Removed from Oath Ceremony due to long trip


New Member
I went for an Oath Ceremony in Detroit recently. But, unfortunately, due to my recent long trip overseas for more than 6 months (not aware of such a limitation before hand), I was removed from the ceremony, and told to wait for a letter from the immigration office.

I am afraid that my application will be rejected. For further information, my interview was back in the mid 2006. It took more than 2 years before receiving the notice for the oath.

Is there anyone who have some knowledge on that? And, anything I can do know to mitigate the situation?

If the rejection would come, were there anything I can do and what would be the chance?

Any help or advice is very much appreciated. Thanks.
Sorry to hear that.

I believe, if you could convince that the trip was for a reasonable purpose they may consider. I suggest you work with a lawyer. It will be worth it.
Sorry to hear that, but you have broken a major citizenship eligibility criteria. I am surprised that you did not know about the continuous residence criteria. Now, you have little or no chance of being approved. If you are rejected, you will have the opportunity to reapply after 5 years, when you meet the eligibility criteria.
Was your trip below 1 year but more than 6 months and otherwise doesn't affect your overall residence requirement? If so, you'll probably be given a chance to provide evidence of US residential ties first instead of being denied outright.
For further information, my interview was back in the mid 2006. It took more than 2 years before receiving the notice for the oath.


I am sorry to hear that uscitizen123.

I have one qustion, did u just receive the oath ceremonty notice in the mail all of sudden OR did u get letter for 2nd fingerprint first??? and how long after 2nd fingerprint u receive the oath ceremony letter? because i am almost in your situation, i was interviewed in mid 2006 as well and just recently i got the latter for 2nd fingerprints. thanx for input.
I hope you will be able to get this problem solved.
This Fbanna id is unncessarily misleading you. Bobsmyth id is right. If your trip was less then 1 year, you should be alright.
"Should be alright" is overly optimistic. 6 months means there is a presumption of breaking continuous residence, putting the burden of proof on the applicant to overcome that presumption. That's a dangerous situation, not an "alright" one. "Should get a chance to prove your case" is more realistic.
This Fbanna id is unncessarily misleading you. Bobsmyth id is right. If your trip was less then 1 year, you should be alright.

I wish I do. He may be alright, but I do thin k he has broken a very important piece and they will suspect that he just came back for oath and will leave again after.
This Fbanna id is unncessarily misleading you. Bobsmyth id is right. If your trip was less then 1 year, you should be alright.

mauriciopelli, your posts reminds me of a gentleman who was quicked out of this forum last week. :rolleyes: You have joined this forum the next day he was quicked out. I am sure it is a pure coincidence. Why don't you share your timeline ? You seem to know too much about the subjects that are discussed here for a new member. :confused: Good to have you on board. Can you share your timeline ? Thanks
I agree with the positive thinkers . You had fullfilled your residency requirement. Don't worry they may delay it for security reasons to make sure you are okay.
However since you are a green card holder about to become a citizen that more than 6 months rule may apply.
Consult an Attorney, No harm
I guess the OP has broken his continuous residency requirement and may not be allowed to take oath for this application. He may need to re-apply for citizenship later. Sorry to OP, this is not a very encourging reply, but this is what I understand.
This Fbanna id is unncessarily misleading you. Bobsmyth id is right. If your trip was less then 1 year, you should be alright.

In another thread, that you created this afternoon, you were saying about double standard and that your posts were deleted (meaning you were banned) but why not other guy. Then let me answer to you.

Moderators are not obligated to respond to you or anyone else on why they did this and that, why they banned someone, why they deleted someone's postings, why they didn't ban other, etc...They make their decision independently based on how they see things in their own views to moderate the board. They are given whole authority to take such actions. Their decisions might seem wrong to others, but they might have made right decision in their judgement.

You know well that you have been banned many times in all kinds of different IDs. It takes no more than second for us to find out all the IDs on any member by run IP check. You were banned on those IDs because of your abusive/offensive/provocative behavior. I warned you a few weeks ago, but it didn't stop you from making offensive and abusive postings. There is nothing wrong in asking tough questions and even doubt the validity of their situaion but it should be without being offensive and abusive. There is no need to stir the fights for no reason. I didn't ban you even under chenwen ID...rather I just gave you last warning but another moderator banned you yesterday and he made the right decision. This ID will be banned too if you don't behave. We have enough of you...You have pattern of doing the same...We have all the records on you...all your IDs with postings (even though you deleted some of them, we can see/view and bring them back in a second).

As for your question why other guy wasn't banned, then he was banned first by another moderator who someone didn't realize that you were the one provoked all fights first. I'm the one who reversed the decision of that moderator and reinstated the membership of that member. Why? Because, that member apologized to me thru PM for using some obscense words to you when I posted a comment to him openly telling him that we don't appreciate him using those wordings. And most importantly, he apologized without me or any moderator asking any apology from him AND that was before even he got banned. That showed beyond a doubt to me a good behavior on his part and that he was sincerely sorry for his actions...Not many people do that...You have NEVER done that despite of making repeated offending/harrsassing and
abusive statements all along under all the IDs.

I didn't know he got banned and you were not because I wasn't on board until late evening to know all this. And I did throughly and carefully review of both of your postings and found that you were the one who was offender first and provoked other members to argue with you on nonsense. So I reinstated his membership especially when he was apologetic for his action and promise not to involve in such kind of behavior and everyone deserves a second chance. As for you, we have been kept giving you all the chances and I didn't ban you; rather issued warning twice...We shouldn't even allow you to create another account...I just banned this ID for good but then I decided to give you one more chance...though you don't deserve any chance given your repeated modus operandi...It's up to you now...I've been more than nice with you; otherwise other moderators don't give any explanation nor they show up here; rather just will ban you...
A Greek coworker recently had his interview and was told to supply more details about his trips as he had broken the 6 month criteria. During the interview he explained his reasons and why he had not abandoned residency. They demanded written proof which he sent and heard nothing from them except for 2 months later when he was invited to the Oath ceremony. He is now a citizen.

Of course everyone's situation is different but this does show that with sufficient evidence/argument your situation may not be as bad as some think.
I am under impression that once the oath letter is issued, everything is checked including background, name check and the overseas trips etc. This poor guy was issued OL after two years. They had all the time to look into. why they kept checking even after the OL issued. I do not understand the chronology or the co-ordination between the departments. Anyone with any knowledge about how this works? I know there are lot of guesses.
I am under impression that once the oath letter is issued, everything is checked including background, name check and the overseas trips etc. This poor guy was issued OL after two years. They had all the time to look into. why they kept checking even after the OL issued. I do not understand the chronology or the co-ordination between the departments. Anyone with any knowledge about how this works? I know there are lot of guesses.

Continuous residence is required up until oath day. That's why they ask for any travel dates on the oath form to determine if you have broken your continuous residence requirement (as it did in OPs case).
Dear Uscitizen123, at the time of the Oath Ceremony, how was it determoned that ur trip lasted more than 6 months? Did they check the dates in ur passport?

I went for an Oath Ceremony in Detroit recently. But, unfortunately, due to my recent long trip overseas for more than 6 months (not aware of such a limitation before hand), I was removed from the ceremony, and told to wait for a letter from the immigration office.

I am afraid that my application will be rejected. For further information, my interview was back in the mid 2006. It took more than 2 years before receiving the notice for the oath.

Is there anyone who have some knowledge on that? And, anything I can do know to mitigate the situation?

If the rejection would come, were there anything I can do and what would be the chance?

Any help or advice is very much appreciated. Thanks.
This is a good post for others to read and really does show that you are not automatically set for US citizenship after you get approved after your interview and recieve an Oath date.

This seems to happen quite frequently that people are pulled from the actual Oath ceremony for one reason or another from what I've heard from people.

People definatly need to realize they are not in the clear until they actually get their Citizenship Certification (even then there are rare cases when that might be denied later for serious offences).

And with the case of being out 6 months or for any length of time for that matter, IO's in the interview, the ones that review the recomendations after the interview, the ones at the actualy Oath ceremony etc. can still deny you your citizenship if they feel you haven't lived up to the requirements (in this case being away for so long).

It's too bad they didn't do this during the interview for the OP and save this hassle and euphoria to have it taken away, but sometimes one IO might view something as acceptable when others who review it later will not. Just one of those things.

At least this post will show people what can happen between the interview and the Oath...
It's too bad they didn't do this during the interview for the OP and save this hassle and euphoria to have it taken away, but sometimes one IO might view something as acceptable when others who review it later will not. Just one of those things.

It's not a matter of the IO not catching it at interview since in OPs case interview was 2 years ago and travel was after interview.
For further information, my interview was back in the mid 2006. It took more than 2 years before receiving the notice for the oath.


i am in same boat as you because i was also interviewed in mid 2006 and just last week i recieved letter for 2nd fingerprints. and after my interview I also have a trip which lasted like 7 months, so that makes me fall into your position, but i am not sure if i will get oath letter soon or not. What i want to ask you is that before u got your oath letter did u get 2nd fingerprints notice? because i am sure ur fingerprints were expired. and after fingerprints how long did it take you to get oath letter in mail. Please reply to me so i can atleast assume where i stand after 2nd fingerprints. and according to ur situation i will also consult with lawyer about my 7 month trip :(.
i dont know whats gonna happen to me, and i hope everything works out in your favor.
i am in same boat as you because i was also interviewed in mid 2006 and just last week i recieved letter for 2nd fingerprints. and after my interview I also have a trip which lasted like 7 months, so that makes me fall into your position, but i am not sure if i will get oath letter soon or not.

You'll have to disclose the 7 month trip on the oath letter once you receive it , so expect to be pulled away as well at oath.
Thanks for all the suggestions

Unfortunately, I didn't know such a requirement for after the interview. My long trip was more than 6 months, but less than one year. I really hope they could inform or remind an applicant during the interview to avoid the possibility of unintended mistakes.

I did get a letter for a 2nd time fingerprints.

I made the trip with a re-entry permit. The trip is due to the fact that my wife had been (still is) on a long term assignment overseas with an American company, and my daughter is with her. It is a very difficult situation for us.

I am not sure when the letter from the immigration office on the result will come. Any ideas?

Will it be useful to find a lawyer to file an appeal if the answer would be rejection.

If so, any suggestion of a good lawyer in Metro Detroit area?

Many thanks.