Post graphs and stat analysis here - J.Bcis.Res.

Case count totals chart


Originally posted by chp
Here is a printout (in PDF) of the chart produced using the Excel file from my previous post. It's PDF so you can zoom in as close as you want. This is the percentage graph; the totals graph follows in the next post. They are based on 20030622 data.

Dont you think the number of approvals has increased in the month of june than in the previous months ... If you have done similar graphs in the past ..



unfortunately, not. June approval rate is very low.
As gettingclosernow posted in another thread, "pathetic drip of approvals". That what it is, though, I don't have enough data to prove it in full scale, because Kashmir started posting complete csv table only around May 10.

But, take a look at the attached graph for 02-045 series. I guess, it's quite similar to other November 01 series (which are now getting most of the approvals). You see major slowdown after promising March and April rates. :(

Thanks for watching.
ND Greeat Job. Thanks for the graphs. And they are easier to read too..

About 240-250 approvals in month of June. Whats surprising is that they are approving July, Aug cases. I take these are approvals.

ND, do you have any stats/graphs for the number of cases touched but not approved in month of June ?
Originally posted by mango_pickle
ND, do you have any stats/graphs for the number of cases touched but not approved in month of June ?
No, mango, I don't. Tracking approvals is easy :), because it is the final stage. Touched cases are different, they can move back and forth, so, I'd need to analyze the whole kashmir's database, not only csv report. But i'll post something from csv, if i figure out how.
And don't worry about July, August, that's just a few cases, early birds (lucky bastards :D)

And, of course, thanks for watching.
approvals in June - close up

see attachment. The graph is built out of 05/31-07/01 csv reports by kashmir scans. First month of complete coverage. Kashmir, you are THE MAN.

300+ cases done, which makes it about 12 per working day.
Give us at least 50, please.
Approvals between 6/15 and 7/01 as per kashmir stats

WAC02	Actual Approved
2	4
32	5
33	10
34	1
35	6
36	3
37	-1     <-- don't ask me to explain this.
39	5
40	6
41	5
42	3
43	1
44	8
45	2
46	2
49	2
50	2
54	3
61	2
62	1
65	1
70	1
71	5
74	2
87	2
88	4
98	2
105	2
106	2
107	3
113	3
116	2
120	2
127	2
136	5
140	1
150	3
151	6
152	3
153	2
155	8
156	8
157	2
164	1
167	2
174	1
180	1
181	2
192	3
226	1
229	2
244	1
245	-1  <-- Or This.
246	1
256	1
260	1
Totals	157

It almost seems like approvals are neatly distributed amongst all of wac02.

Ok so I am wac02046, cases unapproved before me, 2477 ~2500
Cases approved in the last 15 days on or before wac02046 ~60

So expected timeframe for full cases to get approved,
2500/60~ 20.833 months ~ apprx 2 years.

Thats 2 more years for wac02046 .. lovely.
Whats worse, the pace seems to be coming down every day.
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Originally posted by mango_pickle
ND, Are you sure all 02s are covered?
Cant believe the number!!

mango, of course, i'm not. This is just a reflection of kashmir's csv report.
help !!!

Is is possible to use Kashmir project for Nebraska Service Center...hope yes...and if so, how ??

Re: help !!!

Originally posted by lifeonhold
Is is possible to use Kashmir project for Nebraska Service Center...hope yes...and if so, how ??

Hi, lifeonhold,
Yes, it is possible.
I have a plan to update the programs to scan case status and to manage scanned data, but not scheduled.
Until that time, you and NSC applicants can scan LIN cases by my Java program or by off-patience's script.
Once I received scanned results from you,
I will post the summary report like VSC.
thanks !!

Thanks Kashmir ....

So the next questions is ... how can I get your JAVA program ... I am assuming you have posted the answer to this in one the threads but I must have missed it. I will def. send you the results.