Philadelphia Transfer Cases

Re: E-filed EAD approved per online message. New site for timeline.

Originally posted by Turkish Engineer
Since our cases has been transferred, I am assuming with TD used as RD on this page, we could have some better idea about the timeline.

USCIS Atlanta told my Senator and I that they considered the "original" receipt date at the Service Centers, NOT the transfer date. Have you gotten in touch with one of your Congressional representatives on this? You will at the very least get a response out of USCIS Philly.

Hello all

Do you know why your cases were transfered to Philly DO? Do you guys live around that area? So will all cases filed from the state of Pennsylvania get transferred to Philly DO?

My company filed my petition from Pittsburgh, and Now I am working in Maine, if they had to transfer, can I request them to transfer my case to Maine? I am still using my relative's address (in Pittsburgh) in the 485 form.

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Originally posted by dynobuoy
Hello all

Do you know why your cases were transfered to Philly DO?

Who has a clue?...

Originally posted by dynobuoy
Do you guys live around that area?


Originally posted by dynobuoy
So will all cases filed from the state of Pennsylvania get transferred to Philly DO?

No.. Depending on which DO has jurisdiction over your place of residence.

Originally posted by dynobuoy
My company filed my petition from Pittsburgh, and Now I am working in Maine, if they had to transfer, can I request them to transfer my case to Maine?

Yes, if you file AR-11 and specify a ME address. (And, of course, if this change of address will get into the VSC system)

Originally posted by dynobuoy
I am still using my relative's address (in Pittsburgh) in the 485 form.


Then, should your case get transferred, you'll be interviewed in Pittsburgh, not Philly.
Join the Philly transfer waiting line

NIW case transferred 12/12/03 after RFE, 2FP
After all the waiting, all they can do is to delay further and further.

EB2 self-sponsored NIW. I guess they want to verify my NIW case.

RD 3/13/02
ND 4/5/02
1FP received by CIS 5/20/02
2FP sent on 9/26/03
2FP received by CIS 10/17/03 (not update, known from FBI)
3FP sent on 12/4/03 (schdule for 12/30/2003-1/6/2004), not done yet
RFE sent 10/10/03 (emp. letter, fed. tax return, W-2)
RFE received by CIS 11/7/03
TD 12/12/03
Some good news about Philadelphia Local Office!

Just a small news to cheer your day up!.

I just checked the district office processing times posted December 15th. For Philadelphia it says for I-485 "Now Processing with receipt Notice Date of October 05 2002. Last month it was August 20th 2002. Most (or very likely all) of these district office cases are with interviews.

At least things are moving even though delayed.
Turkish Engineer: did you receive interview notice?

If Pilly office is processing Oct 02 cases, your case should be approved long time ago.

Does the processing time make sense in your case?
Sort of...

lowell, I did not get an interview letter yet. I am just theorizing Philadelphia Office takes transfer cases as if they are just filed at time of the transfer and put them in the same queue with locally filed I-485 cases.

But I do not have a proof of that.
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If you haven't got it, I lost most of the hope

Did you visit Philly by person? Did you contact congressmen or senators?
lowell, I did not contact any representative or senator and I did not visit Philadelphia Office in person before. But the lawyer tried to inquire about the case several times. Last one just this month and she did not get any answer back.

Unless I see an interview for someone who has a transfer date after 11/13/2002, I will just assume that is how it stands with Philadelphia Local Ofice and try to be patient.
Philadelphia cases - receipt notice date

Does anyone know what is meant by receipt notice date at the local office for transferred cases? Is it the date on which the case was transferred to that local office or the receipt date of the I-485 application from the service center where the original I-485 was filed?
Also when does Philadelphia local office send fingerprinting notices? Is it just before the interview or when they realize that the fingerprinting done previously has expired?
My case was filed in Sept.2001 at California Service Center. I then moved Delaware in Dec. 2001. In Jan 2003 CSC transferred it to San Francisco local office for them to schedule an interview even though they had my home address as Delaware. They sent the transfer notice to my address in Delaware. The SFO local office then transferred it to Newark, NJ thinking I lived there by just looking at Newark, without seeing DE.. Morons... THe Newark NJ office sent the file to Baltimore, coz my lawyer lives in Baltimore. Another bunch of idiots.. After running around from more than 10 months finally got it transferred to Philly since Iam in the Philadelphia jurisdiction. When I went to the local office, the IIO told that it will take 12-15 months from the transfer date for the interview.. Iam just frustrated with this whole thing.
Does contacting the local senator or Congressman help in any way for cases in Philadelphia local office? Has anyone done something like that?
Receipt Date..

Hey folks..

Almost a month back i have visited the INS center in Philly on the callow hill street to find out about the status of my transfered case.

Here is the official explanation i got from the IIO for the delay when i visited the USCIS office in Philadelphia.

They don't care when your case was filed at the regional centers like Vermont or California or Texas or Nebraska.The date when they put our files for processing order will be the date when "they receive the case ". It does not matter if the case has been pending for 3 years or 5 years .They will process the case based on the date when they recieve the case .

So if the case has been filed in Aug 2001 and Vermont has transfered the case in Dec 2002 then the RD date for processing as per USCIS Philly will be Dec 2002 and not Aug 2001.

The IIO told me that they are taking 12-15 months mininum to process transfered cases and whatever processing that has been done at the Regional centers is invalid and they will treat the applications as if they were being filed new.
She asked me to come back sometime in March 2004 after 12 months have passed from the transfer date and there is every chance that they will not touch cases before 15 months.

I am really sorry to know about your ordeal but don't think you are alone..there are so many of us here with similar situations.

Don't worry someday u'll make it..just don't let this situation effect your mind set as it will only ruin your personal life.
Getting or not getting a GC is not the end of the world and the sky is not falling too!!..


Do you know when they send finger printing notices? Does it have any semblence with the interview timing?
Hey gcsep10! You are still around! I have not hear from you since last May I think. It is only you, me and philapa that are left from old. I was feeling pretty lonely here. Nice to hear from familiar user-names, albeit unfortune since it means they are still waiting.

Where is libai? What happened to him?
The only comment I have is: it sucks to be us..
It's rather peculiar though that different field offices follow rather different policies when it comes to treating transferred cases (see TheRealCanadian's post above). I was rather encouraged but what he'd been able to find out. If there's anyone out there with "insder's info" on the "official" guidelines, please come forward. (I promise not to ask how it might've been obtained: be it through an acquaintance in the CIS-land, a drunken stranger in a bar, or from a seduced CIS clerk). ;)
How about move out of Philly?

Question for ganap:

Did you ask the local office to transfer your case to your new address or they automatically did that? Did you have trouble to renew your EAD and AP? thanks.

I may have to move to other state since CIS screwed up my current job offer. I need to find another job which does not require a green card.

Turkish Engineer: thanks for your idea to read 'War and Peace'. I just borrowed that book.
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Hey Turkish engineer,Lowell and all the other folks,

I thought Libai got interviewed and approved..

Lowell u should visit the philly center once..u will have 2'nd,3'rd and a thousand other thoughts about trying to seduce anyone there..!!!

The sec guards are very rude..there were only 2 iio's in the counter's who were very polite and courteous rest all were very rude,with an attitude of ##$@@^&* these people why do they want to disturb our sleep here!!!

With the way it looked at the center i do not think there will be much of progress for the next 6 months..

Atleast i sort of forgot that i ever have a GC processing going on and i am kind of going around with my own things!!!

Ciao folks
Glad to see you guys are around

My cases was transfered Sept. 2003. My lawyer received the transfer notice, but I didn't. Will Philly office send a receipt notice to us? Will they give us a new notification date formally?

I visited the office in October. The lady is rude. She said, we 'don't care' the time you spent in VSC. I wrote a letter to the director to complain the service. But he doesn't bother to reply.

Before that, I wrote a letter to local congressman for help. They did contacted CIS and told me that CIS would process according to their workload and asked me to reply if I need further inquiry. Therefore, I wrote another letter to tell the congressman that it's unfair that they don't consider the time wasted in VSC.

Early November, Philly office was processing mid-Oct 2002; Mid-Nov, they were processing Aug 2002; now back to Oct 2002. Nobody knows what will happen next month.
Originally posted by yellowcard
Therefore, I wrote another letter to tell the congressman that it's unfair that they don't consider the time wasted in VSC.


Any response from the congressman to your second letter? Just out of curiousity, whom did you contact?

I am still waiting for the response of the 2nd letter from the congressman. It was sent out about 3 weeks ago.

Can you guys also write to your congressmen/senators to show them the unfairness towards the transferred cases?