S. 1932 Status

Please do ignore Desideccan, he is guessing, let us keep trying. If we lose we lose, but give it our best. Be the fighters we are
desideccan may be wrong

I guess desideccan coments are wrong.

Please confirm "desideccan".
if you have posted just for fun please dont do that . that will be a distraction to the people who are working hard in this forum.
so this is your personal view..you have no source
desideccan said:

Stop deraming about 8001 and 8002 .Both got rejected.Believe me it is not easy to get immigration relief.All desi employers collected money and gave to senetors and congressmen ,so that they will not pass these bills.It worked.
Desi Deccan -


We hope for the best, but we do not want pessimist visiting this forum, pls do not waste your time and others. A polite request for your to GET OUT ! - Whatever is the outcome, we are all together and we will do our best. Be it happens this year or next. We will pursue earnestly. We do not need folks like you to back us in this effort, do not mean to be rude.. Why dont u step out of this forum and let others in peace and pursue their interest.

We are not valuing what your opinions are and your true pessimism.
Desideccan, either post ur source of information or get off this Forum. Guys pls disregard ANY random information Posts WITHOUT clear URLs from TRUSTED news sites. This applied not just to Desideccan but ALL the forum members who post without proper sources.
Guys, ignore DesiDhakkan. he is acting as a dhakkan. I am watching CSPAN since this morning and I haven't seen any such motions. There are more controversial issues than 8001/8002 that is why I think 8001/8002 may get slipped in in the final version. Keep your fingers crossed.

Once again I am saying, As long as House members does not bring the motion to instruct the conferees for section 8001/8002 we are fine. This means that conference committee will decide our future.

i guess now we will get the list of conferees from the house side....we should start the process of calling, faxing emailing to them also.....

I am sorry if i hurt anybody on this board .My source of information is from a very big Indian Company President based in Bay Area.He has very strong connections.

I think this Desi Dhakkan is one of these desi companies.. has 10 employees making him 20k a yr...

Desperately needs them to pay for his 1 room unit which he shares with 3 illegals....
the house members are instructing conferees on the following issues...8001/8002 is not there in the list. My guess is that both these sections WILL come in budget bill as it is bringing revenue to Uncle SAM.

The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the managers on the part of the House to recede to the Senate by eliminating House provisions reducing eligibility for food stamps; reducing funding for child support enforcement; repealing the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset; modifying the Mining Law of 1972; eliminating the sections of the House amendment that reduce Medicaid benefits and allow increases in beneficiary costs; reducing to the maximum extent possible increases in interest rates and fees paid by student and parent borrowers on student loans; adopting the Senate provision eliminating the stabilization fund that makes payments to Medicare Advantage Regional Plans; adopting the Senate provision on Medicare Advantage risk adjustment; and adopting the Senate provision on Medicare physician payments.
Pls Ignore Desideccan

Guys pls focuss on the Calling job. Ignore Desi-deccan, he sounds like someone who needs attention.

Hey Deccan, guess what, my superior also has a ton of connections with the the CEO of a major weather channel and he said that tomm is a major celestial event. A Solar eclipse & Lunar eclipse will occur at the same time. So Desi Deccan pls prepare to see neither the sun nor the moon tomorrow.
Please do not use abusive Language to any one. I think there should be a way on this site to inform to the organisors of this site about the behaviour of some person if you dont like.

But stay focussed. Keep calling. Iam positive that retrogression will be solved some time soon. Keep doing what you are doing and ignore guys who do not have proper sources to back up their claims. We are all educated hardworking professionals here. Guys like sunil joshi, pdakwala and others are doing great work here. Please do keep up the good work by calling and iam sure we will nail this retrogression soon. I believe United states of America is land of opportunity and there are sensible people who listen to us.

desideccan said:

I am sorry if i hurt anybody on this board .My source of information is from a very big Indian Company President based in Bay Area.He has very strong connections.

I believe desideccan has good intention. Lets all be kind to each other.

I also believe that with so much effort, something positive has to come out. And worst, even if this provision is not passed as part of Deficit Reduction Bill, there are lot of people on this forum who want to continue to put effort to fix the problem caused by Retrogression. So something good has to come out of this. For now lets focus on S.1932. With the provisions already passed by the Senate there is more likelyhood that this will pass.

Just a thought, we all should focus our effort with faxes and phone calls to House Members as majority of Senate members have already expressed their support for 8000/8001 and have voted to pass these provisions. We have to get this provision passed in the House so that this 8001/8002 becomes into law. Even if we do not know the names of conference committee members, we should call as many of HOR members out of 435 as we can.

Great going everybody ....
C-Span Update


looks like house Representatives conference committe is not yet estabilished, once they estabilish we should hit them with more phone calls and more faxes.....both house and senate conferences will draft final bill, where our effort show off, source is C-span channel, keep up the spirit we are still running,
Iam reading all these posts. Please can not we just ignore desideccan ?

lets stop discussing desideccan now.

ignoring him will stop him posting all this.


Seems we have to call senators and representatives TONIGHT and over the week-end.
E voting is going on for the motion to instruct house conferees. I hope this passes. As of now it is along party lines, 9Y 11N so far. Repub are voting against this. Tancredos, group will vote against this for sure, I am eagerly watching