Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!

Our Goals

The goal of the Project Ocean is:
1) Every one gets a Green Card as soon as possible (within 180 days) to DONATE
2) Every one gets a U.S. Citizenship as soon as possible (by 2008, or within 5 years from AOS filing) to VOTE.

So, we are not just begging a green card to Congresspersons (and USCIS).
Our relationship with Congresspersons is "GIVE and TAKE", or "WIN and WIN".
Our Strategy (again)

(originally posted at VSC forum)

> These priorities will be set at service center level not at congress level.

However, the top management people at the service centers are just employees of government.
They must be stupid and ccwardly.
I believe it's a waste of our valuable resource to try to contact them in ordet to make them improve the process and negotite the priority.

As I posted before:
our strategy should be:
to attack U.S. Goverment Executive Branch (including USCIS, DHS) by Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, or Media.
-kashmir posted our petition

Go to and click on Immigration and you would see the post there....

Things are taking shape and moving....

Green Card petition to speed up I-485 process
NEW YORK: A community of over 67,000 immigrants and immigration benefits applicants have demanded to speed up the "excruciatingly slow" .........more
Request a meeting with Mike Honda (D CA 15th)

Is somebody living in CA 15th District interested in visiting Mike Honda's Campbell office to request a meeting (with me) ?
Originally posted by kashmir
As I wrote at the report of Lofgren's town hall meeting,
rk4gc requested a meeting with Congresswoman.

I think we can request a meeting with Congressperson if we have already sent more than three or five petitions to her/him.
For my district (CA 14th), I will send a request to Anna Eshoo tomorrow.

I think Mike Honda's CA 14th District is ready.
Can somebody in CA 14th District request a meeting to Mike Honda ?
I (and maybe many people in Bay Area) can support CA 14th District.
The Honorable Michael Honda
1999 South Bascom Ave
Suite 815
Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: (408) 558-8085
Fax: (408) 558-8086
List of Petition Phisically Delivered as of 10/14/2003

9/23/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition letter 
9/23/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition letter
9/23/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - the petition letter
9/29/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA singnatures
9/30/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 1amShantanuA  - ? - fax - petition
10/6/2003 lareds - ? - fax? - petition
10/6/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - congressperson (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Ed Royce (R-CA 40th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 LC66 - congresswoman (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Arz - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Dadagiri - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 rk4gc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - [color=green]USPS priority[/color] - petition and all signature (100+ pages)
10/10/2003 budhram - ? - fax - petition
10/10/2003 kash777 - Dianne Feinstein - fax - petition
10/11/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition, 2,627 all signatures, and [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/B]
10/11/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,627 all signatures
10/13/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/b] and petition
10/13/2003 kashmir - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 ganshm - (R CA 41st) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 kadamtal - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 spyder - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 hero123 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/b] and petition
10/14/2003 kadamtal - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 spyder - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 hero123 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 kadamtal - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 spyder - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 hero123 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/18/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition
10/18/2003 kashmir - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition
Reminder: Pete Stark (D CA 13th) Town Meetings 10/18/2003 Fremont, ...

I plan to visit Fremont at 8:30am to attend the town hall meeting on this coming Saturday.

1) I'd like at least one person in CA 13th District to attend the town hall meeting
because I live in CA 14th District, and kash777 filed at VSC.
If you want to attend the second or third one,
I may change my schedule.

2) I'd like a couple of more petitions to be faxed to Pete Stark's office.
It's OK from even oustside of CA 13th District.

Originally posted by kashmir
kash777 at VSC forum and I will attend the town hall meeting of Congressman Pete Stark (D CA 13th) on coming Saturday.
Let me know if you're interested in attending a meeting.

I faxed the petition to his Fremont office, too.
Congressman Pete Stark (D CA 13th)

Town Meetings
    9:00am - 10:00am
    Fremont Senior Center
    40086 Paseo Padre Parkway
    10:30am - 11:30am
    San Lorenzo Village Homes Association
    Community Hall
    377 Paseo Grande
    Noon - 1:00pm
    Alameda City Hall
    Council Chambers
    2263 Santa Clara Avenue
39300 Civic Center Dr.
Suite 220
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 494-1388
Fax: (510) 494-5852

239 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5065
Fax: (202) 226-3805
Request a meeting with Mike Honda (D CA 15th)

I'd like to complete submitting a request of the meeting to Congresspersons in San Fransico Bay Area (CA 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th District) by 10/20/2003.
If you can visit Mike Honda's Campbell office on 10/16, 10/17, or 10/20, let me know.
Originally posted by kashmir
Is somebody living in CA 15th District interested in visiting Mike Honda's Campbell office to request a meeting (with me) ?

The Honorable Michael Honda
1999 South Bascom Ave
Suite 815
Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: (408) 558-8085
Fax: (408) 558-8086
Re: Our Goals

As the Project Ocean is targetting not only a green card but also a U.S. Citizenship,
for the above two participants, a LPR (lowful permanent resident) is welcome.
Originally posted by kashmir
The goal of the Project Ocean is:
1) Every one gets a Green Card as soon as possible (within 180 days) to DONATE
2) Every one gets a U.S. Citizenship as soon as possible (by 2008, or within 5 years from AOS filing) to VOTE.

So, we are not just begging a green card to Congresspersons (and USCIS).
Our relationship with Congresspersons is "GIVE and TAKE", or "WIN and WIN".

i have used the links provided from (improving immigration laws) to send the petition for reduction of i-485 backlogs to

President Bush,
Vice-President Cheney,
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Senator Barbara Boxer

i hope some thing good comes out of it.

(ps : not sure if i am supposed to post here. if not, let me know and i will delete my post.)
sent it to all

I have signed the petition, and sent to all. Hope some thing will come out of this.

Re: Request a meeting with Anna Eshoo

I started contacting one of staff working on immigration policy at Anna Eshoo's Washington DC office.
Originally posted by kashmir
I stopped by Anna Eshoo's Palo Alto office this morning on my way to work,
and handed my letter requesting a meeting with Congresswoman about our petition, and 8 pages of our petition to Mr. Charlie who promised to arrange it then to inform me.
Any endorsement for the above proposals regarding Mike Honda (D CA 15th) and Pete Stark (D CA 13th) ?

Attachment: null.txt
This has been downloaded 3 time(s).

Attached is the weekly report of Project Kashmir as of 11/09/2003.
You have to agree on the following items before download.
1) I will not distribute the data to others.
2) I will participate in one of Project Ocean related activities withn 7 days.
Last edited by a moderator:
Originally posted by kashmir
Any endorsement for the above proposals regarding Mike Honda (D CA 15th) and Pete Stark (D CA 13th) ?
I want to hear something by tomorrow noon if somebody can participate this project ...
Kashmir, What do you want to do wrt Mike honda?
Do you want someone to request meeting>
If I am interested to help How do I do it?
Originally posted by Dadagiri
Kashmir, What do you want to do wrt Mike honda?
Do you want someone to request meeting>
If I am interested to help How do I do it?
Hi, Dadagiri,
Yes, I want somebody in CA 15th district to request a meeting with Mike Honda
because I live in CA 14th district and only person in CA 15th district can do that.
But, I think we may not be able to meet Congressman so soon at first.

Howerver, our goal is neither to meet Congressman nor to send a lot of petitions to his office.
but to make Congressperson implement our requests such as
1) amend INA about Naturalization requirement
2) eliminate EB I-485 backlog so that each one can get a green card soon
3) ...

To do that, it is not enough just sending the petition even though it would help for Congressperson to notice our presence.
We need to step forward.
We have to find a person working on immigration policy at Congressional office
and discuss with her (him) about our requests.
I have just started it at CA 14th District.
If we can start it in three or four districts in Bay Area, I believe we have a chance to archieve our goal.