Philadelphia SESA Tracker

Hi Guys,

I spoke to my lawyer yesterday regarding current processing dates. I specifically asked him if they have stopped RIR to speed up NonRIR. He mentioned that he spoke to the supervisor in SWA and they are processing May1st 2001RIR. He mentioned that RIR and NonRIR dates need not be the same and in most cases trails by a whole year. They may work on NonRIR cases but not at the cost of RIR. Thats his version and hope its true.

Did anybody else's lawyer, other than sl19143, check the status? What about you PhilliMay?
As per my company’s Lawyer office policy, they are against calling SWA to check status. Instead asking me to wait until they hear from SWA. (Either Query or Approval)

Also my date is May07 01', So still a long way to go.
I was browsing through Philly DOL forum in this website. I was surprised that I could not find a single person from Philly SESA in DOL. Most are from Harrisburg.
Wonder if people from Philly SESA are as inconspicuous in Philly DOL as they were in Philly SESA.
Hello Guys,

Still no news from my Laywer. I think Kans1 is the only one with May 01 2001 date , so let wait until we hear some good news from Kans1.
Hello Guys,

Still no news from my Laywer. I think Kans1 is the only one with May 01 2001 date , so let wait untill we hear some good news from Kans1.
I think Philly SESA is dead. Its more than 2months since they started May01, and they haven't reached my case yet. No body else in this forum has May 1st. Are all other cases for 245i?? I think 245i applicants would be in Non-RIR, so why this delay? What do u guys think?

I wish I could just see what these guys do there sitting all day?????
Running out of patience

This delay in Philly SESA is totally unreasonable. How can the state sit idle when harrisburg and pittsburgh are so far ahead in processing and philly just stays in May 1 forever.

Does anyone feel there would be good news for us in the PERM regulations. I want to hedge my bets on PERM....

Please respond regd PERM that seems to be the only escape route to me now.....

It is a disgrace that Phily SESA is so far behind Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. Do they get substantially less apps than Phily or what? From talking to Phily SESA guy long time back, I understand that Harrisburg is Computerized and is better staffed compared to Phily.

Talking to Senator or state rep is a good idea, however, I am not sure how effective its going to be. They might be more inclined to help voters in their constituency rather than "Aliens" like us.
I hope that Philly SESA gets done with May in a couple of months. Philly DOL for RIR is now in Aug 2002. We may get stuck there even if we clear SESA.

I keep asking you folks about PERM......don't you all feel that is the only way we can ever hope to get our labor approved before the end of 2003. My lawyer feels PERM is possible.......but let us wait for the guidelines

PERM will surely help in processing LCs faster but there are some very restrictive clauses which will make the LC process more stringent and that much more harder for a lot of people. So, PERM is not necessarily the best thing to happen to us. Of course, for the few people that have strong education, experience and the like, PERM would definitely be a boon.

This web site talks about a few of the down sides of PERM as it exists now.
I know people from pittsburgh, applied labor in June/Jul and Nov 2002 and have their labor approved! (Non-RIR)

So it's not predictable
Any NEWS where are we ? NY and NJ are moving ahead into may 2001 per the forum "professional" skill category
(IT related)are getting prefference compared to other categories is it rumor or something else that time would tell but as per forum they look positive....
So it seems, we at Philly SESA are the slowest. Even NY and NJ SESA have moved past us and almost are processing May end applications While at Philly SESA, after April 01 we have been sitting on May 01 now for several months.
My RD is May1st at SESA and I haven't heard anything from them.
As per their website they began processing May1st in Nov/Dec. Unless they are grossly inefficient, they should have finished atleast 1st by now. NJ seems to be processing 21st May??Has anybody called SESA recently?


Anyone knows, what needs to be done for H-1 extension beyond 6 years. Mine is exppiring Sep 03. My labor was filed June 01 but how can I prove that it was filed since Philly sesa does not issue a receipt. Did anyone face similar situation? I must start working on it now. Please let me know if you have come across such a situation.
