dont want to fight the good fight then go back to ur cave and hide in there with ur boss who has "connections".

desideccan should have kept his username "Desi Dhakkan" instead...
nozdam said:
Correctly said black_logs!! +ve energy is now slowly fading, i can see the sun setting on our hopes and dreams.


All of us here have shown remarkable spirit and energy over the last few days. I understand that it is extremely disheartening now. Dont you all think it is time we plan, re-group and take the fight to the next level. We have two choices: FIGHT till we win or pack up and leave for Des... I am sure many of us here are really not warming up to the second option yet.
khodalmd said:
Dear Friends,

We should accept the reality; The chapter of S 1932 with Section 8001 is over.
Now we should not loose our courage. Let us all move forward with double inertia. Start thinking, what to do next? Now we need more efforts.
We emailed them
we faxed them
we called them
Some of our friends met some lawmaker

Now I think we should start meeting them in a group and give them pp presentation prepared by SJ.

I would thanks thousands of people, who have contrubuted their time.

Special thanks to Attorney Rajiv Khanna and immigration-law.com for providing us excellent platform and constantly updating us with latest information.

Great work by isnamerica.com for our community

Thanks, hate off, and salute to all active members like Sunjoshi, padakwala, structlabor, superman, nozdam, rucshaca, spgtopper, hopeful_123, and many many more for great community service.

Thanks. God bless all of us and the USA

I think we should do

1. Send a letter of thanks to all the Senators and COngressmen who supported our cause
2. Send a letter to other significant congressmen about our problems and hopes
3. I think we should thank Matthew Oh for being our best friend in this time
4. Should have a new site like numbersusa
5. Talk to all groups for legal immigration
6. Try to talk to Sen Specter to see if he can introduce an amendment to the comp immi reform

AND DO NOT FORGET to sign up and leave name, e mail and city/state on the thread "Please those who are seeing S1932 thread- sign up here" started by Hopeful 123.
indio0617 said:

All of us here have shown remarkable spirit and energy over the last few days. I understand that it is extremely disheartening now. Dont you all think it is time we plan, re-group and take the fight to the next level. We have two choices: FIGHT till we win or pack up and leave for Des... I am sure many of us here are really not warming up to the second option yet.

GUYS, I still think that the fight is not yet over as nothing is clear yet. This is how i think, at the moment, we should NOT start thinking about "next level" as we can do many things even now.

1) can we get media support for tomorrow (can we start thinking how) ?
2) can few folks in DC meet the house representativies tomorrow?
3) Keep on sending CALL and FAXES.

We will eventually go to the next level and game, but let us complete this match first ?
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indio0617 said:

All of us here have shown remarkable spirit and energy over the last few days. I understand that it is extremely disheartening now. Dont you all think it is time we plan, re-group and take the fight to the next level. We have two choices: FIGHT till we win or pack up and leave for Des... I am sure many of us here are really not warming up to the second option yet.

Indio i am TRYING my best to stay positive, BELIEVE me i am. If you have any tips on how to do so PLS share them with me. I have NOT been an idle observer, along with EVERYONE here, i have done my part, i Faxed a TON of times, wrote to the White house, Snail Mailed to the senators, Snail mailed ALL 19 of the Congressmen in PA, Actually MET the staff of my local Congressman, Called ALL the senators on the committee, called ALL the Congressmen on that committee, made my friends who are not on this forum call them, even called NumbersUSA to make sure they understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration. What the hell have i/we NOT done? Short of standing outside the whitehouse with placards we have done it ALL. What is next do we now stand outside the whitehouse with placards, saying "End EB retrogression"? Do we do on strike from work at our organizations?? What do we have to do get it thru these senator/congressmen's heads that we are here legally and not to punish US!!