Question about Attire !


Registered Users (C)
In my Oath Letter it states "Appropriate Attire should be worn" ... my question now is do I NEED to wear a dress or a skirt or is a pair of slacks, a nice shirt and shoes ok.
For a man it is easy, for a women it is not, lol :p

Any suggestions would be appreciated because I need to find out soon and then possibly go shopping since I am not a skirt or dress person !
At my oath, I wore slacks and a long sleeve shirt, but there were a lot of people in jeans and t-shirts.

I would think as long as you look shorts and flip-flops, you would be fine. Maybe dress as though you are going to work in an office environment.
I wore casual button up shirt and jeans to mine. There were a few people in suits but most were casual, couple of tshirts and jeans. Definitely no shorts or tank tops though.

I think it might depend on where your ceremony is. Mine was in the CA desert, where everything is very informal. I could imagine a NYC ceremony being very different.

I think we need to see some pictures of various "outfits" and then do a poll on that :)

Please don't say you didn't expect that kind of answer - you provoked it and I just couldn't resist.
No one at the USCIS really cares how you are dressed as long as you are decent.

I went in clothes I was comfortable in but I saw many who were dressed up as if they were going to a wedding or a job interview :)
Well .... I gave in. My Husband told me to go ahead and dress up for the occasion. LOL. He can't be there because he is deployed so he thinks I deserve a new dress. He said spend as much as you want. What did I do. Went on Ebay and got a long dress for 5 bucks with 6 bucks S&H. He'll never know. HAHA. I will see when it get's here if I change my mind. I can always use it later for some other occasion.
Appropriate attire implies no cut off t-shirts, shorts, sandals, flip flops, mini-skirts etc..You'd be surprised what some people would wear if not told.
I really really did not want to wear formals in a Saturday morning ceremony in the mall of America! If it was in the court house, that would not have been the problem. So I made it business CASUAL:) and attended in well pressed clothes (but not in Jeans). The judge was all dressed up in robes etc.
Hasn't kicked in yet but it was memorable. Attire .... Some where in jeans, some very very dressed up. Normal attire I would say
My letter says:
Male applicants appearing at the naturalization ceremony must wear coats and ties, women should wear dresses. Please advise friends and relatives to dress appropriately.

San Antonio, Texas. March 13th, 2008.

So, it is very easy. They told you what to wear, so just do it!
LegalAlien2, you've hit the nail on the head with that one. I wonder if the rules are the same for summer oaths. Imagine having to wear a full suit and tie in 90 degree heat.
I say maybe casual pants (dockers, slacks), shirt tie and sport coat...

I think that should be presentable enough
Just came back from the ceremony, almost everyone wears formal dress (just as the letter said). It was 90 F today in San Antonio.

It was a very good ceremony.

Come on! Why are you so reluctant to put coat and tie? Are you waiting for your wedding day? You may have more than one weddings (for yourself), but you are unlikely to have another naturalization ceremony...

My letter says:
Male applicants appearing at the naturalization ceremony must wear coats and ties, women should wear dresses. Please advise friends and relatives to dress appropriately.

San Antonio, Texas. March 13th, 2008.

So, it is very easy. They told you what to wear, so just do it!