RTD - Admission / Safe ?


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Hello everyone
I've got my final asylum approval lately and would like to apply for a refugee travel document to travel outside US for tourism (not to COP) ..
Is it safe to travel with the RTD and come back to USA ?
for example, Has anyone experienced denial of admission to the USA or had big problems at the port of entry while traveling with RTD as asylee?

Thanks in advance
welcome to secondary inspection my friend at point of entry. depends on where you're from. a lot questions
purpose of travel, who paid the the ticket, do you have receipt of the hotels....how long were you outside. bla bla
allow 2 extra hours for flight connection. I am talking based on my experience
always buy a round trip ticket.
thanks GCMAN and thankful

I have one more question,
let's say i got my RTD in June 2009 and I applied for GC in august 2009 , will I still be able to use the RTD after applying for GC or I'll need a different one for a GC applicant ?
It is SAFE!!!! I have never been asked more than Where did you go? COP? How long for? and then I am kindly Welcome Home with a NEW I-94 "Returning Asylee Employment Authorized Indefinitely"
So No Problem go on vacations with no worriesThe reason they send a lot of us to Secondary is not because they are mean or anything!!! We have to understand that they are doing their job and sometimes all they need is to double check that it is you who owns that RTD and also I was told by an IO at POE that he had to send me to secondary because usually the STAMP for ASYLEES is very special and they keep it in a safe inside the office so not all the IO's have the Special STAMP for US!!!!
So yes you might be sent to Secondary but remember there's a reason for that don't take it personally!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
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Not everyone goes to secondary inspection, and not everyone gets a new I-94. I've never had to get one nor go to secondary, so it's a fine experience. They may ask you why you have no NP, but you can explain that to them, can't you? Have a good trip :)
Not everyone goes to secondary inspection, and not everyone gets a new I-94. I've never had to get one nor go to secondary, so it's a fine experience. They may ask you why you have no NP, but you can explain that to them, can't you? Have a good trip :)

ALL RTD with NO GC go to secondary CAFE. You sure you never went to secondary without a GC?
Yeah, CAFECONLECHE that's amazing because out of 12 trips I have been sent to secondary 11 times!!! You must be very lucky. and I have always gotten a new I-94 (cause you have to fill one when you land to the US) Unless you went to Canada and did not redeem the prior I-94 they just leave the old one on the RTD but I mostly came from Europe or Asia and before leaving I had to redeem my I94 and coming back had to get a new one.
The only time I didnt go to secondary is few months ago when I came with a brand new NP + CG in hand. I spent less than a minute at POE.
Before, I used to miss my connecting flight and pay a 100 USD for penalty......each time
I am talking about from 2000 to 2005......
I am really happy to be GC holder after all I have through in my country.
Thanks america
With AND without GC, I've never been sent to secondary. Yeah, I guess it's strange. I wonder why that is. All this talk may have jinxed me now, though, hehe.
Where to go at airport?

I have a practical question about this. It might sound a little stupid but I just wanted to make sure. My wife and I are travelling next month with RTD and NP and I am trying to foresee as much as I can.

Anyway, here's my question. I believe that at the airport, there are lanes for Citizens/LPR and then there are the regular lanes. Do asylees go through the regular lanes or are they considered legal permanent residents?
From 1999 to 2006 I have made 56 trips abroad with RTD and NP. All those times I have spent from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours for secondary inspection. But very rarely I have been asked any questions at all. Only once I have been asked to show my NP and it was a case when an officer was a native the same country as I am. He looked through visas pages and he found a couple stamps from previous trips from border crossing in my COP. Name of the country was written not even in English letters, so it was unreadable for any person not familiar with my native language. Then he asked me why I went there a year or so ago. I have, in my opinion a very good reason to take my chances visiting COP, so I explained them to him. Then he asked me about my occupation and told me if I am making any money abroad I should include details in my tax applications. After he stamped my I-94 and let me in.
Not everyone goes to secondary inspection, and not everyone gets a new I-94. I've never had to get one nor go to secondary, so it's a fine experience. They may ask you why you have no NP, but you can explain that to them, can't you? Have a good trip :)

Thanks for the reply from everyone
cafeconleche, my NP expired in 2007 and getting a new may take longer than getting RTD .. and extending the current one will not be useful because most countries don't give visas on the version of passport that I have now that is extendable...
With AND without GC, I've never been sent to secondary. Yeah, I guess it's strange. I wonder why that is. All this talk may have jinxed me now, though, hehe.

Where were your ports of entry if you don't mind me asking? I used my RTD to reenter for the first time ever at Newark and the very nice IO said I needed to go "downstairs" for the stamp. I got the stamp when I went to the other room with no questions asked.
someone2007, if you'd prefer to get an RTD, feel free. That's no problem, and is actually better for your citizenship interview.

ASSYLEE, I've entered through San Francisco, New York JFK, Detroit and LAX.
I was sent to secondery inspection every time I was comming back exept for once when an IO in Boston Logan stamped my RTD with a "permanent resident" stamp and let me in without asking any question. But that was definetely his mistake. Although traveling and coming back using RTD is safe I have to mention that sometimes IOs can be real bitches with you. Once I almost went through an initial asylum interview with one idiot in Washington Dullas. That was extremely uncomfortable but after 10 minutes of suffering he finally let me in and forward me to the secondary inspection.
I was sent to secondery inspection every time I was comming back exept for once when an IO in Boston Logan stamped my RTD with a "permanent resident" stamp and let me in without asking any question. But that was definetely his mistake. Although traveling and coming back using RTD is safe I have to mention that sometimes IOs can be real bitches with you. Once I almost went through an initial asylum interview with one idiot in Washington Dullas. That was extremely uncomfortable but after 10 minutes of suffering he finally let me in and forward me to the secondary inspection.

I never had an issue with entering the country.
someone2007, if you'd prefer to get an RTD, feel free. That's no problem, and is actually better for your citizenship interview.

ASSYLEE, I've entered through San Francisco, New York JFK, Detroit and LAX.

cafe, I am an asylee not GC holder .. so I have to get the RTD ..:)
Why its better for the citizenship interview?