Pre Approved Labor

I have a masters degree, concentration - information systems. Currently working as a project manager. I am looking for a preapproved labor certificate - EB2 category. Please contact me at if you have one. Thanks.
business76 said:
I have a masters degree, concentration - information systems. Currently working as a project manager. I am looking for a preapproved labor certificate - EB2 category. Please contact me at if you have one. Thanks.
I have known of pre-approved labors...but, what use will they be if they are from 2003/4 with retrogression in place...any opinion.
Looking for Pre approved labot - NJ

I am looking for a company with pre approved labor for my wife. She is currently on a long time project with a very good client. She has 5+ years of experience in US. She has experience in ASP.NET, SQL server and Data Warehousing. Email me at
Question on Pre approved labor

My company applied for my labor in April 2002. At that point, I did have more than 5 years of experience, but I was told that to apply in EB2, I had to have 5 years experience before I joined this company. So, I fell into EB3 category. My Labor got cleared, and my I-140 got approved in Oct 2005. But due to retrogression, I am not able to apply for I-485. I know I can extend my H1 for 3 years now, based on my I-140 approval, but my wife who is on H1 too, he H visa term of 6 years will end in March 2006. Since we did not apply Labor for her seperately a year ago, he only option as of now is to switch to H4 based on my H1.

Now I am wondering, if I look for a pre approved labor from another company, with the PD later than April 2002, and if I join that company, will I fall under EB2, becuse, I am joining this new company now, when I have around 10 years of experience?

Any useful input is appreciated.

pre-approved labor

I am looking for EB2/EB3 pre-approved labor, have masters and 6 years experience in JAVA, J2EE, .Net, C#, Oracle, DB2 and more..Currently on a long term project
Email me with subject pre-approved labor if you have matching one.
Thank you
pre-approved labor

I am looking for EB2/EB3 pre-approved labor, have masters and 6 years experience in JAVA, J2EE, .Net, C#, Oracle, DB2 and more..Currently on a long term project
Email me with subject pre-approved labor if you have matching one.
Thank you
ugotdude said:
I am looking for EB2/EB3 pre-approved labor, have masters and 6 years experience in JAVA, J2EE, .Net, C#, Oracle, DB2 and more..Currently on a long term project
Email me with subject pre-approved labor if you have matching one.
Thank you
but if the dates are not current, what use will this be...I have asked this earlier...but did not elicit any response...hence curious to know why anyone would be looking for pre-approved labor.
Seeking Pre Approved Labor

I am looking for pre-approved labor (EB2/EB3) for yr 2001-2002.
Working on a long term project with a Wall St firm with good rates.

My email:

Investigations / Jail for people who used sub labor

A citizen of India living in New Jersey is in federal custody and agents from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have seized $5,724,592 in assets from the suspect’s bank and brokerage accounts in a massive immigration benefits fraud investigation.
Narendra Mandalapa has been charged with Fraud and Misuse of Visas, violations of 18 USC Section 1546. The charges were filed in United States District Court in Newark. Mandalapa is currently in the custody of the United States Marshals Service.
During the investigation, ICE agents discovered that Mandalapa filed nearly 1,000 possibly fraudulent labor-based petitions on behalf of Indian and Pakistani nationals seeking to enter or remain in the United States. The petitions were for skilled computer workers. Both U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) and ICE continue to investigate those aliens who received the fraudulent immigration benefits. Investigators are also working to determine how many people fraudulently entered the country and how many already in the United States may have received fraudulent labor benefits. :eek: :confused: :eek: :( This investigation is a product of a joint anti-fraud initiative undertaken by ICE, USCIS and the Department of Labor’s Office of the Inspector General. The investigation began when a special fraud detection unit of USCIS uncovered a pattern of fraud in petitions for immigration benefits submitted by Mandalapa through one of his companies. The USCIS Fraud Detection Unit in St. Albans, Vermont, referred their analysis to the ICE Benefit Fraud Unit (IBFU), also based in Vermont. The IBFU then coordinated with ICE Special Agent in Charge in Newark to begin the field investigation that resulted in the arrest and asset seizure. .
Investigators uncovered two shell companies in New Jersey owned by Mandalapa were created solely for the purpose of filing fraudulent labor-based petitions for foreign workers. During the investigation agents armed with search warrants seized computers and documents from the corporate address of Cybersoftec, Inc.
Agents believe that at least $2.1 million dollars came from fees paid by individuals seeking fraudulent benefits. Since the accounts were used to hide those illegal profits the government seized all money in the accounts. The assets seized come from four bank accounts in Edison, N.J., and two brokerage accounts in
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New York City. Also included in the seizures were a Mercedes SUV and a Lexus sedan with a combine value of $100,000.
Acting Newark Special Agent in Charge Thomas E. Manifase said, “Immigration benefit fraud is a multi billion dollar business and can not be tolerated. This type of fraud not only steals jobs from legitimate workers but it also provides individuals to illegally enter the United States and creates a risk to national security and public safety.”
Manifase pointed out that the investigation is an outstanding example of how two agencies in the Department of Homeland Security cooperate to uncover and dismantle an organization dedicated to undermining the legal immigration system and making huge profits.
Jennifer L. Mickey, Chief of the USCIS Fraud Detection Unit said, “Individuals who used fraud to obtain immigration benefits are breaking the law. We take very seriously our responsibility to protect the integrity of our immigration system by combating benefit fraud.” The USCIS Fraud Detection Unit, co-located at the USCIS Vermont Service Center, is a branch of the national USCIS Fraud Detection and National Security Unit.
# ICE #
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was established in March 2003 as the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security. ICE is comprised of four integrated divisions that form a 21st century law enforcement agency with broad responsibilities for a number of key homeland security priorities.

Despite this we still see ads in sulekha for approved labors and people still buying the sub labors.

Please post this link at few other places where this can act as a good warning point
USCIS will soon locate ready

ugotdude said:
I am looking for EB2/EB3 pre-approved labor, have masters and 6 years experience in JAVA, J2EE, .Net, C#, Oracle, DB2 and more..Currently on a long term project
Email me with subject pre-approved labor if you have matching one.
Thank you
it's not as if pre-approved substitution is illegal.
It's just that people have miss-used it. If you substitute legally...that's using 1 approved labor for 1 individual with matching abilities...I think it's fine as of now.
here's a lead for LC Substitution


I am a regular visiton to this site, where I found a lead for LC substitution.
and I have done the LC substitution thru this company, and my I-140 is approved, I do know they have 3 certification left. If any one interested send me an email to, I will provide the contact information.

My experience is they are relaible company and met what they promised.

preapproved labour

looking for a preapproved labour since I am into my 6th year of H1 - mainframe;pmp;six sigma 7 yrs experience. If anyone has any info, please contact me at :confused:
Approved labors available

Our company has multiple EB2 and one EB3 labor available. Please contact me with your profile.
imindian said:
Please let me knwo your contact details.

I think my above messege confused few people. I had used a quote which brought some one else's messege.

I do not have any preapproved labor but I am in the look out for one.
EB2 labor available

We have an EB2 labor available. The priority date is sept 2003. The labor is for a Java,Oracle,J2EE developer. The candidate must have a masters degree in Computer science or Engineering. Please contact me if your profile matches this labor.
