Post graphs and stat analysis here - J.Bcis.Res.


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This is The Journal of BCIS Research. :rolleyes:
Following the suggestion by eventually and SillyMan, I am starting this thread for posting various kinds of analysis and graphs generated mostly out of kashmir's project.
Everyone can post his/her ideas.

Only original work is accepted :).
Make sure you have a PhD or any other equivalent ;).

Link to the most recent post
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approvals in June

This is a graph based on kashmir's data. It shows how CSC was working in June on our cases. This is not rumors not lawyers' bullshit, this is pure butter, real science.

The data was calculated as a difference between csv files of 05/31/03 and of today.
01-117 approvals

yes, you're right, this is very old series (my own is 02-117).
Out of curiosity, i poked into it with the script courtesy off-patience.
Take a look at the attached graph. 38 cases out of total 256 are still not completed, but they all were touched (transferred or rfeed). I hope some of them are already adjudicated but for some reason weren't updated in the database.
01-294 history and forecast

attached graph shows how this Sept. 25, 2001 series has been doing. It also shows how long it will take to complete, if CSC would keep the April 03 pace (unfortunately, in May they failed).
Good job ..

The graphs look good ND ..

Glad that you have interest in WAC numbers other than yours ..

Case count Excel charts

[This is an edited re-post from Kashmir's main thread.]

The attached Excel document displays the statistics regularly posted by Kashmir in two graphic charts. Just import Kashmir's CSV files in the "raw data" sheet to update.

Both charts show all categories stacked up in different colours, with WAC numbers on the X axis. One chart shows the totals (good to see "masses" of cases), the other one shows daily percentages (good to see progress).

This some makes trends clearly visible:

- The "wave" (huh... "ripple") of approvals is around WAC02050, with two-thirds of the cases beyond that in the "resumed" category.

- Almost no cases in 001 to 030, followed by a big spike in 030 to 050 (INS catching up, I assume).

- A bizarre patch of "FP sent" around 170.
CHP, May I suggest something for your charts .. I would have done this myself if you had included data with the XLS sheet.

Can you provide the same color for each of the following groups:

1. approved, completed, card ordered,

2. RFE SENT, RFE received

3. resumed

4. transferred, transferred back

5. FP sent, fp received

6. denied, withdrawn, rejected ..

you got the idea, becoz your graph currently has too many categories and cant trace in detail what is happening .. And make the color contrasting ..

Thats a good graph .. thanks CHP !!

Colors in charts


I thought about changing colours but I think having random colours with high contrast between successive ones is actually very readable. It looks daunting at first sight but it does not take long to identify what the main colours mean.

Besides, I am surprised that you have trouble doing it yourself. The document should contain the live Excel charts, not just frozen pictures. In Excel (I use Office X on Mac), double-click on the colour patches in the legend to change the colours.
Assuming another 60 approvals by end of this month, makes it 200 approvals this month - which probably is better than 0!!!
So, at this pace it could be 2400 per year.
I read some post earlier, which said that there are about 3000 petitions pending in Nov itself (am I right here? correct me, if otherwise). That makes it another year wait before JIT could move to december.
But then JIT just tells you that 70% of the cases approved will be at the date specified in JIT and the rest 30% is a lottery for people who filed in later months.
approvals in June 03 - fresh graph

following kashmir's last scan here is the fresh graph...
I keep asking myself, why they picked April and not February, which is my favorite?
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mango_pickle dont jump onto conclusions

Most of the people who get their applications approved in later months are mostly dependents who follow on join in.
There are only wery few who are luck I would say < 1%
ND's post :
I keep asking myself, why they picked April and not February, which is my favorite?

Does anybody have any theories on why April is "blessed" ?
My theory is simple, they just counted 6 month out of October 1st and pulled out a bunch of applications :)
Originally posted by ND022202
My theory is simple, they just counted 6 month out of October 1st and pulled out a bunch of applications :)

Or that April is the time when they stopped shredding at Laguna Niguel. Does anyone else here have this feeling that our applications went into the circular file, and all the stories about the delays are just cover-up?
Originally posted by BigFanOfBCIS
Or that April is the time when they stopped shredding at Laguna Niguel. Does anyone else here have this feeling that our applications went into the circular file, and all the stories about the delays are just cover-up?

I agree, almost everyone got RFE for renewal EAD and AP regarding I-140, birth and marriage certificates. It means they shredded original documents :(
Case count percent chart + additional instructions

Here is a printout (in PDF) of the chart produced using the Excel file from my previous post. It's PDF so you can zoom in as close as you want. This is the percentage graph; the totals graph follows in the next post. They are based on 20030622 data.

Incidentally, I discovered that the Excel file actually has a link to an external file rather than the data itself. To use it you need to get one of Kashmir's .csv files, then select the 'Raw Data' sheet, pick Data > Refresh Data and select the data file.


Originally posted by chp
[This is an edited re-post from Kashmir's main thread.]

The attached Excel document displays the statistics regularly posted by Kashmir in two graphic charts. Just import Kashmir's CSV files in the "raw data" sheet to update.

Both charts show all categories stacked up in different colours, with WAC numbers on the X axis. One chart shows the totals (good to see "masses" of cases), the other one shows daily percentages (good to see progress).

This some makes trends clearly visible:

- The "wave" (huh... "ripple") of approvals is around WAC02050, with two-thirds of the cases beyond that in the "resumed" category.

- Almost no cases in 001 to 030, followed by a big spike in 030 to 050 (INS catching up, I assume).

- A bizarre patch of "FP sent" around 170.