Raleigh/Durham NC - N-400 Timeline

I have a question guys. Is it possible to have oath done before actual anniversary day of turning 3 or 5 years residency (whichever applies)?
I have applied based on 5-years residency, 90 days ahead of my 5-year anniversary day (which is June 28, 2008). My case was processed faster than expected and my interview is scheduled for June 19th. I expect my oath to be sometime between June 20 or June 27 (I Really pray for that). Is it technically possible to be naturalized before June 28, 2008, since I will be theoritically living in US for less than 5 years ?

Thanks for your help.
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I have a question guys. Is it possible to have oath done before actual anniversary day of turning 3 or 5 years residency (whichever applies)?
I have applied based on 5-years residency, 90 days ahead of my 5-year anniversary day (which is June 28, 2008). My case was processed faster than expected and my interview is scheduled for June 19th. I expect my oath to be sometime between June 20 or June 27 (I Really pray for that). Is it technically possible to be naturalized before June 28, 2008, since I will be theoritically living in US for less than 5 years ?

Thanks for your help.

Good question. I'd be more concerned about having your application rejected at the interview for not meeting the 5 year residency requirement. Since USCIS typically doesn't adjudicate cases within 3 months, this sort of thing doesn't happen very often. I'd feel safer with rescheduling the interview until after June 28, 2008 instead of taking my chances with the IO who may or may not count the residency requirement during your June 19th interview.
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I applied within the allowed timeframe (no more than 90 days in advance). I had no control over how interviews are scheduled, and therefore, I should not penalized for USCIS's mistake. If they want to reschedule my interview, that will be fine, we can work it out. But i will not suggest it to them. THEY INVITED ME after I applied within the legal time frame.
If they deny my application, I will be rich. I will sue their butt for millions of $$$.

I had a similar case while back when I was attending university. Although I came from out-of-state and legibly wrote on my application that I do not claim in-state tuition status, the University charged me in-state tuition by mistake. They found later during the year that I should be out-of-state. I received a letter with a $4,000 + bill with a due date within one week. I tried to negociate a payment plan with the university, but nobody was giving me any attention. After the due date on their initial notice, they took a student loan from the gouvernment on my behalf to cover these fees without my consent. So I contacted a lawyer, who sent a letter to their legal counsel explaining that no one should pay for administrative mistake resulting of careless employees of your own and that what they did is comparable to identity theft. Can you imagine how big this case can be?

And I tell you what. After the University received the letter from the lawyer, they understood where this case can take them to, I was given a special circumstance. i completed my masters free of charge.

Lesson: Always know your Rights.
Now they will reject my application? Because they invited me too soon to come for interview ? I did not schedule it.
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USCIS schedules interviews without regard to if you have met all the conditions. If the IO denies your case for not meeting the 5 year residency requirement I doubt you would have any legal recourse. Other applicants have also been denied for not meeting the 5 year residency requirement by a few days.
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I read these threads, and their case is different. They applied 91 or 92 days before their 5 or 3 years anniversaries. People usually count 3 months before sending their applications which usually ends up being more than 90 days. I sent my application 89 days before my 5 year anniversary.
Just watch and see. i will tell you what happens on Thursday.
Correct, their cases were denied because they filed too early, but they actually met the 5 year residency requirement by the time they were interviewed. In your case you didn't file too early, but USCIS scheduled your interview before you have met the 5 year residency requirement. Your case is unique in that sense so it will be interesting to see how the IO will handle it. As you said, watch and see what happens on Thursday.
Hi all,
I also live in Raleigh and just sent my N-400 on June 8th. I'm glad to see that for some of you it is moving fast and you may actaully get to vote this november. My check has already been cashed so I'm just waiting for my finger print notice. I hope the name check doesn't take forever as it has for some. Any ways just stopping by.
Hi all,
I also live in Raleigh and just sent my N-400 on June 8th. I'm glad to see that for some of you it is moving fast and you may actaully get to vote this november. My check has already been cashed so I'm just waiting for my finger print notice. I hope the name check doesn't take forever as it has for some. Any ways just stopping by.
Welcome to this forum.
Welcome to this forum.

thanks! i was in the Asylum forums before but now my focus is citizenship. Glad to find some Raleigh folks here. I will also share my experience as I go through my process. good luck to all. I'm glad we have an office now and don't have to go to Charlotte. I was so excited to hear that I actually went there just to see where it was! RTP next to Rudino's great location!

Somebody able to kick back on charlotte, DO? based on new dates, it is
@ May 17 now..:)

I see May 6 for Charlotte. Interestingly they haven't got any dates for Durham DO yet eventhough they have been open for almost 2 months now.

I got this feeling after talked to IO's over the phone for no.of times about Charlotte, DO....

Even there is no rush of applications, looks like they keeping application in pending status upto applicant reaches to particualr DO's processing time...for charlotte, it is 14 months....is that valied statement?

I got this feeling after talked to IO's over the phone for no.of times about Charlotte, DO....

Even there is no rush of applications, looks like they keeping application in pending status upto applicant reaches to particualr DO's processing time...for charlotte, it is 14 months....is that valied statement?
I think it's a combination of available interview slots and the low hanging fruit syndrome.
I went to my naturalization interview today. Unfortunatly, they said I cannot even be interviewed because I did not reach my 5 year. They rescheduled my appointment for August 22, 2008. I did not protest as I don't want to get in trouble for getting naturalized too early. 10 weeks is nothing, compared to people who have been waiting for months, even years. They gave me my new appointment letter for the August 22, which calmed me down.
That is really good news for u , all of us know now solution for this issue & how and what steps USCIS gonna took for this kind of cases..
Thanx a lot, relax and look forward for ur fresh & stressless interview..
I went to my naturalization interview today. Unfortunatly, they said I cannot even be interviewed because I did not reach my 5 year. They rescheduled my appointment for August 22, 2008. I did not protest as I don't want to get in trouble for getting naturalized too early. 10 weeks is nothing, compared to people who have been waiting for months, even years. They gave me my new appointment letter for the August 22, which calmed me down.

Goes to show you that the info the IO told you over the phone did not carry any weight at the interview. At least they rescheduled the interview and didn't deny you outright. :)
I had my fingerprints taken on 1/27/2007 when I applied to remove conditions on my greencard. I am married to a US citizen so when I applied for naturalization my fingerprints were still valid and those fingerprints were used for background check. That's why they expired on April 27 2007.

I managed to talk to IO today and the lady told me the I was put in queue for interview on June 16. Now, this is the second time I am placed in queue for interview. I was already in queue for interview before my FP expired on April 27, 2008. Any idea on how the queueing system may work?. I am afraid that I have wasted all that time and now I was moved to the back of the line just because they used my old fingerprints.
I managed to talk to IO today and the lady told me the I was put in queue for interview on June 16. Now, this is the second time I am placed in queue for interview. I was already in queue for interview before my FP expired on April 27, 2008. Any idea on how the queueing system may work?. I am afraid that I have wasted all that time and now I was moved to the back of the line just because they used my old fingerprints.

Good question..there's no rhyme or reason in the way USCIS decides to do things. My guess is that they don't take you out interview queue when your FP expire. They may place your case on hold in queue, but not take out your case completely.
My interview at Raleigh DO on June 17th at 10.35 am

I had my interview at Raleigh DO at 10.35 am. Reached there at around 10.00 am. I was called in at around 11.40 am. My experience is similar to KNP, I think we both were interviewed by the same lady.

In my case, there was one addition though. In last 5 years, I have maintained my physical presence requirements but the total stay outside US is around 45% (850 days to be precise) and number of entry / exits are more than 40. She told me, this is a borderline and whether I am confident about these entry / exit dates. I told her that I have all the records to prove the travel details. She told me it is not required but if they verify with the system and if there is any mismatch, that could be an issue. I told her I am keeping records of all my travel dates since last 5 years for this day. After that she didn't discuss on this matter.

At the end she gave me letter mentioning that I have passed the interview and also told me that I will be receiving a letter (of oath ceremony) in mail. She also told me she is not sure about the oath date but the letter will be received atleast 2 weeks prior to the oath. Earlier, I was expecting an oath ceremony on July 4th but so far I have not received the letter so July 4th may not be achievable.

N400 PD : 03/27/2008
FP ND : 03/31/2008
FP Taken : 04/16/2008 (Charlotte)
IL ND : 05/01/2008
ID : 06/17/2008 (Raleigh DO)
Oath ND : ????
Oath Taken : ????
Interview Appointment was at 9.05 today at Raleigh DO.

We showed up at 8.45a.

The entry guards were friendly, but had difficulty in understanding what we had come there for, finally he said he thought we had to go second floor. My wife pointed out thats what the IL said, 2nd floor at this facility. Remember no cell phones, food and liquids (besides weapons etc...). I had to make a run to the car to drop off the cell phones and a bottle of water. We had our infant daughter with us and they were fine with a bottle of formula for her.

At the second floor, there is a big waiting area. About 15 folks seated. No official in sight. We see a door marked Reception/Checkin, but it is for staff only with badge access. So we wait there, uncertain about what to do next, when a lady walks out and asks for and collects interview letters. This happened periodically over the day, and someone would come and collect ILs from new arrivals. It would help if they had a notice/note stuck somewhere to that effect, as most folks were puzzled what to do. However, other folks waiting explained the procedure to the new arrivals.

It was quite a wait. And the room got a bit warm, may be their cooling system is not yet fine tuned. Saw some folks in suits, so they must have been uncomfortable.

I was called in at around 10.30a. I was told my wife would go after me, and hence has to wait outside with the baby and we cannot go in together.

The adjudicating officer, first asked me swear to tell truth today and in the form etc... some standard verbiage I guess. Replied I do.

She wanted my GC, DL, and Passport.

Then went over the N-400, asking and making notes. Questions were such as, were any of my parents US citizens, address, phone number, ssn, any trips after submitted application. The a flurry of "no" questions as in N-400 form such as are you a terrorist/prostitute/drug peddler etc. Then the section about oath of allegiance, whether I am willing to take it, join armed forces if required etc. I then signed those sections in N-400 as well as the 2 pictures submitted during application of N-400. One thing to note is that the signature is basically your full name written in cursive. My usual signature is a undecipherable scribble, so she explained to me to sign my name in cursive at all places during the interview.

Then she asked me maybe 6 civics questions, and was able to answer them all.

Then she printed a sheet that had one english sentence, and asked me to read it. The she said "please write "this house is very clean" or something to that effect and on doing that, she wrote "Passed" on it.

At that point we were done. She did some entries in her computer, and printed out a letter saying my application for naturalization has been approved. She said there will be letter mailed to me saying when the Oath ceremony will be held. I enquired about the timeline of that, and she said she didnt know. Also, I asked her if it was being done locally at all, she didnt answer or provide any details, and was looking exasperated at my questions... she almost seemed more happy than me that it was done :) . The whole thing about 10 minutes for me, and then after a 5 minutes interval, the same adjudicating officer called my wife and took around the same time.

Its a bummer that we could not do the oaths today and get it over with ... another PTO day to be wasted ... and who knows how long it will take.

Anyway, getting closer now, only formality of oath taking remaining.
Hope this posting helps folks waiting for interview at Raleigh DO.