S. 1932 Status

I think Desideccan is most mad person. I got lot of laugh with your posting.

Is Desi employer have capacity to buy Senator/Congressman? Are lawmakers are so cheap?

Please keep quite ..........

desideccan said:

Stop deraming about 8001 and 8002 .Both got rejected.Believe me it is not easy to get immigration relief.All desi employers collected money and gave to senetors and congressmen ,so that they will not pass these bills.It worked.
if it is not in the confr report

what can we do? we can't be here waiting for another several years,
guys, we need to do something...
I don't understand why are we discussing on this stupid topic. Don;t make any assumption at this critical stage. Focus on what we can do. At this time we can call, send letters via fax or email. So let's focus on that.

Desideccan if you keep thinking negative you will not go anywhere. Let's say you are right. So what would you do. Would you pack your bags and go home (Back to India) OR stay here and fight for your cause. It took 20-25 years to get education so that we can become something and not a looser or a moron who would do nothing. 20 years back India was nothing but a country who will be number one in terms of population. Today we have brains that no one have. How did we achieve that not by sitting. But people of India worked hard and went extra miles to achieve something for themselves and for their country.

So stay focus, send letters and talk to senators. You will surprise by the reply that you get from the senators and HR'S
No, this is good, Rs should struck down the motion and choose memebers for the conference. If this motion is passed, there will be more debate on some key issues and will dealy selection of the conference commetie.Rs will be able to strike down this motion.
defense bill?

Someone in c-span just said that defense bill will surely pass . He said no one wants to go back home saying he voted against defence bill.
So we must also keep that options open . That is reason why ANWR is moved to defnse bill . He said more amendments may be added to defense bill as it will be passed 100%s . May be we can push 8001 to Defese bill , it will be passed surely.
House conferees just announced!!!

I did not get all the names, soeems like there are more house than senate conferees.

I got the 3 names of the house Judiciary committeee that I think deal with our issue.

Sensenbrenner, Smith and Conyers

Anyone with the full list please post.

Looks like they will get to work this weekend.
vk2003 said:
Sennsennbrener, Smith and Conyers - what does this mean?
That means these 3 gentlemen will negotiate with the senate conferees to sort out differences.

The house did not "advise" conferees on sec 8001/2 one way or the other. But just the name Sennsennbrener doesn't sound good. We still have hope.