Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!

E-Mail : Message From Rep. Anna G. Eshoo

I had sent e-mail supporting her statement about two weeks ago,
and I have just recieved e-mail.

Subject: Message From Rep. Anna G. Eshoo

November 4, 2003

(my name)
(my address)

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting me about the President's $87 billion request for Iraq. I share your concerns.

The President has asked Congress to provide additional funds to cover the costs of maintaining troops in Iraq and for the reconstruction of Iraq. The Administration's $87 billion request represents an extraordinary sum of money during a time of great economic and domestic need in our country. Stability and security in Iraq are far from being accomplished. The Administration must have a viable and credible plan coupled with support from the international community to achieve these goals.

The $20 billion specifically designated for the reconstruction of Iraq has to be scrutinized and carefully reviewed. Recent news reports have highlighted funds being allocated for purposes that don't make sense. For example, the Administration's request includes $900 million to import petroleum products such as kerosene and diesel even though Iraq has the second-largest oil reserves in the world.

We need the financial and military assistance of the international community and the United Nations (U.N.) for this critical endeavor. Recent events have demonstrated that we can't go at it alone in rebuilding Iraq. The U.N.'s expertise in peace keeping could prove to be invaluable. I do believe we have the responsibility to provide for our troops and give them what they need to protect themselves. They are brave and decent and we cannot abandon them.

The House passed the Iraq Supplemental Appropriations Act for FY 2004 by a vote of 303 to 125, and I voted against it. I've attached my statement for your perusal.

If you have any other questions or comments, let me hear from you. I always appreciate hearing from my constituents and ask that you continue to inform me on issues you care about. I need your thoughts and benefit from your ideas.

If you'd like to receive information on other issues, I've created an e-newsletter to keep constituents informed on a variety of topics. If you'd like to receive it, go to my website at and click on "Monthly E-Newsletter Sign-Up."


Anna G. Eshoo
Member of Congress
just sent petition and covering letter (waitin2long's format) by USPS to,

Representative Fortney Stark (D-CA 13th)
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

at Washington office address.


It took me some time to act on this. The main reason was, I was not knowing what is this all happening and what good can it bring and more importantly, will there be any trouble with my green card or future issues because I am bugging BSIS or political community.

I spent 2 days at Barns and Nobel to read some books and to understand how really this type of political awareness can help us and it is absolutely harmless to be proactive.( I plan to write a summary of readings and post here in some time). In fact shameful/spineless if one is not politically aware and contended to suffer.

Remember Elian Gonzalez case?. How much activity and media attention did it fetched?

There is a majority group in our immigrant community who is defensive and choose not to proactively do anything. May be helping them to understand how political awareness can help them will help us to get more support on our petition.

This is from congressman Pete Stark (D-CA 13th) 's website:

I am always interested in hearing from you. Please write, email or call my office. I recommend mailing correspondence to my Fremont office as our mail in Washington, DC is still delayed due to the anthrax problem that occurred last year.

Is it better to send USPS mails to "main district office" of senator or congressman than to washington office?

format of my cover letter.


Dear ----------,

I would sincerely request your attention to the attached petition. I am a law abiding, Legal alien resident, pursuing legal Immigration path.

Right now, I am confused to see that Illegal Immigrants are getting much of attention from Government and Legal immigrant aspirants like me, waiting in long queue for I-140, I-485 (2 years waiting time) application procedures.

Your support for this petition will help me to achieve my dream of US citizenship.


Originally posted by karma_yoga
just sent petition and covering letter (waitin2long's format) by USPS to,

Representative Fortney Stark (D-CA 13th)
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

at Washington office address.


It took me some time to act on this. The main reason was, I was not knowing what is this all happening and what good can it bring and more importantly, will there be any trouble with my green card or future issues because I am bugging BSIS or political community.

I spent 2 days at Barns and Nobel to read some books and to understand how really this type of political awareness can help us and it is absolutely harmless to be proactive.( I plan to write a summary of readings and post here in some time). In fact shameful/spineless if one is not politically aware and contended to suffer.

Remember Elian Gonzalez case?. How much activity and media attention did it fetched?

There is a majority group in our immigrant community who is defensive and choose not to proactively do anything. May be helping them to understand how political awareness can help them will help us to get more support on our petition.

Hi, karma_yoga,
Thanks for your sending your letter and the petition to Congressional offices by USPS Certified Mail.
You should receive a letter from them within a month, and it may help you in future.

Also, your posting would encourage many poeple here in this forum.
Thanks again,
Letter from Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D CA 16th)

I received a letter from Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren today (on 11/4/2003).

October 31, 2003

(my name)
(my address)

Dear Friend;

Thank you so much for attending my town hall meeting last week. I truely appreciated the opportunity to talk with you. I also want to thank you for your petition regarding the immigration benefits backlog, which I reviewed that evening at home.

I agree with you that serious reform to our immigration system needs to occur. As a Member of the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Immigration, I have dedicated much of my time here in Washington to Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) reform, including the reorganization of INS last year and the introduction of new technologies and management techniques. Improving the former INS, now in the Department of Homeland Security, is the most important way to bring fairness back to our system and improve the processing of immigration cases.

Again, thank you for your thoughts. If I may ever be of assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact me.

(Zoe Lofgren's signature)
Zoe Lofgren
Member of Congress

Re: Letter from Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D CA 16th)

Originally posted by kashmir
I received a letter from Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren today (on 11/4/2003).

I received the same letter with same contents today.
Hi kashmir,

Just a suggestion. It is hard to find relevent info on project ocean thread. We might want to keep "action" related info at one place and "discussion" at other. For e.g. action info thread will have, petition copy + cover letter's sample + procedure/link to get contact info of senators and congress rep. + recommended method of contact.

Discussion thread will follow...people's comments , action taken by people, response received etc.

Hi, karma_yoga,
It's a very good idea.
We may use this thread for "discussion".

Can you create new "action" thread ?
Project Ocean is not mine but for all of us.
You must be a right person to organize it.
Once it would be more organized, more people should take an action.
Originally posted by karma_yoga
Hi kashmir,

Just a suggestion. It is hard to find relevent info on project ocean thread. We might want to keep "action" related info at one place and "discussion" at other. For e.g. action info thread will have, petition copy + cover letter's sample + procedure/link to get contact info of senators and congress rep. + recommended method of contact.

Discussion thread will follow...people's comments , action taken by people, response received etc.

Talked to Ms. Alis Aguirre at Anne Eshoo (D CA 14th) Washington DC office

I have just talked with Alis Aguirre.

It seems really difficult to amend the INA because major part of Republican don't support it.
As Anna Eshoo (D CA 14th) doesn't belong to Subcommittee on Immigration, she has already contacted Zoe Lofgren (D CA 16th).
She promised to try to figure out the possibility for a couple of weeks.
Originally posted by kashmir
I called Ms. Alis Aquirre yesterday (on 11/3/2003), but she was in the meeting.
I will try to talk with her today (on 11/4/2003).
Good progress Kashmir, thanks for your efforts..

I wish all the spectators realize that they also benifit from doing this.
Zoe Lofgren (D CA 16th)

Originally posted by rk4gc
Good progress Kashmir, thanks for your efforts..
I wish all the spectators realize that they also benifit from doing this.
Hi, rk4gc,
Thank you.

By the way,
do we have a meeting with Zoe Lofgren (or her staff) ?
I believe she is one of key persons because she belongs to Subcommittee on Immigration and actually she has introduced a couple of bills recently.
Again, I would definitely attend the meeting.

Also, I will follow up to fax a letter toher office in a response of the letter I received yesterday.
Originally posted at another thread by rk4gc 29th October 2003 11:03 PM
I got a reply from Congress Woman Zoe Lofgren Office stating that "Congresswoman is aware of the lengthy waiting process by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services."

However, to schedule a meeting to discuss I-485 applications, in general, asked me to contact Sandra Soto, Chief of Staff, Office of Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, and it seems she will be away from the office until approximately November 10th.

I'll try to contact Ms. Sandra Soto and will update you if I get an appointment.

Kashmir are you willing to join me if any meeting is scheduled. I told we are about 10,000 online community and I'm a volunteer for this effort from San Jose. While requesting for meeting I can let her know how many of us are willing join for the meeting.
Faxed to Zoe Lofgren (D CA 16th)

Originally posted by kashmir
Also, I will follow up to fax a letter to her office in a response of the letter I received yesterday.
I have just faxed a letter to ask Zoe Lofgren to support Anna Eshoo as follows.

TO: everyone, especially residents in CA 16th District;
Please fax a similar letter to Zoe Lofgren.
I'd appreciate if somebody would post better statment here in this thread.

I may need to ask to people at the VSC forum because it covers many districts of Republican unlikely in California.

5225 N. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 22205
Phone: (703) 908-4800
United for Dignity, Equality and Acceptance

November 5, 2003

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
102 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3072
Fax: (202) 225-3336

RE: Amendment of INA and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

Dear Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren;

Thank you so much for reviewing our petition and hard working on immigration issues.

Now, I am working with Ms. Alis Aguirre at Anna Eshoo's Washington D.C. office to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) especially for sixth request of our petition. However, she seems to be desperate right now not only because Republican seems not to support it but also because Anna Eshoo is not a member of Subcommittee on Immigration.

Could you please support Anna Eshoo's office to introduce a bill ? Since you are a Member of the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Immigration, we believe Anna Eshoo definitely needs your support to implement our request.

Best regards,
(my signature)
(my name)
(my address)
Ask your local Congressperson to support Congresswomen Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren

(originally posted at VSC forum)

I have an important request about our petition to Congressional members.

I live in California 14th District, and for a couple of months, I have been working with my representative Anna Eshoo for our petition, especially for sixth request of our petition to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) for Naturalization requirements.
But, one of our hardship is:
major part of Republican don't support it.
As you know, in California, both of Senators are Democratic, and most of Congresspersons in San Francisco Bay Area are also Democratic.
I think Republican is stronger in the area covered by the VSC forum.
I'd like you to contact you local Congressperson to ask to support amendment of INA that Congresswoman Anna Eshoo is trying to introduce.

Could you please send our petition and your cover letter with your signature and residential address to your local Congressional office ?
A sample is following.

5225 N. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 22205
Phone: (703) 908-4800
United for Dignity, Equality and Acceptance

November 5, 2003

Congressman XXXXX XXXXX
XXX Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-XXXX
Fax: (202) 225-XXXX

RE: Amendment of INA - Congresswoman Anna Eshoo and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren

Dear Congressman XXXXX XXXXX;

I am one of Employment based I-485 applicants suffering from the current huge backlog at the USCIS, and also a member of one of the largest online immigrant community of legal workers -- ImmigrationPortal.Com. Attached is our petition consisting of six requests.

Now, our community members in California are working with Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) especially for sixth request of our petition.

Could you please support Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren to implement one of our requests in the petition ?

Best regards,
(your signature)
(your name)
(your address)

1) ImmigrationPortal.Com petition (8 pages)
Use EMAIL TO FAX or FREE FAX SERVICES to fax our Petition to Congressional office

I'll also follow up with my Congressman eventhough I got couple of replies from him mentioning security is his priority.
Please post your messages in all the forums in the latest Congressional Campaign thread (Use EMAIL TO FAX or FREE FAX SERVICES to fax our Petition to Congressional office) in all the forums.

Originally posted at VSC forum and also this message was broadcasted in all the forums.

Use EMAIL TO FAX or FREE FAX SERVICES to fax our Petition to Congressional office

Please fax the petition to your local Congressional office using free fax service mentioned below and also mail the petition along with all the signatures to your local Congressional office. Also plan to meet them in person to follow up on the same issue.

I forwarded the petition along with all the signatures (about 225 pages) to the below mentioned by Certified Priority mail and also sent a formal meeting request to discuss about the same:
1. The Honorable Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)
2. The Honorable Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
3. The Honorable Representative Joseph Knollenberg (R-MI 9th)
4. The Honorable Representative John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI 14th) - Immigration subcommittee member

Also, I forwarded the petition along with all the signatures (about 225 pages) to the below mentioned by Certified Priority mail :
1. The Honorable President George W. Bush
2. Ms. Nadine K. Wettstein, Director, Legal Action Center, AILF
3. White House Correspondents Association

Contact Information for The Honorable Senators and The Honorable House of Representatives.
1. Use AILA advocacy center to contact local elected official
2. US Senators contact information
3. US House of Representative contact information

Free Fax Service(especially Washington D.C area):
1. Send a fax by Email
2. Free faxing from the internet
Fax numbers of The Honorable Senators and The Honorable House of Representatives

I faxed the petition to all the House of Representatives and Senators from Michigan, Now I request some volunteers to FAX the petition to the Representatives and Senators of their state.
I understand that we are contemplating class action law suit against CIS but I prefer everyone to continue our Congressional campaign.
Please post your efforts here to gather more volunteers for our action team.
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List of Petition (Letter) Phisically Delivered as of 11/5/2003

9/23/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition letter 
9/23/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition letter
9/23/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - the petition letter
9/29/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA singnatures
9/30/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 1amShantanuA  - ? - fax - petition
10/6/2003 lareds - ? - fax? - petition
10/6/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - congressperson (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Ed Royce (R-CA 40th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 LC66 - congresswoman (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Arz - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Dadagiri - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition [B][color=purple]=> 10/17/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/10/2003 rk4gc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - [color=green]USPS priority[/color] - petition and all signature (100+ pages)
10/10/2003 budhram - ? - fax - petition
10/10/2003 kash777 - Dianne Feinstein - fax - petition
10/11/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - letter [B][color=purple]=> 10/23/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/11/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - letter [B][color=purple]=> 10/27/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/11/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition, 2,627 all signatures [B][color=purple]=> 11/3/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/11/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,627 all signatures [B][color=purple]=> 11/3/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/13/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/b] and petition [B][color=purple]=> 10/15/2003 CALL[/color][/B]
10/13/2003 kashmir - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 ganshm - (R CA 41st) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 kadamtal - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 spyder - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 hero123 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/b] and petition
10/14/2003 kadamtal - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 spyder - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 hero123 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 kadamtal - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 spyder - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 hero123 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - [color=green]USPS[/color] - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - congressperson (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/16/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]phone[/color] -
10/16/2002 georgi - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/16/2002 georgi - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/18/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,827 all signatures [B][color=purple]=> 10/24/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/18/2003 kashmir - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,827 all signatures [B][color=purple]=> 10/24/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/18/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - [color=red][b]proposal[/b][/color]
10/20/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]phone[/color] -
10/20/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 rk4gc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - reply
10/21/2003 Eager2000 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 Dadagiri - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 yih - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 CS485 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 needneed - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 kadamtal - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 rk4gc - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 withAAAA - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 waitn2long - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/22/2003 kashmir - Don Neufeld (Director, CSC) - [color=green]USPS Certified[/color] -  petition and 2,827 all signatures
10/24/2003 ben2000 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/24/2003 withAAAA - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/24/2003 timesa - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/24/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/27/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (D CA) - [color=green]USPS Certified[/color] - petition and 3002 signatures
10/27/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (D CA) - [color=green]USPS Certified[/color] - petition and 3002 signatures
10/27/2003 DF kashmir
10/27/2003 BB kashmir
10/27/2003 DF wittAAAA
10/27/2003 BB waitn2long
10/28/2003 BB lisansw ?
10/29/2003 DF jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 BB jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 DF waitn2long
10/29/2003 DF ben2000 (mail)
10/30/2003 none
10/31/2003 none
11/03/2003 BB wittAAAA - Barbara Boxer - [color=green]USPS mail[/color] - letter
11/03/2003 DF timesa - Dianne Feinstein (D CA) - fax - letter
11/03/2003 timesa - Barbara Boxer (D CA) - fax - letter
11/03/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (D CA) - fax - letter
11/04/2003 karma_yoga - Pete Stark (D CA 13th) - [color=green]USPS Certified[/color] - petition
11/04/2003 karma_yoga - Barbara Boxer (D CA) - [color=green]USPS Certified[/color] - petition
11/04/2003 karma_yoga - Dianne Feinstein (D CA) - [color=green]USPS Certified[/color] - petition
11/04/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (D CA) - [color=green]phone w/Julia[/color] -
11/04/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (D CA) - fax - letter
11/04/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (D CA) - fax - letter
11/05/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]phone w/Alis[/color] -
11/05/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (D CA 16th) - fax - letter
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* * * FAX petition to House Policy Committee & House Immigration Sub-committee * * *

* * * FAX petition to House Policy Committee & House Immigration Sub-committee * * *

To influence Republican and Democrat House of Representatives, we all should FAX our petition to House Policy Committee and House Immigration Sub-committee. Last few months we were contacting local Congressional offices. So now let us all focus on Congressional leadership offices.If they see lot of petitions regarding the same issue then there is fair enough chance that our petition will be considered and they might act immediately to reduce immigration benefits backlog and to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) for Naturalization requirements. So, Please FAX the petition immediately.

House Policy Committee

Postal Mail:
House Policy Committee
2471 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-225-6168

Fax: 202-225-0931

House Immigration Sub-committee

Postal Mail:
Immigration, Border Security, and Claims Subcommittee(Judiciary)
Washington, DC 20515-6217

Majority (Republicans) Committee FAX: 202-225-3672
Minority (Democrats) Committee FAX: 202-225-1845

Free Fax Service:
1. Send a fax by Email
2. Free faxing from the internet
karma_yoga - “Action required” info of Project Ocean.

Hi, karma_yoga,
Thanks for your having created new thread for “Action required” info of Project Ocean.
More people would take an action according to your step by step instruction.
Originally posted by kashmir
Hi, karma_yoga,
It's a very good idea.
We may use this thread for "discussion".

Can you create new "action" thread ?
Project Ocean is not mine but for all of us.
You must be a right person to organize it.
Once it would be more organized, more people should take an action.

Originally posted by karma_yoga
Hi kashmir,

Just a suggestion. It is hard to find relevent info on project ocean thread. We might want to keep "action" related info at one place and "discussion" at other. For e.g. action info thread will have, petition copy + cover letter's sample + procedure/link to get contact info of senators and congress rep. + recommended method of contact.

Discussion thread will follow...people's comments , action taken by people, response received etc.

Faxed to Subcommittee on Immigration (both Republicans and Democrats)

(originally posted at Edison's thread)

I have just faxed to both Republicans and Democrats fax numbers of Subcommittee on Immigration.
I will also send the list of signatures by USPS Certified Mail this afternoon.

5225 N. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 22205
Phone: (703) 908-4800
United for Dignity, Equality and Acceptance

November 7, 2003

U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims
B-370B Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515-6217
Phone: (202) 225-5727
(Democrats) Fax: (202) 225-1845

RE: Amendment of INA and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

Dear Members of Subcommittee on Immigration;

I am one of Employment based I-485 applicants suffering from the current huge backlog at the US Citizenship and Immigration Service, and also a member of one of the largest legal worker's online immigrant community -- ImmigrationPortal.Com. Attached is our Immigration Benefits Backlog Petition.

I have been working with my representative Congresswoman Anna Eshoo's office for a couple of months, especially for sixth request of our petition to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) for Naturalization requirements.

Could you please take our petition into consideration and support Congresswoman Anna Eshoo ?

Best regards,
(my signature)
(my name)
(my address)